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REVOLVER by Guy Richie !!!


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Sta reci posle sinocnje premijere REVOLVERA na

mom sobnom divx playeru, jos jedno odlicno ostvarenje

Richija koji bash vadi englesku produkciju svojim

bolesnim ostvarenjima, pored njega samoga glavne uloge tumache

i Ray Liota (Good Fellas) i jos par zescih leekova...

moja preporuka !!!

Унутра је сигурно читава експлозија радости и магије!

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au niggeru, natera me da uzmem film..bio on extra ql da nije to klasicna prica o prevarantima(mada mi se andre3000 do jaja uklopio u celu pricu, da ne govorim tek o ostalim glumcima), ali stvarno onaj kraj i ceo rasplet su pretripovani, jednostavno covek se izgubi dok pohvata neke stvari i odjednom, bum kraj film =) i svi u fazonu wtf :)



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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that's the spirit my son :)



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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  • 1 month later...

uf, pogledah ovo konačno..

film je u fazonu da ti se il svidi il ne, i meni se nije svideo..

ok, ima par fantastičnih scena (ono kad kineskinja puca na reja), i JEBENI ŠKK deo sa uskakanjem u animu.. čak ima i kadar kroz rupu od metka.. nemam pojma dal je ovo tarantino smislio (čisto sumnjam) al svakako je trulo da riči iskoristi istu foru godinu dana posle njega..

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all you people who say you cant understand this film scare me. you're the problem with the world cuz you're too bloody stupid to realize how stupid you are.

the movie isn't that complex. forget the whole gangster plot (i dont have time to explain that stuff). The basic gist of the movie is that the only enemy in life is the self talk that goes on inside your head - so YOU are your greatest enemy.

now the movie calls this part of the human psyche "mr. gold". its all our fears, insecurities, etc. its the dark side of our psyche. hence, as long as you are controlled by "mr. gold" you are still in prison.

the thing is that mr. golds ONLY holds power over you becuase YOU think all these pathetic negative thoughts are your own.

taken a step further, this side of the human psyche is the reason for why society is so shallow and people so materialistic. as they say in the end "if you try to save them, they will kill you to protect him, becuase they believe they are him". Mr. Gold is that little voice in the back of your head that tells you to look out for number 1.

the whole movie is based on the concept that what controls us is our fears and we don't even know it (change the rules of what controls you, and you change the rules on what you can control). we are all "approval junkies" who get up for that "slap on the back" - ie. positive reinforcement to calm our fears and insecurities.

now the movie goes a step further. I see Mr. Gold as being hte devil. usually teh saying is "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didnt exist". this film twists that slightly to say "the greatest trick he ever pulled was convincing you that he was you".

its truly a testament that society really is falling into a state of secular materialism when a movie that focuses on what drives people to do what they do - whether that be good or bad - flies right over their heads. people really no longer care about what is right or wrong, or why people do what they do. 50 cent is now the professor tutoring the masses and its starting to show by teh fact that some people lack the intelligence to understand the ideas in this movie (its a sad day when the high school drug dealer gang banger is the one telling people how to think and people actually listen).

the whole movie is about the negative psychological traits that drive people to do what they do - and how the "devil" or "mr gold" or "evil" or "dysfunctional self talk" - is behind it all.

This movie is a much better attempt at looking at the inner psyche of man than the matrix, fight club, or any other movie i've seen. and unlike fight club or the matrix, it actually has a positive message - fear is what drives all the evil in teh world, first recognize your fears (ie. look in the last place you'd ever think to look) then overcome them and you will be a free man.

but if you have no interest in psychology or philosophy, or why people are the way they are, or do the things they do, and were rather expecting a gangsta flick i can see why you'd be disappointed. but it doesn't mean the movie is bad. it's a friggin work of genuiness if you ask me. i liked snatch, but this movie is heads and shoulders above snatch. snatch was a fun romp, but this movie has depth and actually tackles some big human psyche questions.

oh, and on a side note, it was a pleasure to see a script that focused on the ideas in the plot versus structuring the movie based on a checklist of hollywood recipes. Notice how there were no hot babes associated to any of the main characters (except for a very brief seen with the Lord). that to me shows integrity and commitment to the script. Even the matrix and fight club each had their "hot" babes to satisfy the beer gut truck drivers of the world.

if you didn't get this movie, you're an idiot, plain and simple. you're part of the problem with this world becuase you've got zero capability to think about what it means to be a human being - and i wouldn't be surprised if you're favorite movie was the new American Pie Band Camp.

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  • 1 year later...

ovo sam izvukao iz djubreta foruma:)

elem posto sam obilato zakasnio..odgledo sam film tek pre par dana..par puta..

i kad mi se sleglo reko da pogledam sta su ljudi rekli ovde..i nisam mogo da verujem da nije pokrenuo neku vecu i siru raspravu,tj. da ga je tako malo ljudi gledalo..

aj sad necu nista pricati, ali nek se ovo vrati na prvu stranu cisto da bi se ljudi setili i pogledali..film vredi videti. potpuno.i to nekoliko puta..poprilicno jedinstveno ostvarenje

p.s. ima vizije u ovom postu iznad mene..slicno sam razmisljao u nekim delovima..

ali verujem da svako ima svoje vidjenje i zakljucak filma

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jes da nisi napisao bog zna šta, al svaka ti čast što koristiš search :)

search je najmocnija alatka:)

ne pa znao sam da je neko nekad morao napraviti ovaj topik pa reko da ga nadjem..

a nisam teo odma da sirim pricu nego da vidim dal su ljudi uopste gledali i dali su za pricu:)

mislim da se ljudima nije svideo zato sto su ocekivali nesto tipa snatch i smokin barrels.

upravo tako..a i zato sto je potrebno malo ukljuciti mozak..naravno ima i takvih koji jednostavno ne vole da razmisljaju dok gledaju film nego se samo opuste i tojeto..ali pre svega ta nagla promena u radu reditelja..a i luc besson je kumovao scenariju sto je moralo izaci na dobro..

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