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E imam jedno pitanje.Imam drooda lvl 45 feral pa me interesuje da li bi valjalo da se respecujem u resto ili da chekam do 60-og lvla???PLZ HELP!!!


Mortal Crusader Strike

700 mana

1 yard

An ability dealing 2% of weapon damage. Reduces healing done to the target by 5%. Lets not get Crazy! Also starts a 10 second cooldown on all paladin abilities when used.

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Ja sam respecovao na 56-om bio sam skoro full feral + natures grasp i 1-2 tpoena u resto.Meni je prelazak na feral umalo ogadio wow.BUKVALNO ubijas kripa 3-4 puta brze nego kada si feral.A ako nemas dobru feral opremu i da ne pricamo.....dakle do 59. nikakav prelazak na resto ne dolazi u obzir.......mozes se provlaciti kao offhealer do tada :))))))

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Ajd malo sam coveku zasrao temu,ali ko zna.......trebace i njemu

Koje modove da koristim,ne samo za druide nego i ostale koje sve ostale klase koriste?Malo sam se spremao,gledao mc clipove,posto ce mi ovo biti prvo end game iskustvo........

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Ma idi full feral , idi po instancama i kidnapuj Shadowcraft ispred rogueovog nosa i uzivaj :>

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Jel moze neko od iskusnijih dr00dova da mi napravi neki build

Vazno je samo da koliko toliko ubijam kripa brzo,a i da mogu da hilujem ko svet u instancama

57. sam lvl

balance : ng. nw. ooc

feral : 34 po zelji sve je dobro

resto : furor 5

lepo sam napisao al treba ti i resto oprema naravno...

Edited by NemaN!-!-!
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balance : ng. nw. ooc

feral : 34 po zelji sve je dobro

resto : furor 5

lepo sam napisao al treba ti i resto oprema naravno...

vidim bas se razlikujes od milion drugih :P

ako ces pvp 0/30/21

ako ces pve sa malo pvpa al da si xtra hiler 2/11/38

ako ces samo pve nisam siguran tacno ali najverovatnije 0/11/40 posto feral dobro dodje i u pveu ( ne za dps lozaci pogani za oftenkovanje i ostajanje u zivotu )



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  • 4 months later...

Htedoh te napushiti al ajd ... al moram retji pa zar vi ljudi ne umete da chitate sta talenti rade? i da koristite malo mozak sta sa njima mozete uraditi?

elem moj trenutni spec uglavnom pve sa malo pvpa koji se uglavnom bazira na survivabilitiju


Nature's Grasp Rank 1

Balance Total: 1

Feral Combat

Ferocity Rank 5

Brutal Impact Rank 2

Feral Instinct Rank 3

Feral Charge Rank 1

Feral Combat Total: 11


Improved Mark of the Wild Rank 5

Furor Rank 5

Improved Healing Touch Rank 5

Improved Regrowth Rank 5

Insect Swarm Rank 1

Gift of Nature Rank 5

Reflection Rank 3

Improved Rejuvenation Rank 3

Nature's Swiftness Rank 1

Tranquil Spirit Rank 5

Swiftmend Rank 1

Restoration Total: 39

Evo i pvp iliti 1vs1 i hiler u mass vs mass


Nature's Grasp Rank 1

Balance Total: 1

Feral Combat

Ferocity Rank 5

Brutal Impact Rank 2

Sharpened Claws Rank 3

Feral Instinct Rank 3

Blood Frenzy Rank 2

Improved Shred Rank 2

Predatory Strikes Rank 3

Feral Charge Rank 1

Savage Fury Rank 2

Feline Swiftness Rank 1

Heart of the Wild Rank 4

Faerie Fire (Feral) Rank 1

Feral Combat Total: 29


Furor Rank 5

Nature's Focus Rank 5

Improved Healing Touch Rank 5

Improved Enrage Rank 1

Insect Swarm Rank 1

Reflection Rank 3

Nature's Swiftness Rank 1

Restoration Total: 21

I evo ti full feral dps/pvp shtavetj


Nature's Grasp Rank 1

Natural Shapeshifter Rank 3

Omen of Clarity Rank 1

Natural Weapons Rank 5

Improved Nature's Grasp Rank 4

Balance Total: 14

Feral Combat

Ferocity Rank 5

Brutal Impact Rank 2

Sharpened Claws Rank 3

Feral Instinct Rank 3

Blood Frenzy Rank 2

Improved Shred Rank 2

Predatory Strikes Rank 3

Feral Charge Rank 1

Savage Fury Rank 2

Feline Swiftness Rank 2

Heart of the Wild Rank 5

Leader of the Pack Rank 1

Faerie Fire (Feral) Rank 1

Feral Combat Total: 32


Furor Rank 5

Restoration Total: 5



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