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shag i method u 3D


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method & shaGuar Join Team 3D

After the not so succesful last months from the CPL Winter 2004 and WEG Season 1 Champions, several of their members already hinted that major changes would come. After three of their members played for different teams at ESWC Qualifiers and CPL Summer more and more rumors started to appear about shaGuar joining Team EG and Method joining GamerCo or WEW. Today however it was announced that Griffin "shaGuar" Benger and Michael "method" So would both join Team 3D, arguably the biggest North American eSports team.

With the two American players from NoA leaving, they are only left with naikon and XeqtR for now. The statement from NoA also mentions a more regional team which would either indicate that XeqtR and naikon will be joined by some fellow Scandinavians in the near future or that an entire new lineup will be formed.

At Team 3D long time member and one of the American legends, moto, will go inactive. 3D's recent recruit, cbz, has left the team and will join another team shortly. With all these changes Team 3D will now be using a six man rotation consisting of the following players :

Josh “Dominator” Sievers

Kyle “Ksharp” Miller

Mikey “method” So

Ronald “Rambo” Kim

Griffin “shaguar” Benger

Sal “Volcano” Garozzo

I par reči sa NoA sajta

Through the progression of changes within Team NoA, we will be changing from an Intercontinental team to a more regionalized team in order to streamline efficiency. In doing so, we announce the release of Griffin “shaGuar” Benger and Michael “method” So from Team NoA to Team 3D (www.team3d.net) and wish them the best as they continue their journey through competitive e-Sports.

Team NoA will be announcing our full lineup in time for the upcoming Season 3 of the World e-Sports Games (tentatively scheduled to begin qualifiers in about a months time) as we continue to finalize the management transition in our preparations.

On behalf of the organization, we’d like to thank all of our fans for their continued support of the team. Check back soon as we look forward to bringing you more news on the development of our future roster.







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corey ti meni nisi jasan nikako brate nonstop skidas stvari sa sk i nip i etc ko da niko od nas ne ulazi tamo.. n1 za filmove sto si dao ali ovo brate moze svako procitati i na drugim sitovima. (i ajde da si za neke preveo nego si samo c/p sa sitea) nhf

маракана дал је пуна ил смо само ми,

наша ће те песма увек звездо носити,

не жалимо наша грла нити дланове,

а ти само храбро бори се.


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pa ako vec kaci nek okaci na srpskom a ne c/p jer sam sto posto siguran da 80% sto dolaze na rur forum idu i na sk.com nip.com complexity.com itd.

маракана дал је пуна ил смо само ми,

наша ће те песма увек звездо носити,

не жалимо наша грла нити дланове,

а ти само храбро бори се.


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topic je na mestu ..........

inace 3D ima sablja ekipicu sabice.........

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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