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lol  bilo je "first encounter" a sad dal ce oma da bude razor style event ili ce da bude trasha ispred to se ne zna =o))

prvi boss v Naxxu je - http://www.wow-europe.com/en/misc/wowinsid...07/anatomy.html


At the start of the encounter, the players don't fight Thaddius himself; they battle two wights that are in the same room on two separate platforms. These platforms are not directly connected, so to fight them the raid has to split up and attack both wights at the same time. But it gets worse... the wights have the ability to snatch a player from one platform and pull him to the other, which again is a way to split up the raid and divide their forces. We're pretty happy with the carnage and confusion the wights will cause unsuspecting raiders during this first stage of the fight.

One central part of the whole Frankenstein myth is the way the monster was brought to life using lightning and electricity. We wanted to include the symbolism of that plot point and turn it into a fitting, cool gameplay mechanic for our boss encounter. When we thought about how we could make an "electric" element work in this fight, one thing that immediately came to mind was positive and negative charge. Voltage is created when electric charges are separated; when the charges are brought together, the stored energy is released in an electrostatic discharge - your basic electric shock. This principle seemed like a perfect fit for this fight, so when players finally go up against Thaddius, he will "polarize" the raid group by making half the raid positive and the other half negative. When positive and negative raid members get too close to each other... Well, let's just say that you want to get as far away from players with an opposite charge as possible, which again plays into the idea of separating the raid.


sex, drugs and bio food!

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sigh opet neke bube i nakaze kao boss-ove -.-

zamislite da neki boss bude velichine gnome-a a da udara kao chimera koliko bi vam bilo drago da ga ubijete [:D] a ne neke nakazetine koje nisu ni zanimljive da ih gledas dok ih ubijas pa ti fajt traje onako samo da prodje sto pre i vidis loot.

npr .... baron ,nefarian .. to su zanimljivi bossovi i jos mnogo kojih ne mogu da se setim .

ali npr zadnji boss u aq40 je neka jegulja odvratna koja u opste nije zanimljiva :/

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sto kakite ? ajde lepo jedan bubble hs .. nema tu nikakava fizika trte mrte ovo ono .. gg no re

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Samo se nadam da nece morati opet da se skupljaju itemi kao sto je bilo War Efforts za AQ ...

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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