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Adidas kupio Reebok


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Adidas agrees to buy rival Reebok

Herbert Hainer, chairman of Adidas-Salomon

Boss Herbert Hainer wants Adidas to take a big leap forward

German sports goods firm Adidas-Salomon says it has struck an agreement to buy US rival Reebok for 3.1bn euros ($3.8bn;

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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mjok, rudijevu firmu bi pre schwabe sami spalili nego da je daju trulim jenkijima ;o)

ozbiljnije - rivalstvo imedju adidasa i najkija bi moglo da se poredi sa popsijem i kokakolom - jednostavno nike ce uvek imati vishe para da ulozi u bilo sta (mada dok je missy eliot i njenih cham-drugara adidas ce poslovati ;o)))

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ja sam se njih uplašio kad su kupili salomon, za ovo me zabole levo jaje.. mnogo me više brine što ovi naši više ne uvoze royal elastics, taman sam se navikao da ne pertlam patike.. :)

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a i kod nas je izbor patika velik u picku materinu.

upravo to.

dunno nisam nikad nesto obracao paznju na brend, ali je cinjenica da su mi se adidas patike uvek najvise svidjale :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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noodle samo idi u adidasov autlet na banjici tamo shalju velike i male brojeve kada nemaju full paletu...znachi tamo 47+ patika bez problema....e sad sto veth 10 godina u srbiju uvoz iskljuchivo RUZHNE adidas patike to je nechija chudna politika =o)

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^^Mucis se, a? A ja sto ne mogu uopste da biram?!? Sta ja da kazem? Ili And1 (ne gotivim) ili bilo koje. U radnju ulazim sa lajnom: "Jel imate neki model broj 48?". I izlazim iz vecine sa negativnim odgovorom. :(

Pa dobro, nisam zasao u 48 grupu, ali tu sam, blizu :) A istina je ovo sto kazhe kole, definitivno mi dodje da krenem preko neta da naruchujem patike, iako ne znam kako bi to izgledalo i da li bi mi se isplatilo.

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