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BattleField 2 server na eunet-u


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jo ovi iz euneta digli bf2 server i moze da udje ko oce...sinoc sam bio sa ortakom mada niko nije bio...mozda jos ne znaju ljudi...jel zna neko jos neki server kod nas ili je ovo jedini...

nisam video da su ishta stavili na njihov sajt gamer.eunet.yu mozda nije zvancno jos ali vec nedelju dana od kad ja znam radi :))

mozda bude nesto heeheh

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Dignut je za probu :) pre neki dan sam ja postavio ovaj novi 1.02

Inace igraci se mogu konektovati tako sto ce u connect to ip, u polje za ip ukucati

poslednji patch (1.02) skinite sa EA sajta :) dok zvanicno ne pustimo igru i download sekciju za nju.

slobodno postujte kritike, komentare, predloge etc etc :))

Edited by nucleus
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ajde ko hoce nek dodje veceras ovaj server oko 22h pa da pikamo ...nas ima vec cetvorica koji ce biti tu u to vreme pa ako je neko zeljan da nam se pridruzi bilo bi lepo...

Dignut je za probu :) pre neki dan sam ja postavio ovaj novi 1.02

Inace igraci se mogu konektovati tako sto ce u connect to ip, u polje za ip ukucati

poslednji patch (1.02) skinite sa EA sajta :) dok zvanicno ne pustimo igru i download sekciju za nju.

slobodno postujte kritike, komentare, predloge etc etc :))

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patch 1.02 sta sve donose uz njega i  sta sve ispravlja iz prethodne verzije ?


This patch (v1.02) offers the same changes as the 1.01 update and includes a fix for the memory leak bug. The installer will reference version 1.01, but this in fact version 1.02 (revision 2484 in the in-game browser).

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Naravno da moze ja igram sa cracko-vanom ali da definisemo koji crack to jest zaobilaznost koristim.

Ne treba ti taj crack fajl koji ti oces nego image lazni koji emulira cd/dvd a mozes da ga nadjes po crackovanim sajtovima ili na torrentima ili ako nema obesemo negde ako ne mozes da nadjes

Ide ovako:

1. Instalirao sam igricu regularno sa dvd ili image fajla od 2GB

a) skinuo key sa neta ili jos bolje koristio sam keygen

2. Skinuo i stavio patch 1.02 regularno

3. Skinuo lazni image fajl koji emulira BF2 DVD i mountovao ga preko deamon tools-a

4. Pokrenuo igru

5. Isao u multiplayer i ako ti trazi da da otvoris online nalog slobodno otvori to nema veze dal imas legalnu ili ne igru to moras da imas da igras online

6. kliknes na ikonicu gde pise connect to ip i upises (u okviru tab-a internet u multyplayer-u): gamer.eunet.yu

I to je to

p.s. Nemoj da je crackujes onim fajlom sto stoji u crack folderu jer onda neces moci da updateujes a to ti je samo omogucuje da ti ne trazi cd ili dvd a ako imas ovaj lazni bf2 dvd image od 4 MB (cetri megabajta) to ti i ne treba.

Meni, burazeru i ortacima radilo iz prve ))) kao sto rekoh ako utakmica ne zezne stvar nacicemo se veceras tamo malo posle 22 h svakim danom

Aj nek neko baci link za NoCd crack 1.02 pa de se igramo :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

ne, verzija servera je v1.1.2484.0 (tj. 1.02)

objashnjenje je instalaciju je par postova iznad.

tj. uskoro ce biti v1.1.2551 (1.03 :)

mnogo toga je popravljeno od verzije 1.02

evo liste za lenje:


- Many criteria for ranks and awards have changed. If you are immediately

eligible for a new promotion, unlock, badge, award, or ribbon, it will

be awarded the next time you receive points on a ranked server.

- Only 1 player in a vehicle will get credit for or speed up capturing

a flag at a CP. The other passengers must exit the vehicle to increase

the speed of capture or receive capture score.

- Commanders no longer accrue a TK when artillery hits


- The commander's supply drop now has an icon on the minimap and a 3D-

map icon in the world.

- Auto team balance no longer moves players to the other team if they

are a team commander or a squad leader.

- The wrench repair rate on helicopters has been decreased.

- You now receive 1 support point for destroying an enemy commander's

artillery, UAV or Radar station.

- If you have received a point for healing, repairing, or resupplying

a teammate, you will not receive another point from them for the same

action for a set period of time.

- Singleplayer enemies use the knife more effectively.

- New engine sounds for the T98 tank.

- New engine sounds for the China/MEC light jeep.

- New cannon sounds on APCs.


- Fixed physics of vehicles against soldiers so that soldiers are not

killed so easily by moving vehicles.

- Fixed a physics issue that can cause you to be stuck when falling into

shallow water

- Fixed an issue with soldier armor when spawning on a squad leader in a


- Fixed some objects that caused vehicles to take massive collision damage

- Fixed erroneous message stating that you punished a TK when auto-

punish is OFF on the server.

- When a vehicle explodes due to external forces, the driver is no longer

mis-credited for the kills.

- Added turret movement sounds to several vehicles.

- Fixed an issue that caused crosshairs to stay on the screen when

switching camera views.

- Fixed an issue that caused the time limit status of the server not to be

sent to clients when it is changed by the server.

- Fixed server setting sv.allowExternalViews. Setting this to 0 will

disallow external views.

- Added setting for interfaceIP to the server launcher

- Changed automatic TK banning to ban by cd-key instead of IP address

- Improved the stability of secondary position turrets to reduce jerkiness

during movement.

- Fixed spawning on squad leaders to prevent players from spawning where

they should not.

- Fixed issue with auto team balance not sending new players to the team

with less players.

- Set T90 top hatch armor to "Front Armor".

- Set some wheels on jets and helpcopters to stronger armor to prevent

them from being destroyed instantly by AT missiles.

- Adjusted wheeled vehicle engines on hills to improve climbing.

- Changed the Commo-rose behavior so that player does not leave crouch

when using it.

- Passwords entered to join password protected servers are now cleared

after use.

- Improved PLAY NOW functionality.

- Fixed some memory usage issues in the front end.

- Fixed an issue allowing color changes in player name text.

- When you click on a server in the server browser, the information

from that server is updated to be more accurate.

- Fixed a crash in the Ranked Linux server when communication with stats

back-end ceased.

- Improved the behavior of AA missiles when locked on an enemy.

- Fixed an issue where parachuting soldiers could not be healed.

- Added the server port to the SERVER INFO tab.

- Removed the SERVER INFO tab when playing singleplayer

- Fixed an issue causing some soldier & vehicle control keys to be used

for in-game menus.

- Added new soldier artwork in BFHQ

- Added name of video director to credits

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