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ma tako ce i 4gl opet da se vrne :P

inace bice zanimljivo opet =]

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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sa SK foruma.14 lineupa SK.swe i NiP.Izaberite najbolju:

:: Ninjas in Pyjamas (old-school) ::

01) HeatoN Potti Medion Hyb XeqtR

- CPL London #1

- CPL Berlin #1

02) HeatoN Potti Medion Hyb vesslan ahl

- CPL World Championship 2001 #1

03) HeatoN Potti Medion Hyb vesslan ahl XeqtR

- interview with SoGamed :D

04) HeatoN Potti XeqtR ScreaM Dracula

- played some mixed-games with mTw guys :D

:: Schroet Kommando ::

05) HeatoN Potti XeqtR DarK Xenon

- CPL Summer 2002 #1

06) HeatoN Potti Hyb Bengan Kush

- CPL Mindtrek Qualifier #3

07) HeatoN Potti Medion Bengan brunk

- CPL Winter 2002 #3

08) HeatoN Potti brunk ahl fisker

- CPL Cannes #1

- Clikarena #3

- SEL Season 3 #1

09) HeatoN Potti ahl fisker elemeNt

- ESWC 2003 #3

- CPL Summer 2003 #1

- SEL Season 4 #1

10) HeatoN Potti ahl fisker elemeNt SpawN

- WCG 2003 #1

- CPL Copenhagen #1

- CPL Winter 2003 #1

11) HeatoN Potti ahl fisker SpawN

- ESWC 2004 #5-8

- CPL Summer 2004 #2

12) HeatoN ahl fisker SpawN Hyper

- WCG 2004 #4

- Nollelva 2004 #1

:: Ninjas in Pyjamas (new-school) ::

13) HeatoN ahl SpawN Hyper vilden

- CPL Worldtour 2005 Spain #3

14) HeatoN Potti walle zet ins

- ESWC 2005 Sweden Qualifier #1




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03) HeatoN Potti Medion Hyb vesslan ahl XeqtR

heaton - tada je ownowao , a kolko sam skontao i sada se vraca u tu staru formu , inace bruka aimer

potti - gazi,gazio,gazice

medion-carina bio

hyb-jos veca

vesslan-extra igrac , i najvise ga cenim od svih , bruka tl...

ahl - gazi , gazio,gazice

xeqtr-mislim sta reci

od tog oldschool-a cenim jos i brunk-a i vic-a ili kako mu je vec bio nick sto je igrao za gol (vitz ili tako nesto)


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