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Expansion - New Character Screen


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Photoshop. Vidi se po onim ikonama koji su u uglu text boxa ... prekrivaju prvo slovo :)

isto tako, sto kad je vec to slikao nije klinuo na pandarena, pa da ga vidimo kao lika, nego slika nekog humana ...

Edited by coll

sex, drugs and bio food!

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igrao si tft ? e pa jbg znash onda kako su se humans oficiri i knightovi ponashali prema njima kao prema inferiornoj rasi , dakle zaista uvredljivo , e pa zbog toga su se onda ujedinili sa nagama i ilidanom jer im je on obecao novi "izvor" magije , tj kada je kraljevstvo nigh elfova propalo taj izvor magije koji se nalazio na mestu njihovog glavnog grada postao je nedostupan , a svima je dobro poznato da su oni zavisni od magije i da gube svoju besmrtnost i moc ako nemaju neki jak izvor magije , dakle ilidan im je obecao i humani su ih uvredili na 1000000 nacina pa su mu se pridruzili .... posto je ilidan porazen od strane artasa nista vishe se ne zna ... verovatno ce im tral ponuditi novi izvor magije ako mu se ridruze ili tako neshto ... ne bi me cudilo a i krajnje je logicno ako znash prichu celu .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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proitaj sta sam gore napisao.... ako si igrao kampanju skriveni nivo , zadnji dodir elfova ihumana je bio ogroman sukob ( ono kada blood elfovi idu kroz portal a ti ih shtitish od ljudi koji napadaju ) uradjeno kao tower defence gde ti pomazu nage ...

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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pa kad se toliko prica o njima, mora neshto da bude :D.

btw pazite samo ove patch notes :DDD

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World of Warcraft Expansion: Legends of Azeroth

New Realms will opened for Expansion users only where the expansion changes are effected.

Character transfer to expansion realms from all realms will be permitted for all existing realms.

Expansion Realms Type.

PvP Conquest

PvP Normal

RP-PvP Conquest

Rp-PvP Normal



Experience Azeorth in whole new light. Experience whole new adventures, expanded areas, you'd hardly recognise it. Larger, more dangerous, more mysterious, the never-ending struggles of Azeroth take the next level to titanic porpotions.

The Level Cap has now been extended to 100. This will take place in two phases. First to 75, then later to 100

The Expansion also comes with an Audio-enabled program that allows players to speak to one another - you will need a microphone to communicate.


Fully new implemented Weather System.

Rain, fog, mist, thunder storms, snow storm, sand storms, dust storms, wild fires, haze from heat all visible and dynamic with sound effects.

Random effects of winds. 7 degrees of winds from very light to very strong. Tree branches sway, in strong winds character movement can be slowed by as much 20%

Distinct climates worldwide from Constant winter, to temperate and Tropical

Player animation has changed accordingly:

Visible differences between wet and dry hair. Wind movements and strength affect hair.

Also clothes correspond to weather, cloth gets wet and looks drenched in rain whiles mail has a glossy sheen. Capes if visible, flap

Perspiration and sweat is visible on faces and clothes and takes shorter time to appear in Hot climates and days, a longer time at cooler periods and hardly ever in snowy climes..

Weather affects blow air rides like Gryphons off course, freak storms can materialise anywhere sending Ships off course.

Over 100 new player animations and visuals including 5 variations of each. in particular new /sing , /scream emotes.


An audio visual pack has been added on 2 special CDS that contain the additions. Options exist to turn some of these on or off.

No less than 75 cut-scenes for quests and battle grounds. [Cut-scenes cannot be viewed if collecting or delivering a quest while still in a party]

Animations for over 500 quests

Speech implementation for ALL quests from NpCs

World topography has been refined to be clearer, mountains are for more varied, the thousand needles peaks for example look razor sharp and more versatile vegetation has been added.

You can sink in snow or sand

Running in water, snow, sand or dusty regions creates visible splashes and dust/sand/snow clouds.

Movement speed responds accordingly to analogue controls, and vibrations can be physically felt on appropriate controllers.

The music library has been severely expanded, no two areas will sound the same, instances have new exciting theme tunes characteristic of the instance. Even taverns have different music depending on what racial capital you are in, with audible laughter, ordering, shouts, fights taking place.

NpCs can be heard advertising there wares, children rushing from learning houses during the day, market places come alive and work places thrive. New sounds for throne-rooms of all racial leaders.


