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Subliminal verses

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auu, jezivo, za stairway to heaven sam znao, ali ovo ostalo ... Ovo kod eminema je dobro, my name is ?, my name is? , a naopacke eminem, eminem :D, dobra fora. Onda pink floyd, bash se lepo cuje unazad. A ostalo uglavnom bash spooky, ko zna koliko ima ovih gluposti a da nismo svesni.

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[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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ma sve je to zavera, isto kao sto je zavera sto nema na pijaci da se nadje dobrog paradajza i luka za vreme slavne sezone krkanja.

* plastificirani "laminated" paradajz iz merkatora i ostalih supermarketa nije dobar

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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i ja sam samo razumeo floyd-e i malo eminema

ma sve je to zavera, isto kao sto je zavera sto nema na pijaci da se nadje dobrog paradajza i luka za vreme slavne sezone krkanja.

* plastificirani "laminated" paradajz iz merkatora i ostalih supermarketa nije dobar

auuuuuuuuuu... radio sam letos na pijaci jedno vreme ... nikom to ne zelim, gore od toga jedino da te uvate neki fanatici u Ceceniji. Koje je to psihicko mucenje vi niste svesni.

Kad celo jutro gledas babe i dede, od kojih iskreno i ocekujem da nesto smaraju i kenjaju za sve i svasta, i onda dodje par "normalnih na prvi pogled ljudi" i skenjaju te skroz sa pricama tipa : "Nisam jeo paradajz 3 godine... ma nepitaj, otkako smo pukli na Kosovu ovi sa zapada nam samo salju neko otrovno djubrivo i modifikovano seme za sve" .. i kada posle njih dodje neki pijatelj i kad on dodje i krene da mi kenja kako je paradajz iz Tuske u sred avgusta.... znaci malo je falilo da citate u novinama da je M.V. (19) rodom iz Zemuna izvrsio masakr na pijaci.... poslednje sto je rekao pre nego sto ga je savladala 3. patrola intervente je bilo "hasan sas"

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A jeste... "Tako mlada,tako mlada" se od pozadi cita "Adalm Okat,Adalm Okat",to je neko muslimansko ime,pa verovatno Tanja Savic ima neke veze sa Alkaidom..



....Watch the master. Follow the master. Be the master....


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ne znam ja sta vi chujete... ja ne chujem nishta.. :) obicno mrmljanje...

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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Plaaaay backwards,

Hear why its sung here, oppositioner..

Allll on track, all arriving

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They all sing, and they are one.

Shall I loathe you now, parishoner?

Oh hear Him, Christian within me.

It stirs my sin; the river,

Oh, she swells with our lousiness.

All my life will end for him?

We're all out of signs,

I know I'm sorta shocked

To hear The Lord,

My God now will save me!

Oh I will n'er be saved,

Because I live with Satan..

One wish today;

That you'll all pray for

Three who will make it here late.

Pray now and you'll see..

The 'Lord' turned me on,

But, oh, I was the shaggy fool..

Clothed in agony,

Lost at a height.

There's no escaping it,

Nor his woes..

So here's to my Sweet Satan.

The other's little path

Would make me sad,

Whose power is faith.

He'll give those with him 666.

And all the evil fools,

they know he made

us suffer sadly.


"Family won't get loose,

They're offered me."

Always soothes the worker.

Always will be as we know now

"I see ruins," said he,

"the world they offered me?

Who wished the Lord's fall?"

If we lose feather,

Say you'll save me!

And no wimps can bend the rules..

And no wimps can do..

Hunt next to the shore,

'Cause they see all from there,

See here's the news,

Who walks with mute grief!

Perhaps no-one found thee...

"Heavy, lift me out,"

Spake the Reve,

"Someday, failed, we'll lose one line-up,

They've gotta leave forsaken."

And no wimps can do..

And no wimps can do...

He, who say the lords

Thoth have our laws,

Maat must be superb. Mass is ended..

Over there,

He who should learn thee.

Any moot that serves by my sworn music,

I wish it with snow be shushed,

All for my mass's sake.

Hear why its sung,

here, oppositioner, Ohh..

He who should show

May make his show worthy,

To look, for us, odd.. sickly,

There's one chance - take his show.

Hold thy head,

Hear why its sung here. oppositioner.

Who owns this earth built below?

Oh sweet Israel...

Tzeo "text" od Stairway to hell ... taken from ^^^

ima ovde neshto.. mada vetjina je bullcrap...

shto neki lik reche, chujesh ono shto zhelish...

ali drugi lik kazhe kada pustish na plochi, savrsheno se kazhe... ko ima ploche neka pusti pa neka jave...

kruko or some...?

Edited by Ph0r3w3r0

Ph0r3w3r0-va privremena signa:

(u okviru Koletove aktzije "Ko-ti-je-kriv-shto-chitash-signature?")

Incest is the best, put your sister to the test

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