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kucas u run-u config. (ili tako nesto nemogu tacno da se setim raspitaj se) i onda tamo zatvoris sve sto ti netreba!

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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Mislim da dc++ ima tu opciju negde...

A najbolje bi ti bilo da predjesh na peerweb, koji pored toga shto sigurno mozhe da se minimizuje u tray yebe kevu dcu i na mnogim drugim poljima. ;)

FZ: I have a message to deliver to the cute people of the world...if you're cute, or maybe you're beautiful...


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hm dc++ je po defaultu kad kliknes na minimize da predje u tray.. mozda imas staru verziju?

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Mislim da dc++ ima tu opciju negde...

A najbolje bi ti bilo da predjesh na peerweb, koji pored toga shto sigurno mozhe da se minimizuje u tray yebe kevu dcu i na mnogim drugim poljima. ;)

po cemu je to bolji?

mislim to je verzija dca?ima ih dosta,po cemu se uopste razlikuju?

sry za offtopic

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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