Day and Night are no longer uniform worldwide, night in Kalimdor is day on Azeroth: It is mid afternoon in westfall whiles late-afternoon - dusk in Quel'Thalas

Distinctly different luminosities for dawn, early morning, afternoon, late-afternoon, dusk, twilight , night.

Night luminosity varies from very dark requiring a light to see anything to starlight/moonlight night, or settlement light.

Time zones introduced around the world


Dread knight [Horde or Neutral only]: Hybrid /Tank/nuker

Necromancer [Horde or Neutral]: Magical nuker/ summoner

Ranger [Alliance or Neutral]: Hybrid magical & Physical Ranged/Melee dps dealer

Spellbreaker[Alliance or Neutral]: Hybrid (DoT, buffer/de-buffer)

Mechanik [Any]: Magical & Mechanical utility/dealer

Amazon [Any]: Melee combatant Hybrid

Paladin [Alliance or Netural Only]

Shaman [Horde or Neutral Only]

The rest may belong to any faction

New classes have been added complete with a fully array of skills, abilities, and the customary three talent trees.

(Special Druid alteration: Tauren and Night ELf driuds are penalised for fighting each other.)

Because of the Faction system change, certain classes you select will make you unable to join certain factions

Certain racial types can never get along

Hero Classes

Four Categories of Hero Classes.

Tank Heroes

Healing Heroes

Magical Nuking Heroes

Melee Dps Hereoes

They are based on the four major roles each class can adopt.

Each class has been given Epic Spells and Abilities that are class specific once they become a Hero.

And they may learn some basic skills in the Hero Category they choose. For e.g. a Warrior in the Healing Hero classes does not just learn ways to recover through spirit enhancements only, but learns some healing ability to an extent he can even take on that role in part.

There are four special sects of Hero Classes for each category you can diversify in.

The Level Cap has now been extended to 100.


High Elf - Classes: Ranger, Spellbreaker, Amazon, Hunter, Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Warlock

Naga - Necromancer, Warrior, rogue, hunter, mage, priest, warlock.

Goblin: Mechanik, Amazon, Warrior, rogue, Mage, Hunter.

Dryad: Amazon, Ranger, Warrior, Priest, Druid, Hunter.

In Addition to what they have now.

Orc: Dread Knight, Necromancer, Amazon [Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Warlock]

Undead: Necromancer, Dread Knight [Warrior, Mage, Warlock, Rogue, Priest]

Human: Spellbreaker, Mechanik [Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, Priest, Mage, Warlock]

Night Elf: Ranger, Amazon [Warrior, Druid, Hunter, Priest, Rogue]

Troll: Necromancer, Amazon [Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, Rogue, Mage, Priest]

Tauren: Amazon [Druid, Shaman, Warrior, Hunter]

Dwarves: Mechanik [Paladin, Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest]

Gnomes: Mechanik, Spellbreaker [Mage, Warlock, Warrior, Rogue]

Racial abilities receive 4 upgrades now, 1 at level 25, at 50, at 75 and at Level 100.


New Emotes

Added over 30 new facial types and variations for each race.

Added body type selection from gaunt thin to very fat (not available to all races and some classes)

Long periods of rested state or inactivity will cause a physical broadening of features, which will decrease incrimentally to your original body gait selection as you work through your rest state.

Default faction or neutral now selectable as choice.

Up to two new skills can be selected at start, some races can

Edited by Immortalis

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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AKko 10 % ovoga bude tachno uzdizem wow i blizard na nivo obozavanja ... mada mislim da ce mnogo ljudi da ih tuze jer pokushavaju da im uzmu zivot ... jer ao sto rekoh ako je ovo tachno gore ( za weather propadanje kroz sneg svetlost dana i noci , Kishu , sneg .... ) e onda jbg .... i dont have life anymore ... :) ipak lepo je sanjati :)

A kako otkrivas skriveni nivo?

p.s. Jel ovo iznad fake??

ima jedan nivo sa blood elfovima kada spashavash sa nagama i herojima neke iz humanskog zatvora ... e tu mogu da se razbiju neka vrata u tom zatvoru i da udjesh u neku sobu u kojoj su 3 ili 6 ovci u raznim bojama ( ne mogu tachno da se setim ) i onda ima neka caka sa njima , nistha preterano teshko , neka fora sa redosladom ovci i onda se otvori taj nivo ...

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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