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Zanima me kao sto sam vec pomenuo kako se osniva i cemu sluzi osim sto okuplja poprilicno velik broj igraca.A ne bi ni bilo lose imati listu domacih guildova koji operisu na Shadow Moon-u i Duenemal-u{ili kako se vec pise}.Takodje me zanima kako se moze uclaniti u takav !!!!Posto je vecina vas na forumu u nekom ,pretpostavljam da znate odgovore na sva ova pitanja pa bih vas molio da pomognete pocetniku kao sto sam JA. [^]

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Pa guild mnogo olaksava posao u WOW-u!

uvek imas nekoga da ti pomogne kada radis neki elite quest ili instancu , u odnosu na one koji nemaju guild pa po ceo dan jure nekoga ko ce da ide sa njima u inst. da bi ovaj posle 5 minuta rekao :"Sorry g2g!".

Cesto se desava da likovi u guildu koji su veci lvl nalaze neke beskorisne iteme, koji npr tebi mogu dosta dobro da posluze, tako da i sa te strane sacuvas i neki kes, a vrhunac Guilda je da u guildu postoji 40 likova (jedna raid grupa) lvl60 i da se odrade neki questovi kao Onyxia i stuff!

Nemam informacije o domaceim guildovima na navedenim serverima, mada ako ti nije bitan domaci guild , lagano mozes da uletis u neki strani ali moras da budes neki jaci lvl (od 30 pa na dalje)!

Stalno se formiraju novi guildovi , pa ako te ne mrzi mozes i ti svoj, potrebno ti je 10 "potpisa" ili kako vec da se fomira i 10g ako se ne varam (ne znam tacno nisam pravio guild) a kasnije kada napravite i Tabard , treba da odvojis 1g za njega...

Sve u svemu ako mozes uleti u guild!

The Earth Mother smiles upon us


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nazalost ne znam kako neko moze da bude u gildu "the retards".. nije da sam kompleksash ali jbt shto to ime for fucks sake?

Pogledaj svoj avatar i onda joinuj retarde :)

Btw moj alt lik je u retardsima,ono zezanja radi ...


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nazalost ne znam kako neko moze da bude u gildu "the retards".. nije da sam kompleksash ali jbt shto to ime for fucks sake?

ne smaraj, sta sad svi treba da imamo neke epske nazive guildova ili sta vec, ovako je zezanje

ima jos jedan guild na dunemaul-u koji ima srba i ima extra ime, gnome must die

i tako ....

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jesu vam refundirali 10gp za chartu? a i to national nije potrebno...ima czech, dutch, swedish klanova...samo stavite serbian guard ako vam je toliko stalo...inache totalno sam protiv uninacionalnih klanova i nacionalnih odrednica u imenu istih...sem kada bi recimo neko bio voljan da oformi "Dross Denloch Drenai Defenders" =oP

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  • 4 weeks later...

[:)][:)][:)][:)] koji od nasih guildova ima najveci broj clnova??????????????????????????

Radi se o serverima u silver moonu i dunemalu

A posebno me zanima koliko ima clanova guild the retards(dunemal) i dragonkin(silver moon)

I koji lvl preovladjuje u nima

Edited by Klindza
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pa ovako,

RETARDS na dunemaul-u je ugasen i preimenovan u defenders of ogrimmar, trenutno ima 70 clanova, dok je na vrhuncu imao preko 100

razlozi ovoga su toliko glupi da ne mogu sada da pisem i opet se nerviram, GM lowrence je izasao kao i dosta high lvl likova koji su bili sa nama, lowre moze nesto o tome da kaze kada svrati

i tako ....

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Americhki smradovi coganski kevu im nabijem na k**** ! >:P shta njima smeta shto se guild zove "RETARDI" !? Nisam u tom guildu ali stvarno je onaj koji je to prijavio retardiran !

Kako su krenuli ima jednog dana DragonKin da ugase sa razlogom tipa: "imali ste isti tabard kao gulid "GERMAN HONEYS" sa Silverpine servera" . . . idijoti . . . >:[

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sng je jos uvek nub gild i trenutno se zove boat folk ...

a dkin se bio raspao i trenutno imaju tipa 10ak lvl60 clanova ali sa tendencijom da se taj broj smanji jer su ljudi nezadovoljni posto kad dodju na 60ti bleje ... neki ljudi se trude da to promene ali ne znam sta ce od toga ispasti. Svaka cast dzafaru kako ima zivaca ...

