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Who would u like to fuck?

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fnzbb, pishe da je pablo puyol na slici ali meni ne lichi uopshte... mozhda zbog kose O.o

inache, moj san... pored devojke iz profila :p

ima lepe oci [:D]

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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ona i ja posle akcije :]

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Edited by Sharulja

Arbeit macht Frei.

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ja znam da o ukusima ne treba raspravljati,ali u slucaju dzenifer lopez mogu samo da kazem da je niste videli bez sminke.kapiram da se na nju loze samo ljudi koji su vedeli ove preterano retusirane slike.

posle odgledane emisije hauarda sterna imam izuzetnu zelju da jebem dzenu dz :Prealno sam bolji od simbijana:D

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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