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to si uradio na clothu...

pa sad ne verujem da si abominationu uradio vishe

pa i sa sunder armorom...

ja ne znam shta je tebi cudno, znam likove koji su uspeli da udare 10k .

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[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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ma lol @ baju sto u pvp setu tenkuje golemagga i sto ga jos exekutuje pri tome ... jos mi samo reci da fura 2h pri tome ... lol

A sto se tice executea ne zavisi tolko od opreme .... najbitniji je tu rage 100/100 .... war u zelenoj opremi ~lvl50 sa <50dps-a oruzjem moze da napravi 4k krit sa execute-om ....

Edited by mohican



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Cek sto tolko loshe o bubble boy-u pricate.... Sta je sa sabanima ovaj shamanima ??????

Eto igram i ja sa palamudinom na dragonmaw serveru kako se vec zove nick Stiven :P i sa 21 lvl sam zavrsio sve elite quest u red ridge (sam) a da pri tome nijednom ne poginem :) I sad su paladini kao najgori.... Vidi te da su najbolji :P a shabani mogu da zamislim ti ne ginu, spell casteri i jos biju pa di ce im dusha.... Zasto tolko naj su gori palamudini a nike ne kaze naj su gori shabani ??? Ne mislim da exorcisam treba da se doda za palamudine da mogu da gadjaju undead playere jer ovako su niko i nista josh :):):):):):) Treba bar da sluzmo necemu i da nam undedici budu specijalnost sto i nisu na neku stranu....

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(The following events are a Warrior talking to a GM about a Shaman he found that he thought was using hacks, The Warrior will be reffered to as WR and the GM...GM..>)

WR: Id like to file a report on a shaman using hacks.

GM: Certainly tell me his name and what happened.

WR: Well his name is OvErPoWaReD and this is what happened, I see this guy mining some stuff so I decide to leave him alone, Then he lighting bolts me, Then when im running at him this is when the first hack comes into play, GET THIS he uses his frost shock move that has a 50% slowing speed FOR EIGHT SECONDS!

GM: No, that's not a hack. That's the correct time.

WR:...But isn't the cooldown six seconds?

GM: Correct.

WR: Wait a min...nevermind anywho after he kites me with this for awhile I finally resist one and come in for some melee (Keep in mind im at half health from the shocks) I expect this wimp caster to pull out ya know like a staff or dagger...What does he whip out? A frickin Arcanite Reaper!

GM:Yep shamans can use 2h axes and 2h Maces...


GM: Ya rly.

WR:uhh..ok then but HERE IS A DEFINITE HACK. While I was fighting him in melee, Im getting struck with 300 plus damage every time I swing! Then he's throwing in hits that come in 3 swings a flash and each hit a higher number than the last!

GM: That would be his lightning shield and his windfury.

WR: Woah, Isn't that kinda cheap?

GM: I don't program the shaman sir, but please continue.

WR: Well by this point I have to hamstring him and go back to use a runecloth bandage for a heal bringing me back up to 75%, Then when im about to reingage a rouge comes up from behind him and starts killing him, when he starts fighting the rouge, I rejoin the attack, after awhile we kill him... the rouge hearthed and as I was walking away not more than eight seconds after we killed him HE POPS BACK UP LIKE A NINJA ZOMBIE then casts an insta heal for 1700 health!

GM: That would be his natures swiftness and his resurrection ability.

WR: Oh cmon! What the hell is this!

GM: The shaman...but please continue.

WR: Well then he starts setting down totems and I thought "Phew ill just destroy these little things with a thunder clap" I thunder clap, none of em go down! Definite Hack, Correct?

GM: Yep.

WR: Really?

GM: Nope just kidding, Totems arent affected by AOE attacks.

WR: For the love of Prickly Pete!

WR: Well after that a friendly druid ran by gave me some buffs and went on his way, then right as im about to reingage, he makes all the buffs go away!

GM: Yeah, that's his purge ability...

WR: Holy crap.

GM: Tell me about it.

WR: Did I mention this whole fight took place in the water, and he was walking on it?

GM: They can do that.

