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lisica jebote! :D

Swift and agile, you know what you want and how to get it. You react badly to competition. You use your guile - whatever needs to be done to get them in the sack. Romance can be useful - but only as a trick to get your hands on what you really want. In bed you're a focused lover but have a cheeky, wild streak and aren't afraid to try a few new techniques which often shocks your partners.

Edited by GcV.Bjeli
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paz sad !


You are a Koala!

Cuddly and snuggly. You love romance and being pampered by a partner. Candle-lit dinners, red roses and soft, moody music all set the perfect tone for you. In bed you're very sensual and eager to give your partner as much as they give you. You love sex but it isn't a major priority in your relationships. You're at your happiest being cradled in your partner's arms.

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Guest kli[c]a

You are a Koala!

Cuddly and snuggly. You love romance and being pampered by a partner. Candle-lit dinners, red roses and soft, moody music all set the perfect tone for you. In bed you're very sensual and eager to give your partner as much as they give you. You love sex but it isn't a major priority in your relationships. You're at your happiest being cradled in your partner's arms. Email this to a friend or Take quiz again

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You are a Slug!

Call yourself an animal? - you're about as exciting as lump of cheese. Oh dear. You need to inject some passion into your performance, some zing into your zang. Start practicing, buy a manual, buy a doll - you need something, anything to liven it up a bit between the sheets

Da wazi sto je to tako...nesto se izbagowalo 100% ahhaahahha

Interrupts better than Kanye

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hehehehehe... sve sam ptichice i majmunchici...

btw I'm a monkey :P

Code Realms

Evo je, bice nevolje...

Unutar svake normalne osobe postoji ludak koji se bori da izbije na povrsinu. Niko ne poludi brze od potpuno normalne osobe.

One... Two... Freddy's coming for you...

Three... Four... Better lock the door...

Five... Six... Grab a crucifix...

Seven... Eight... Gonna stay up late...

Nine... Ten... Never sleep again!!!

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You are a Snake!

You charmer! You like to chat up the lookers when you're out and have been known to use a few cheesy chat up lines to try and impress. A bit flash, you like showing off what you've got. But when the time comes, there's no messing around - you go in for the kill and they don't stand a chance. Sex is fast and furious - you get what you want and then you're outta there. No time to worry about their needs - you chew them up, spit them out and on to the next victim.

neko me odruko :P

Edited by Azdaja

� by Ivan_

alen je van konkurencije.

� by Ignis Dei

Alen mora da bude van konkurencije, jer je Macan

� by Alen

nije bitna strela nego indijanac.

Baseball Club Beograd96

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