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DotA-Allstars v6.14


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skinuti odavde :)



Many many bug fixes that were introduced last version have been resolved.

Extremely Inaccurate rupture tooltip fixed + Given visible indicator.

Delay spawn on neutral creeps as suggested by 'esby' on forums.

Reduced creep spawn lag.

Various minor balances changes (Thats right, i didn't list them!)

Don't use old rupture tooltip to compare the damage, the old one was VERY off. It was much more then it listed.

Zanimljiv changelog, zar ne? ;)

Kad im proradi forum, mozhda neko i postuje koje su ispravke zapravo izvrshene.


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ma... sranje je sve... prvo. u 6.13 su 'stavili' tj napravio se bug da tinker tiny razor i jos par heroja dobijaju 30% vise exp-a i to nisu ispravili u 14... mislim sranje najgore... ja kad god imam priliku igram 12b posto osim brzeg loada i novog heroja nista dobro nisu uradili u novim verzijama... u 6.14 se u 3cem minutu spawnuju neutralni creepovi tj ovi creepovi u shumi... tako da vise nema 'bagovanja' kripova na pocetku... sto ne znaci da ne moze i kasnije da se radi... u svakom slucaju 6.12 b ftw!

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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aaa ispizdeo sam od 6.13 pre neki dan!!!od 5 partija,3 puta dobijem pauka.jednostavno hold u mrezhi dok su kripovi blizu ne vredi,stane malo a onda krene da ih shiba.scena:dolazi bone kretje da me shiba ja zapalim u mrezhu,hold,nestanem ostane me 50.on debil ostaje tu,kao cheka me.ja krecem da mu kucam poruke,zajabavam ga(tipa ,chekaj chekaj:D)kad u tom trenutku pauk krece u atak,i gine.necasno

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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Hold ne znaci da ne puca/glodje, nego samo da se ne pomera.

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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Hold ne znaci da ne puca/glodje, nego samo da se ne pomera.
zar ne mislish da je to bag?!kako onda biti nevidljiv?tako shto cesh se kretati po mrezi.smor:Dznam da i riki tako baguje.

trebali su to da odrade kao i ww

je si cuo da kad pritisnes H heroj ostane gde je :-P
nisam te skapiro:)h je prechica od hold,ne trebash da kucash -hold ako si na to mislio:)))

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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nisam te skapiro:)h je prechica od hold,ne trebash da kucash -hold ako si na to mislio:)))

mislio sam ono sto sam napisao.

ako stane sa paukom na sred mreze i pritisne H (hold) tesko da ce da udje pod mrezu neki heroj ...

P.S. Ko je napisao da treba da se qca -hold ?!?!?

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Pa tebe niko ne tera da igraš novu verziju. Ti igraj 5.84, pa čekaj da prođe godinu dana, pa onda uzmi noviju.

Inače ovo za brže LVL-upovanje sa tinyjem i razorom, jel to neko lupio il je stvarno? Ja igrao juče i nešto nisam to primetio. Možda ste jednostavno pustili njih dvojcu da idu sami, pa vam posle bilo čudno :D

jok to je bio stvarno bag u 1.13 .. mozes da proveris uzmi jedan wave kripova(ako si sam) i vidi na kom kripu ces dobiti lvl ...

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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ma bre dota nikad nece biti finalizovana jer ce uvek imati bugova tj.non stop ce se neko zaliti na pojedine heroje itd.

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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