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neshto sam sva slomljena... boli me svaka ebena koshcica u telu... JoooooJ...

Code Realms

Evo je, bice nevolje...

Unutar svake normalne osobe postoji ludak koji se bori da izbije na povrsinu. Niko ne poludi brze od potpuno normalne osobe.

One... Two... Freddy's coming for you...

Three... Four... Better lock the door...

Five... Six... Grab a crucifix...

Seven... Eight... Gonna stay up late...

Nine... Ten... Never sleep again!!!

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-spava mi se toliko bre!

-ne znam.

-ali sam relativno hepi.

-kod vasketa danas.


brandstack.com/users/portfolio/logos/gligorov \\ behance.net/gligorov

99designs.com/people/gligorov \\ twitter.com/MarkoGligorov \\ upstack.com/

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Spava mi se opet. Cele nedelje produzavam ustajanje iz kreveta za pola sata, stizem u poslednji minut ili kasnim na posao. Danas moram da kupim poklon drugarici za rodjendan i da dosta ranije legnem da spavam, moram da se odmorim.

Home is where the hearthstone is.

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петак танананаааананана, пеееетак тананананананана

пееееееееееееетааааааааааааааак оу јеа, ПЕТАК!




Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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We're so high

I'm watching all the clouds drift by below me

We should try

It's been so long since I made you cry

J-E-T (J-E-T)

You are so good for me (You are so good for me)

You are my jetstream lover

You're how I wanna be (Just how I wanna be baby)

uf , sto ne dodje New Order na exit....

ili bar da jednom dozivim jet lag (do jaja zvuci) :)))

inace..sta vam seva sta radim , necu ni da vam pricam :P :)

step in my transporter , so I can teleport ya,all around my heavenly body..

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Stvari su se odigrale malo brze nego sto sam ocekivao, u svakom slucaju najveci geek na forumu (a i sire :) ) se zaljubio O_o [:D] Kakva ga majka rodila nestrpljivog i preduzimljivog odmah sam joj bacio Zlu Djiju i momentalno je pala :)


Sada sam happy :)))

Edited by Stator
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Stvari su se odigrale malo brze nego sto sam ocekivao, u svakom slucaju najveci geek na forumu (a i sire :) ) se zaljubio O_o [:D] Kakva ga majka rodila nestrpljivog i preduzimljivog odmah sam joj bacio Zlu Djiju i momentalno je pala :)


Sada sam happy :)))

[jupi] Статорко, враголану један! [:D]


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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RFW deformacija... :P

100% tacna dijagnoza. :)

pazi situaciju. ja se probudim i da vidim koga da napadnem. nema nikoga. ok vratim se da spavam. i burazer se ujutru budi. i RFW mi je ukljucen u browseru a ja otisao da operem zube. vracam se. kad on napao tebe!

sa 15 turnova. ono shto je josh tragicnije je to da si ti imao 3000 golda tada, ajde shvatio bih ga da si imao mnogo kesha pa je hteo da mi "pomogne" ali ovako...

hteo sam da se ubijem i jos ne mogu da prezalim te turnove...:)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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@ Sheyn

obozavam Crystal :D

We're like crystal, we break easy

I'm a poor man, if you leave me

I'm applauded, then forgotten

It was summer, now it's autumn

I don't know what to say, you don't care anyway

I'm a man in a rage (just tell me what I've got to do), with a girl I betrayed

Here comes love, it's like honey

You can't buy it with money, you're not alone anymore,

(whenever you're here with me),

You shock me to the core, you shock me to the core


Home is where the hearthstone is.

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Aj kad smo vetj u fazonu New Order-a...

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"60 Miles An Hour"

I don't know if I told you, but I'm seeking sanctuary

You'll never guess the things that I do

I'll have the devil round for tea

Don't you know that I'm here beside you

Can't you see that I can't relax

When I saw you in my rearview

You could've stopped me in my tracks

I'll be there for you when you want me to

I'll stand by your side like I always do

In the dead of night it'll be alright

'Cos I'll be there for you when you want me to

You can take me to an island, ride across the stormy sea

We can worship pagan idols, there together you and me

Why don't you run over here and rescue me?

You can drive down in your car

Why don't we both take a ride and turn that key

We'll drive at 60 miles an hour

I'll be there for you when you want me to

I'll stand by your side like I always do

In the dead of night it'll be alright

'Cos I'll be there for you when you want me to

I'll be there for you when you want me to

I'll stand by your side like I always do

In the dead of night it'll be alright

'Cos I'll be there for you when you want me to

I'll be there for you when you want me to

I'll stand by your side like I always do

In the dead of night it'll be alright

'Cos I'll be there for you when you want me to

I'll be there for you when you want me to

I'll stand by your side like I always do

In the dead of night it'll be alright

'Cos I'll be there for you when you want me to

Life is gistro...

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Bah, petak, a ja radim u subotu... Nishta, chekam nedelju [:)]

Krenuo sam da parlam sa klincem na srpskom, jes da me niko u kuci ne razume, ali zato mali spava k'o iz topa [:D]

Nek nauchi prvo sprski da imash sa kime da ogovarash ukucane [:D]

Ei Aaniigoo 'Ahoot'e

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Bah, petak, a ja radim u subotu... Nishta, chekam nedelju [:)]

Krenuo sam da parlam sa klincem na srpskom, jes da me niko u kuci ne razume, ali zato mali spava k'o iz topa [:D]

ahaha, vrh...samo napred srbo:)...btw, uplatio net konacno, pikao malo heroje, posle treba da vozim kevu za pozarevac i tako...jos da sednem da ucim nesto za jun...smor...


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