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Dota 6.12b


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Dota 6.12b




--I appologize for the frequent releases, but i needed to release this to address

some issues and make this map stable as i did not feel 6.12 was better then 6.09b

in ANY way, 6.12b will be though. There is also a very abusable bug with

chronosphere that was reported and needed to be fixed asap.

--Tweaked clinkz, leo, tb and naix. Better balance between 6.12 and 6.09b

--Stout shield removed, may be reintroduced as a recipe item in the future

--Improved necronomicon and its abilities as it levels

--Recipes sell for 80% of the cost, helps with misclicks

--Few misc typos and bugs



--I've decided to restore techies. Not because i don't think the reasons

for his issues are valid, but because i think the concept of that tavern

for a hero like techies is flawed. He was in DotA for a very long time.

If someone has an idea to make him a better overall hero, suggest it,

but i won't outright remove him from normal play. I'd rather get a better

solution for him, and i intend to, in the very near future.

--The New hero tavern "-new" will be used mainly for future heroes as a buffer

location, which will further improve map stability. Invoker is in that tavern

now but he will be moved to normal in a version or so after he becomes stable.

--I do not want to see posts complaining about anything until you guys actually

TRY the new changes in a few games, as they are more or less all for the better.

--I will be implementing a strict balance forum system in the near future to help filter between noob complaining and real issues.

Have fun

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nekontam kako se bira ovaj inwoker iz new taverna-ap-ar?

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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--The New hero tavern "-new" will be used mainly for future heroes as a buffer

location, which will further improve map stability. Invoker is in that tavern

now but he will be moved to normal in a version or so after he becomes stable.

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i izaberes bilo kog heroja...

nervira me kad ovako kazu "nerfovali smo bone clinkza" i sta ja sad treba da upalim dva kompa dve razlicite verzije i da gledam koje su promene pfft.

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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e ali moras prvo -new da kucas pa onda -ap ....

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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Danas smo bas imali prilike da gledamo klingza u akciji, nije mu losh pos'o ... tj. nisu ga bas nesto puno smanjili. Ovaj novitet sa preprodajom oruzja je skroz ok, a poredu toga nisam primetio neke vece promene zeljne diskusije. Nesto se militj zalio na naixa, a mozhe biti da on samo ne zna da igra ;)

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pa svako ko se zalio na naixa u novim verzijama samo jednostavno ne zna da igra s obzirom da je sada feast 36% nerfovan sa 50% ali je i takodje skinut orb effect sa njega sto omogucava naixu da sklapa orb iteme a ako nekome toliko nedostaje tih 14% na kraju krajeva moze da sklopi satanic koj mu dajejos 23% lifesteal ....

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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Jel probo neko ad ukombinuje satanic....na nixu mislim da je onda nunistiv.

pa nije neunistiv ali ima mnogo helta armora i 59% lfe steal xD doduse i dalje je extra ici na crystalis sa naixom zbog lecenja pri kritikalu ...

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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Feast nikad nije ni bio orb effect nego ono poison sranje.

lol fato i ti si mi dotas ?!?!!? feast jeste bio orb effect [:)]

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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lol fato i ti si mi dotas ?!?!!? feast jeste bio orb effect  [:)]

zna fata cesto tako nesto da odvali!

btw:doom bridge mortuz,unisten nemoguce,pa sad i refreshing nema neki poseban efekat!

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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zna fata cesto tako nesto da odvali!

btw:doom bridge mortuz,unisten nemoguce,pa sad i refreshing nema neki poseban efekat!

ma 'de nema .... sama cinjenica da ne moze lik da baca magije toliko dugo je dovoljna mislim ja dooma sam igrao extra i u principu doom mi je samo bio za teranje likova sa lane-a i za ubijanje pri pocetku .... nikad nisam isao na mass killova sa doomom . Sad ako oces killove treba samo da picnes da koristis lvl?death lepo u kombinaciji sa doomom nista vise a i doom sad ima mnogo manji cool down ...

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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  • 3 weeks later...

ja sam kombinovao ovo sa naixom i bude godlike svaki put prvo mu kupim ona dva sranja za strangth pa zati boot of spead and gloves og haste koje ukombinujem sa onom nogom od pinokija pa zatim jos jedan strangth i onda muthril hammer i ogre strength u onaj bash item posle scared relik kad bude kesa ali sasvim je nepotreban

bash mu treba kad picka bezi a on ka stondira i smeje se mali ker

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ja sam kombinovao ovo sa naixom i bude godlike svaki put prvo mu kupim ona dva sranja za strangth pa zati boot of spead and gloves og haste koje ukombinujem sa onom nogom od pinokija pa zatim jos jedan strangth i onda muthril hammer i ogre strength u onaj bash item posle scared relik kad bude kesa ali sasvim je nepotreban

bash mu treba kad picka bezi a on ka stondira i smeje se mali ker

O moj boze kako se ti stabingujes jako [^]

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strangth pa zati boot of spead  nogom od pinokija  muthril hammer scared relik 

bash mu treba kad picka bezi a on ka stondira i smeje se mali ker


[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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