PS: vidim da ste automatski pretpostavili da je neka cia-ina zavera bila i za gild the retards ali bih ja ipak sacekao lowrence-a da nas on prosvetli posto meni ne izgleda kao da je to slucaj ....



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Ma Retarde su preimenovali jer su se kao neki likovi zalili da ih to ime vredja pa su ovi iz blizza kao reagovali i promenili ime u skladu sa njihovom polsiom..bla,bla... mrzi me sad da pisem da se opet nerviram....ono klascna govnarska fora....


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nema lowreta, igra ga je obuzela :)

evo komunikacije izmedju njega i gm-a

GM: Greetings, this is GM

LOW: lo mate

GM: I have to report you that i just renamed your Guild

LOW: So, what is reason for that one ?

GM: Name of your guild is inappropriate.

GM: You have 14 days to send in up to 4 new names for your guild. We will change it to the one that is available and fitting :)

LOW: Hm... Well, I dont acept that.

LOW: 1st, dont like that ":)" on end

GM: I didnt mean to offend you.

LOW: 2nd Who says that is inappropriate ? For who ?

LOW: 3rd We have that name and we are The Retards, we dont offend other people that they are retards

GM: Some people find it offending. They feel like they are being mocked at.

LOW: 4th We are playing with that name 2 month and there is no problems at all, never

LOW: 5th We in The Retards have about 100 members with hi lvl's so I realy dont know what is problem, ask anyone of them and they will say that they are proud to be The Retards

LOW: 6th I didnt see how we ofend other people if WE have beside our nick name name of guild wich is The Retards

GM: I beleive you and i do understand your frustration, this is however the policy. Names that are offending or inappropriate have to be changed.

LOW: mate, im not frustrated at all, and I will fight for that name with no mater what, even I will mail to blizzard personaly, Im playing this game for fun and you just starting to make me fell kike real cow, actualy Im a cow in game but not in RL

LOW: Im not a some kid with 12 or 15 year, im a 29 years old, maried and got 2 kids, playing this game for fun and because some people think that The Retards name is not good to see, you are ruing my fun

LOW: So, I demand that you all think again, and I will tell you why we chosed that name...

GM: Look, i just enforce the rules, I dont make them. I simply enforce our policy. And if im ruining your fun by doing so, i apologise for that.

LOW: ... milion of time, in game, we figured out that we are retards, for some quests, fighting against stronger enemies, etc

LOW: so, your apologies is accepted, I demand to talk with your boss on this server or even with some people from Blizz.

LOW: And, I also see on 2 other server same name, I cheked that first and saw that name already, so I picked it because of that

GM: Wich server were there names on ?

LOW: How is that not offending on other ones and on this one is offending ? And that is hepends now when we are strong and got hi lvls members

LOW: US server Garona, EU server EU-Al`Akir, so we are third with that name, so, could anyone explain me how we offending with that one, this is OUR name, not others

GM: We will change those guild names as well.

LOW: And, one more word, we kicked about 19 members from The Retards in last 5 days, so I supouse that is just their revenge to us

GM: I dont know anything about that.

LOW: Well, someone then know, I demand whole report on ingame mail

LOW: You know, I spend 2 month of my like to make something with this guild

LOW: Playing alsmot every night, whole night

LOW: Almost whole server now know us, we are famous because we are good players

GM: Yes i understand

LOW: Dedicaated to game and friendship, also dedicated to paying Blizzard every month 15 euro for paying

LOW: And I realy dont want to change name because 1 bou was pised off because I kicked him from guild or killed him if he is alliance

LOW: It's just not fair.

GM: I know it is very annoying and frustrating when your guild names gets reported. Sadly, If they are in violation of our policy, we have to change them.

LOW: So we need to be named The Tedybear ?

GM: No no at all

LOW: So, what is someone is scared when see Tedybear because when he was young he had a dream about scary Tedybear ?

GM: Okay, You are free to send in a new ticket with new names, but i do have to ask you not to create another ticket about the same issue again.

