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biblijski kod

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ne ne i ne... nacin na koji je otkriven kod u bibliji je pokusan na test primercima (rat i mir i jos neka knjiga) i nije dobijeno nista slicno. dobijena su neka imena samo ali to je sve.

matematicari smatraju 1% sanse za slucajnost jako malo verovatnim a kod ima prema najnovijim istrazivanjima preko 0,000,001% sanse za slucajnost, sto u prevodu znaci da nije nikakva slucajnost.

postojanje koda je objavljeno u najjacem us matematickom casopisu (nemam knjigu pored sebe zaboravih ime casopisa) i tek posle 3 provere (da bi se u takvim casopisima nesto novo objavilo potrebna je provera ili 2 a u ovom slucaju su koriscene cak 3) tako da sa matematikom nije nista sporno.

Onda ti preporučujem da skine

You're all gonna die. Then you'll be dead for way longer than you're alive; like, that's mostly what you're ever gonna be. You're just dead people that didn't die yet...

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Ma manite Ramireza,on mrzi hrvate,shiptare i ne znam koga sve jos,ali je pored toga jedno mirno dete(tako on kaze),a samo sacekajte,videcete vi jednog dana u vestima...mladi zemunac...:/


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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Sada sam nesto dzarao po netu...

Implications of THE BIBLE CODE in prophecy

In chapter 6, a couple of findings from the book, THE BIBLE CODE, hit me like a ton of bricks. The term "world war" was encoded with the term "in 5766" for the possible year. In another place, the term "atomic holocaust" was encoded with the term "in 5766". In another place the term "great earthquake" was encoded with the term "in 5766." In another place, the term "great earthquake" was encoded with "Japan" and "in 5766." And in another place the term "economic collapse" was encoded with the term "fire, earthquake struck Japan."

For those of you who don't know, the year 5766 runs from October 4, 2005 to September 22, 2006. These dates are from Rosh Hashanah in 2005 to the day before the next Rosh Hashanah in 2006. The dates are from the current Jewish calender. For example, June 26, 1997 is Sivan 21 of 5757, and the year 5758 begins on Rosh Hashanah, which is October 2, 1997. The implications of the year 5766 could be staggering. I'd like to make some preliminary proposals subject to revision and correction. Please, please, please, consider the following a "what if" type of scenario. If, if, if, if, if the hidden codes are correct in the above association of terms concerning the year 5766, then the following is possible.

If, if, if, if and only if the Bible codes are correct in citing the year 5766 as the time when world war 3 occurs, then from my table of dates, World War 3 will start immediately after the abomination of desolation in the Temple on 31 January/1 February 2006. That means working backwards, the peace treaty of prophecy will occur on 19/20 September 2002. That also means that Jesus (Yeshua) will come to reign on the earth 1290 days after the abomination of desolation on 13/14 August 2009. The fulfillment of prophecy of Yom Kippur will occur on 27/28 September 2009, and the fulfillment of Succoth after the judgment of the peoples of the earth will occur on 2/3 October 2009 and run for 8 days

Po ovoj knjizi 3 svetski rat pocinje za 5 meseci.. :)

EDIT: Evo ga ceo PDF

The Hidden Codes in Bible

Edited by SteX



....Watch the master. Follow the master. Be the master....


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fora je u tome da sada slusham "Thirteen Autumns And A Widow" od Cradle-a, tako da je atmosfera super uz temu!!! probajte i vi!!! pazi, fora je u tome shto je biblija prevedena pun qrac puta, a siguran sam da orig nije na engleskom ili na kom su vetj oni jeziku izvukli kod, jel mozhe neko da mi pomogne oko ovoga poshto, ne znam mnogo o bibliji, ali mislim da je napisana na staro jevrejskom, e sada ako ti mene ubedish da su oni kod nashli u orig. verziji, i da je ta verzija predvidela bilo shta vezano za moderno doba, a kamoli golfski rat... bitje divno!!

Vau Napishem ja da tje neki rat pocheti 23.9.2015... i ono stvarno, tada je pocheo rat izmedju dvoju komshija u okrugu teksas koji su se posvadjali oko tegle kiselih krastavaca koji su bili namenjeni njihovim unucima za venchanje!!! Holy shit, mislim da se negde u bibliji spominju unuci... zhiveo prorok!!!!

Iju ja sam prorok!!!

ovaj... nije bas biblija nego samo stari zavet, tacnije 5 knjiga tore koje su napisane na jevrejskom u originalu i ostale su iste od dana kada su napisane za razliku od novog zaveta koji se menjao dosta.

Sada sam nesto dzarao po netu...

