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DJ Tiesto

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e brate ti ne kapiras.Ja sam samo rekao da on pripada pravcu koji se zove Trance a  to da li radi eurotrance psy etc to me zabole.

off ; grine ides li na astral devetog ?

Verovatno, ima josh brdo vremena do tada, a izmedju Xerox & Illumination i X-Dream. Na Xerox & Illumination cu ici 100%, za X-Dream ne znam.

Disclaimer: Ko me izhejtuje na bilo koji nachin, pica.

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e brate ti ne kapiras.Ja sam samo rekao da on pripada pravcu koji se zove Trance a  to da li radi eurotrance psy etc to me zabole.

off ; grine ides li na astral devetog ?

Pa da, isto ti je to, Astral i Tiesto, i Skazi, sve je to trance jelte, nema veze sto je ovo psy a ovo totalno nesto drugo.

Tako bi pod istu klasu stavio i Madonu , ipak to je MUZIKA sve, ista vrsta zar ne ?


Evo ti malo edukuj se pa mi posle dodji i objashnjavaj na forumu nesto o elektronskoj muzici.

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Pa da, isto ti je to, Astral i Tiesto, i Skazi, sve je to trance jelte, nema veze sto je ovo psy a ovo totalno nesto drugo.

Tako bi pod istu klasu stavio i Madonu , ipak to je MUZIKA sve, ista vrsta zar ne ?


Evo ti malo edukuj se pa mi posle dodji i objashnjavaj na forumu nesto o elektronskoj muzici.

e ex1le druze stari ja ti se izvinjavam.Zgresio sam necu vise.Znas vise o muzici vidim imas i avatar nekog dj-a.Jel to ti miksujes radis neke stvari ili sta /

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When Ghetto Tech plays, it's as if the Heavens themselves are speaking. Ghetto Tech will be the natural law of the New World Order. God himself will come down, declare his kingdom on earth, and inscribe on two tablets for all the hoes to shake their multitudes of titties. And it will be good. To the farthest reaches of the earth Ghetto Tech will permeate, and teach us all about harmony, life, love, and slapping dicks against the mouths of many bitches. Oh yes. So it is written, so it will be done. Amen.

Of course House wasn't going to leave Disco alone. Even if every track samples the same riff from Change - "The Glow of Love". This is easily the style of music that has the most fun. If there was an official gauge of how much fun something is, Disco House would score off the chart. If there was a country in the world called Funia, Disco House would be its national anthem, as well as the name of its capital city. Everyone would be free, easy, super and gay (that's gay as in happy and fun, not gay as in lame and stupid). I was once walking down the street late one night and a hooker called to me from the curb, asking me if I was looking for some fun. "No thanks, Miss," I replied, pulling out a pair of headphones. "I've got Disco House, the most fun there is." She nodded completely in agreement. "Word. Be on your way, then."


Edited by Kewa
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djuske sta lupetas majke ti?

Tebra ok ako volish euro al svaka zhurka koju sam gledao , na kojoj se vrteo euro je bilo tri brda gejeva koji se razmazuju , nisam komentarisao kvalitet pushtanja a ni kvalitet same muzike , samo masu koja ide na takve zhurke.

Gotta learn the rules

so i can break dem properly!

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