LOW: Well, I even not created ticket with this problem on first place

LOW: So, because someone make ticket with report on our name, I demand his nick ingame, that is all I want

LOW: Anbut I think our new name will be The GM <instead of GM imagine his nick name ingame> (dont want to tell you all his name because Im afraid that you are going to make some crazy moves :P)

LOW: Is there any chance to get lot of this conversation, to show to all others members ?

GM: I cannot give you any names, not can you pick the GM (again imagine here his ingame nick)

GM: No, we do not habd out logs.

LOW: But I like your nickname, so, then your nick name is offending ?

GM: No, this would ne a breach of our policy because this is a Blizzard employee's name.

LOW: Ok then, maybe The Policy Of Blizzard ?

GM: You cannot use the word blizzard in your guild or character name.

LOW: And one personal question, dont answer if you dont want, where are you from and how old are you ?

LOW: Ok, then The Policy of The Company ?

GM: I can't give you any personal information.

GM: You may send in new names in a ticket.

LOW: Ok, I must go off now, my wife will kill me, but you will see me again tonight, you bet on.

GM: Have a nice launch.

LOW: Thanks. Have a nice day.

GM: Bye

i tako ....

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Kako nekog idiota moze da vredja ime guilda kada se odnosi na clanove guilda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Treba ih sve pobiti i game mastere i sve izbacene clanove bivseg guilda

Mogli bi da stave za naziv novog guilda recimo Blizardovci su gadni,sluzavi,gnojavi testisi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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nema lowreta, igra ga je obuzela :)

evo komunikacije izmedju njega i gm-a

GM: Greetings, this is GM

LOW: lo mate

GM: I have to report you that i just renamed your Guild

LOW: So, what is reason for that one ?

GM: Name of your guild is inappropriate.

GM: You have 14 days to send in up to 4 new names for your guild. We will change it to the one that is available and fitting :)

LOW: Hm... Well, I dont acept that.

LOW: 1st, dont like that ":)" on end

GM: I didnt mean to offend you.

LOW: 2nd Who says that is inappropriate ? For who ?

LOW: 3rd We have that name and we are The Retards, we dont offend other people that they are retards

GM: Some people find it offending. They feel like they are being mocked at.

LOW: 4th We are playing with that name 2 month and there is no problems at all, never

LOW: 5th We in The Retards have about 100 members with hi lvl's so I realy dont know what is problem, ask anyone of them and they will say that they are proud to be The Retards

LOW: 6th I didnt see how we ofend other people if WE have beside our nick name name of guild wich is The Retards

GM: I beleive you and i do understand your frustration, this is however the policy. Names that are offending or inappropriate have to be changed.

LOW: mate, im not frustrated at all, and I will fight for that name with no mater what, even I will mail to blizzard personaly, Im playing this game for fun and you just starting to make me fell kike real cow, actualy Im a cow in game but not in RL

LOW: Im not a some kid with 12 or 15 year, im a 29 years old, maried and got 2 kids, playing this game for fun and because some people think that The Retards name is not good to see, you are ruing my fun

LOW: So, I demand that you all think again, and I will tell you why we chosed that name...

GM: Look, i just enforce the rules, I dont make them. I simply enforce our policy. And if im ruining your fun by doing so, i apologise for that.

LOW: ... milion of time, in game, we figured out that we are retards, for some quests, fighting against stronger enemies, etc

LOW: so, your apologies is accepted, I demand to talk with your boss on this server or even with some people from Blizz.

LOW: And, I also see on 2 other server same name, I cheked that first and saw that name already, so I picked it because of that

GM: Wich server were there names on ?

LOW: How is that not offending on other ones and on this one is offending ? And that is hepends now when we are strong and got hi lvls members

LOW: US server Garona, EU server EU-Al`Akir, so we are third with that name, so, could anyone explain me how we offending with that one, this is OUR name, not others

GM: We will change those guild names as well.

LOW: And, one more word, we kicked about 19 members from The Retards in last 5 days, so I supouse that is just their revenge to us

GM: I dont know anything about that.

