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So liek ur liek letz all talk some english and stuff and im liek omfg itz gonna be so fukin cool rite...o.O I woke up thiz mornin rite and i start pwnin noobz rite and i pwned liek 10 noobz this mornin rite...and one said me omfg u got no life omfg get a life and stuff and i said lolololol yeah no life 4 life gg.And im so fukin gg and hez sucha noob rite

And i said him to lick mina ballz and he left an i tho cryed and stuff lolololol

Interrupts better than Kanye

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So liek ur liek letz all talk some english and stuff and im liek omfg itz gonna be so fukin cool rite...o.O I woke up thiz mornin rite and i start pwnin noobz rite and i pwned liek 10 noobz this mornin rite...and one said me omfg u got no life omfg get a life and stuff and i said lolololol yeah no life 4 life gg.And im so fukin gg and hez sucha noob rite

And i said him to lick mina ballz and he left an i tho cryed and stuff lolololol


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Tea is good, innit?

(a one act tragedy, written by immortal pen of one Luke Goldman of Ugrinowtzi, at the dawn of 21st century)

I was sitting with me old lady drinkin' tea, and browsing the forum, and we were like:

'Owww, lookit 'ere, this nice chappie Zeki, he opened an English speaking thread...'

'Yes, quite nice of him actually in this time and age...'

'Yes, might help local children learn english and flee that godfarsaken country they live in.'

'Quite right...'

'What do you suppose we should do with it then?'

'Dunno love, maybe we should blog something in it?'

'Oh right... You go first then!'

'I'll be chuffed to do so:

- I was doing rough layouts of my new rur spanish opera, and then that Ivan_ guy goes and stuffs my thread full of spam, spam and more spam...'

'Well, with a name like that...'

'Yeah, commie bastard...'

'I heard he was raped with a bottle of Guiness...'

'Well, that explains a lot... Bloody Irish commie...'

'Yes... Still, you gotta feel a bit sorry for the poor bugger?!'

'No. I most certainly do not.'

'Tee-hee. Right you are. But we digress, let's continue with blogging...'

'Oh right, right:

- Seeing that appeals could not reach his stone cold heart, i tried looking for help in other departments. There's this Mjau_ lass, moderating that stuff, so I asked her for help, said I would buy chocolates for her if she does her job...'

'Oh, you would buy chocolates for little girls, wouldn't you... Dirty old bastard...'

'Shut it you old cow... Anyway:

- She buggered me off, ignoring my pleas and begs, my bribes and at end my cries. And I was really thinking that a girl would like to take things into control...'

'Yeah, girls are nothing like when I was young... We were always taking control...'

'Well, don't I know it...'

'Don't know why I bothered tho?'

'Oh, sod off, let's just drink tea...'

'Yeah, lets.'

'I was gonna do it even without your permission, oh Queen of England.'




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