Po ovoj knjizi 3 svetski rat pocinje za 5 meseci.. :)

EDIT: Evo ga ceo PDF

The Hidden Codes in Bible

hehe po 5 put, nigde u knjizi nepise da ce se sve to dogoditi, pise samo da su u dosadasnjem dekodiranju naisli na sve te stvari i datume a da bi ih potpun razumeli trebace dosta vremena.

primer: pise u knjizi i za ubistvo kenedija i dan i godina i spominje se sintagma "ime ubice" koja se ukrstava sa "lee harvy oswald" sto moze da znaci i da je on ubio (ko ima mozga zna da nije ;) a moze da znaci, kad se skroz dekodira, samo da se oswaldovo ime spominjalo u celoj prici.

nista od toga sto je predvidjeno mene ne dotice kao sama cinjenica da je neko kodirao jebeni stari zavet pre mozda 4-5 hiljada godina tako da se moze dekodirati samo pojavom kompjutera..... think about it

@tomkeus -probavam tvoj link ali dzaba nigde me nevodi...jbg

@igor -sta fali signaturi? [;)] igrao bi da nema jebenog wowa i zaraze oko novog servera

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u doyaya... znaci imam fore jos 5 meseci da odradim neke stvari koje nikad nisam..hmm.. jes da mi malo fali kinta za neke, al boze moj.. ionako ce biti kraj sveta.. pljackacu banke :P

malo serem, a mozda i ne.. neam pojma..

ne verujem u te stvari... caj sta vise, boli me q sto su neki ljudi toliko zaludni da bace zivot na trazenje koda u bibliji..

da se razumemo, svaka cast onome/onima koji su napisali istu, knjiga je puna poucnih prica i dobrih forica, al ono...

Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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koliko su (ste), ljudi, zaludni pa se obazirete na ovakav papirnati trash....

1. a sta tebi seva palija , na sta cemo da se lozimo ?

2. 95% ljudi na ruru ne veruje u boga , sto je dokazala i ona anketa

vera ili nauka ...,a ako neko ne veruje u boga , ne moze da veruje ni u biblju , ni u chuda...

3. nijedna knjiga ne moze da skodi i treba procitati , sve sto se moze , jer covek

uci dok je ziv

4. nemojte porediti igre i knjige...

Edited by E jebes baku


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ljudi 5 meseci nije mnogo tako da strpite se...ne vredi se svadjati oko toga...mada je vec pomenuto da nema veze sa Da Vinchijevim kodom ne bih se slozio... Den Braun (pisac iste) isto tako donosi neke chinjenice koje se preplicu sa biblijskim kodom... :) a poshto je vec zagrizena i tema VERA ili NAUKA... shto bi jedno iskljuchivalo drugo... Andjeli i Demoni (Den Braun) govore da su to u stvari dva nachina u traganju za Bogom... :)

sat otkucava... 5 months to go ... :)

Naposletku ti si dobro znala ko sam ja...

Forum Grada Nisa

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al ajde ovako... nisam ja u 3pu samo nauka and stuff.. verujem ja u cudesa... (bez zezanja..).

recite da za 5 meseci stvarno pocne ww3... to ce jelda zvanicno biti kraj svih nas (da ne dawim zasto. naci ce se neko drugi, ako bude zainteresovna..bla)...

mogucnost ovog je u stanju da izmeni pogled na zivot [;)]

Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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Zar je moguce da se zaludjujete ovim?

Vau, pogodili su par datuma. Pa sta? Hu givz a fak?

I da rat pocinje prekosutra, ja ga ocigledno ne mogu promeniti jer tako je napisano, buuuu...

Idite bre radite nesto...

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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pa nisam ni ja rekao da sam sad poceo da idem na rukama zbog ove knjige samo da kad god krenem da mudrujem ili padne cupri u kraju sav se najezim.

i po 100 put niko nekaze da ce biti rat sutra ili za 5 meseci, to je sporedna stvar u ovoj prici, samo postojanje koda je ludacki.

p.s. den braun je lozac koji hoce da zgrabi kes... i uspeo je u tome

jos 1 stvar ako vas zanima templarska/masonska tematika... knjiga irodov hram je najjaca knjiga na temu. dokaz za to je i da se stampala samo u 1000 primeraka kod nas koji su razgrabljeni davno a nece da se stampa novo izdanje (pretpostavljam da neko iz senke nedozvoljava stampu zbog istine) pa ako nadjete knjigu super ste, ja znam za 1 primerak u biblioteci u ljigu ili gornjm milanovcu... zaboravio sam.

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prcam se u ruku.



ako ljudi citaju da vincijev kod. za koi se zna da je izmisljen. (u napisanoj verziji).

sto se sada folira masa sa pricom "sisaj kurac"?

decko je otvorio topik.

niko nikoga ne tera lopatom da klikne na njega.

al je zanimljivo da su kliknuli ljudi koji su u njemu napisali "ma brate vristi mi tjoshe".

sto ste kliktali ako ne verujete u ta sranja?

biblijski kod sigurno zvuci zanimljivo i za najvece nevernike.


sa tom idejom. svi ti nevernici mogu naci svoj argument za nepostojanje jelte boga.

a vernici. mogu da tragaju za necim vise.

ljudi. od davnina se nama serviraju govna. razno razna.

pitanje je samo da li volite da ih jedete ili ne.

i da li znate da ih prepoznate ili ne.

oni koji znaju da ih prepoznaju. sigurno su pojeli mnogo govana pre.

tako da.

"ko se jednom o mlijeko opece, taj i u jogurt duva".

mislim da nema potrebe za napusavanjem topika.



i fuck my fans.