WR: o.0

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Dobro , dobro , slatko sam se ismejao kao i uvek ... Sta god , shami jeste najveci imba jer zahteva skil , ti ako znash da igrash ... ajde da kazemo prosechno ti si stvarno 100 % sabijach sa shamom ... Ali ja lichno mislim da mu sada hunter opusteno parira ... all around , bolje grinduje od njega i bolji je za pve i da ne govorim sto jede skoro sve ostale klase 1 x 1 , a verujem da ce moci da im parira i druid od 1.8 koji je vac sada prilichno jak u 1 x 1 . Znachi ono verovatno ce sve rase da priblizavaju shamiju :) znachi ono moj mag je izgleda na kraju spiska , a tooltip za paladina ce da promene u svetlece drvo koje stoji u borbi i cini ljude da se smeju :) :) :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dobro , dobro , slatko sam se ismejao kao i uvek ... Sta god , shami jeste najveci imba jer zahteva skil , ti ako znash da igrash ... ajde da kazemo prosechno ti si stvarno 100 % sabijach sa shamom ... Ali ja lichno mislim da mu sada hunter opusteno parira ... all around , bolje grinduje od njega i bolji je za pve i da ne govorim sto jede skoro sve ostale klase 1 x 1 , a verujem da ce moci da im parira i druid od 1.8 koji je vac sada prilichno jak u 1 x 1 . Znachi ono verovatno ce sve rase da priblizavaju shamiju :) znachi ono moj mag je izgleda na kraju spiska , a tooltip za paladina ce da promene u svetlece drvo koje stoji u borbi i cini ljude da se smeju :) :) :)

au bre ...mage je najjaca klasa u igri bre

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e, za to sam te pitao... hvala. ja sam lvl60rogue-u u duelu skinuo 3/4 hp-a. mislim da to nesto govori. u instancama uglavnom outdamage-ujem rogue-ove i warrior-e... a jos jedna, po meni, bitna stvar:

brate... ti si kao paladin lvl 42 (vidim da ti je to main posto igru igras 3 nedelje) skinuo rogueu u duelu 3/4 hp sa jednim critom?????????????

a to da kao pala u instancama outdmgujes tenka mozda i stoji... ali rogue-a samo ako je ovaj afk 70% vremena u instanci.

immortalis ne lazi ljude da si uradio 7k crit iz executa koju ti to opremu onda imas? kada lik gorbag iz moje gilde je high warlord ima ceo set high war sve sekire bolesne iteme i lupa execute 4,5k

ccc.. jadan taj high warlord

au bre ...mage je najjaca klasa u igri bre


sto se tice shaman vs pala x/y puta ponovljene price... i jedne i druge su u pocetku birali najgori klinci i obe klase smaraju, ali razlika je u sledecem (ako pricamo o pvp-u):

saman je strah i trepet za 1 na 1 i po onom sto moze da uradi na papiru je stvarno nepobediv. ali to je 1 na 1 a vi ste na pvp serverima u kojima ucestvuje par hiljada igraca, sto dovodi do palise...

samo gledaj borbu 20 na 20 ili 40 na 40 i lako ces primetiti kako jedando pet gejeva upada u masu i negde na 30% hp dize stit i smara sve oko sebe... pa kad prodje taj stit on baca novi.... repeat this picture untill u get the PICTURE [:D]

saman u mass pvp-u pada lagano

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ali stvarno smarate sa tim prozivanjem paladina....meni su sve klase do jaja , ni jednu nebi nesto posebno izdvajao....imam paladina lvl 60 na maghterion (tako nesto) serveru , 3 dela lawbringer seta , magma tempered boots , sword of zeal , sacred protector .... dakle ne preterano imba , ali SABIJAM sve ostale klase u pvp - u, u vecini slucajeva. Po meni je mage DEFINITIVNO imba klasa , jer se desava da umrem sa svojih 5800hp-a (buffovan) za 5 sekundi ... bukvalno , desilo mi se kad me je ud mage sheepovao i nabio sa jebenim fire sranjima , nisam ni divine stigao da ukljucim...istina je da shaman koji UME da igra moze biti jako zajeban....ali za sve postoji taktika..mrzi me da pisem vise...sve u svemu sve klase su dobre i sa svima treba znati igrati...

Edited by SabijamZivot
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  • 3 years later...

fury je takav dps sada samo i dalje svi furaju arms spec jer mislse da je za pvp bolji i dalje

ali je cela poena ko prvi uradi dps sad bolji i to je to

ret pale ce umreti vremenom :D a warrr+healer ce opet zaziveti opet samo je pitanje vremena !

1 ret pala pisa waru u oko?

2 ret pale pisaju waru u oba oka?

3 ret pale???

Interrupts better than Kanye

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