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poprilicno jak warrior set ! Kako za pvp, tako i za tanking. Konacno je blizz ukapirao da warriorima nije zanimljivo da tankuju 24/7.

i ladno su pocheli da rotiraju setove za wara u pravcu da bude dmg dealer u PvE .. josh sam kad bi to ljudi svatili

warr sa dobrom opremom moze da overdmguje rogua ,(sad ce da me flejmuju imba rogovi sa foruma), sa ovim postavlja se pitanje egzistencije rogua u nekim velikim gildama. Vishe hp-a, vishe +def, vishe armora, vaga zeshce prevagnjuje na jednu stranu.

Edited by Immortalis

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[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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MaudDib, "vecina" itema ima najvise stamine (naravno sto nam treba za tanking). Strength je potreban za attack power=more rage, vise damage-a ces blokirati sa shtitom i na kraju agility=veca sansa da ces dodge-ovati (sto znaci 1% damage reduction) i veci armour

Defense naravno stoji

Nije bas cisti damage dealer, jos uvek se primeti da je za tankovanje :)

(Chest breastplate ima "skoro" 1000 armoura, woot! :) )

Edited by Ve
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Might Set:

Armor: 4306

Stamina: 189

Strength: 143

Fire: 34

Def: 41

Passive: Improves your chance to hit by 1%

Passive: Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 1%

Passive: Increases your chance to parry an attack by 1%

Passive: Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 2%

Passive: Increases the block value of your shield by 30.

Passive: Gives you a 20% chance to generate an additional Rage point whenever damage is dealt to you.

Passive: Increases the threat generated by Sunder Armor by 15%.

Conqueror's Set:

Armor: 3783

Stamina: 140

Strength: 137

Agility: 96

Def: 26

Passive: Improves your chance to hit by 2%

Passive: ????

Passive: ????

Passive: ????

brojke same govore .. ovo je PvE, dmg, warrior suit .. za PvP imash bolju plavu opremu od ovoga ..

sad to shto bi onda rogue ostali bez posla to je druga pricha

i hate u ! [:D]


• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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