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Znaci pao je dogovor,za 5 meseci ili vec koliko treba ako bude sranja,da se nadjemo mi preziveli i da zavladamo ostatkom civilizacije.Evo ja cu da organizujem sta ostane od Kragujevca.Bilo bi lepo da svi vi dodjete kod nas u KG.Mali je grad,3 jezera,Sumadija,drva,poljoprivreda,cistiji vazduh itd.Beograd je ipak prestonica,sansa da ce tu da padne nesto su velike.Ako prezive,penzioneri sa foruma ce da budu Vece staraca.Ako prezivi Wulfgar ce da bude zaduzen za "nabavku" zenskog zivlja stim sto to vazi za sve vas.G!!! i ostali Fallout fanovi da se organizuju da cuvaju taj zenski zivalj [:)].Vazi?

Back to topic.Procitao sam i jednu i drugu knjigu.Slazem se sa misljenjem da "kod" moze da se nadje u svemu.Ipak govorimo o matematici.Pre nego sto je znao da pise slova,covek je znao da broji.Jedan mamut,dva mamuta,tri mamuta i tako dalje.To sto mi sad vidimo logiku u svemu je pokazatelj naseg napredka.Vec sam rekao moje misljenje o veri i nauci.Da li je neko pre 2000 - 4000 godina pisao nesto u kodu za koje desifriranje trebaju danasnji najsavremeniji kompjuteri? Jedino ako je on sam posedovao neki kompjuter ili je imao mozak jednak tome.Skeptican sam u vezi takvih stvari.

Ali,ipak da padne neki dogovor[;)]

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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evo ga prvi rivju sa amazona

I had been meaning to read this controversial book for some time now, but only recently did I pick The Bible Code up to see just what all the brouhaha was really about. This is certainly an interesting subject, but I was a little disappointed in the theory, arguments, and proofs presented here. As the book progressed, the open mind I began the book with started to shrink, as Drosnin began to backpedal and hurt his own case. I don't doubt the author's faith in the method and results of his work, but this book falls way short of convincing me that the Bible Code exists and, if so, that its existence is even meaningful. The book has a number of weaknesses. First of all, Drosnin is a former reporter working outside of his trained field; The Bible Code is supposedly built on a sophisticated mathematical model, and its interpretation requires significant knowledge of the Hebrew language in its original form - the original language of the first five books of the Bible. He presents us with printout after printout of data, but all I can do is stare at the Hebrew letters; the actual scientific paper that first delved into this mathematical issue is included in an appendix, but the math is way over my head. Drosnin says other mathematicians have verified that the model is correct, but I just have to take his word for it. I simply don't have any significant data upon which to form an opinion yea or nay about the Bible code. Drosnin may actually have done better to include no illustrations whatsoever; what I see are foreign letters marked in areas all over a given page; it's like a find-a-word puzzle, only the letters of your words don't even have to be connected directly. Odds of given terms "crossing" one another on one page are given, but I still don't know how these odds were determined. Drosnin also indicates that the same model was run against two other long books and showed no kind of code whatsoever, but two books alone seems to be a small sample set, and I have no idea how many attempted searches were done in these limited sample sets.

The "evidence" sounds pretty good at first. Drosnin constantly repeats the fact that the Bible Code predicted the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister Rabin, the collision of the comet Shoemaker-Levy into Jupiter, the start of the first Gulf War, etc., all to the very day. Tell me more, you think to yourself. This is where Drosnin starts to slip, however. He spends most of his time talking about Armageddon, specifically how Jerusalem will be destroyed by a nuclear bomb. He was certainly right in naming terrorist acquisition of weapons of mass destruction to be the greatest threat to the modern world, but prophesying trouble in the Middle East doesn't exactly require a Karnak. He predicts that then-Prime Minister Netanyahu will be assassinated and that Israel will be attacked in 1996. This book was published in 1997, completed after 1996 came and went. Suddenly we find Drosnin discovering that the word "delayed" just so happens to turn up alongside all of those dire predictions of his. He actually expresses the opinion that a delay in Netanyahu's visit to Jordan prevented the Armageddon he had predicted. The Bible Code, he now decides, must include eventualities, things that may come to pass, things that we can prevent from coming to pass. This back pedaling hurts his credibility quite a bit in my eyes.

In summary, I can't argue the mathematical validity of The Bible Code in any way, shape, or form, but Drosnin's arguments fail to convince me that he is right about this subject. He can barely find anything in his code until that "thing" has already happened, and it seems to me that finding a few related words after the fact on a sheet full of letters is no difficult feat. I do know that there is one definite error in the book, as Drosnin (and the Bible Code) shows that FDR declared war on Japan on December 7, 1941, when war was not declared until the following day, December 8. As for the predictions he did make about the future, he doesn't exactly go out on a limb. There will be strife in the Middle East and a series of earthquakes in Japan. These things happen every year, so these are hardly convincing prophetic tests of his code. I can't say The Bible Code does not exist the way Drosnin says it does, but it will take a whole lot more evidence to ever convince me of such a fact.

neka osoba glupak hehe

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