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Johhny Rocketfingers 2

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odigrajte i prvi deo, isto ima na newgroundsu.

@ gotti

mutjni glavom

Edited by kruko

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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ali najgenijalnija rechenica je "the bigger they are ... the harder i kill them" KOJIH VRH !!

inache shteta shto je kratka al svaka fora je toliko odlichna da nemam rechi !!

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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e ja ne mogu da muckam glavom vise :D aj reci nam kruko :D a onaj golub je neunistiv........

pomesaj fizzy tabs sa hlebom i daj mu

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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ukradi 40's iz prodavnice tako sto ces flasu progurati kroz rupu

flasu daj propalici

ukradi mu kes

kupi sranje u prodavnici;)

inace kul je igra al mi se nesto vise svideo prvi deo..dal me odusevio vise crtez ili nesto ne znam al sve u svemu do jaja je

edesi.org :)

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kako da nadjem upaljav ono liku ????

I kako da zajebem prodavca i krokodila i goluba ???

help me pls

krokodila .....skines pipe onu dole udjes u onu cev veliku bacis mu sendvic

kako da dodjem do onog jebenog blaga :D?

Edited by Kal1mero

Нема  будућности без истине.

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