LOW: Well, someone then know, I demand whole report on ingame mail

LOW: You know, I spend 2 month of my like to make something with this guild

LOW: Playing alsmot every night, whole night

LOW: Almost whole server now know us, we are famous because we are good players

GM: Yes i understand

LOW: Dedicaated to game and friendship, also dedicated to paying Blizzard every month 15 euro for paying

LOW: And I realy dont want to change name because 1 bou was pised off because I kicked him from guild or killed him if he is alliance

LOW: It's just not fair.

GM: I know it is very annoying and frustrating when your guild names gets reported. Sadly, If they are in violation of our policy, we have to change them.

LOW: So we need to be named The Tedybear ?

GM: No no at all

LOW: So, what is someone is scared when see Tedybear because when he was young he had a dream about scary Tedybear ?

GM: Okay, You are free to send in a new ticket with new names, but i do have to ask you not to create another ticket about the same issue again.

LOW: Well, I even not created ticket with this problem on first place

LOW: So, because someone make ticket with report on our name, I demand his nick ingame, that is all I want

LOW: Anbut I think our new name will be The GM <instead of GM imagine his nick name ingame> (dont want to tell you all his name because Im afraid that you are going to make some crazy moves :P)

LOW: Is there any chance to get lot of this conversation, to show to all others members ?

GM: I cannot give you any names, not can you pick the GM (again imagine here his ingame nick)

GM: No, we do not habd out logs.

LOW: But I like your nickname, so, then your nick name is offending ?

GM: No, this would ne a breach of our policy because this is a Blizzard employee's name.

LOW: Ok then, maybe The Policy Of Blizzard ?

GM: You cannot use the word blizzard in your guild or character name.

LOW: And one personal question, dont answer if you dont want, where are you from and how old are you ?

LOW: Ok, then The Policy of The Company ?

GM: I can't give you any personal information.

GM: You may send in new names in a ticket.

LOW: Ok, I must go off now, my wife will kill me, but you will see me again tonight, you bet on.

GM: Have a nice launch.

LOW: Thanks. Have a nice day.

GM: Bye

Koja strava i uzas ovaj ceo log, i stvarno sta ce smajli u redu gde ga obavestava da mora da smisli novo ime za gild?

A sto ga nije pitao po cemu je ime gilde u sukobu sa njihovom politikom?

Nakon sto je ugasen jedan srpski gild na Shadowmoonu zbog neodgovarajuceg imena ovo stvarno postaje sumnjivo, mada ja licno nikad ne bih nazvao gildu ni Serbian National Guard ni The retards jer prva se moze podvesti pod "national" sto je ocenjeno kao highly inappropriate u ovom spisku pa je zato i disbandovana a ne samo promenjen naziv, retardi se mozda moze svrstati u inappropriate (gde prakticno moze da se ugura sve i svasta) sto je manji prekrsaj ove politike, ali je ocigledno da mnoge druge gilde nisu stavljene na zub a nasa jeste.

Ne svidja mi se sto je rekao GM-u koje druge gilde nose taj naziv jer je sada i on uzrok disbandovanja nekoliko drugih gildi od kojih je i uzeo naziv sto je moralo da mu bude jasno kad je dao imena servera na kojim su te gilde.

Jedino sto moze da se uradi po ovom pitanju ako vam je stvarno stalo do imena gilde je da sto veci broj ljudi iz gilde otkaze svoje pretplate i blizzardu bude poslato pismo u kome im otvoreno kazete da ste otkazali i necete igrati dokle god ne rese taj problem, mozda GM dobije otkaz, a vama kao musterijama od kojih im dolaze pare posalju pismo u kome se izvinjavaju i mozda dobijete i gratis nesto jer ako veci broj ljudi odjednom prestane da im placa mesecnu pretplatu to ce itekako biti registrovano u blizzardu. Vama znam da nece pasti na pamet, ali ja im nakon svega necu vise placati, ovog meseca disbandovana je gilda na shadowmoonu u kojoj sam bio - zbog imena, potom je promenila ime a novo ime nije imalo veze ni sa cim nacionalnim pa je opet promenjeno. Sta drugo da zakljucim nego da ne zele moj novac. Hvala bogu nije WoW sve u zivotu, ne mogu da kazem da mi je zao ni gilde ni srba ako vas je nakon svega igra obuzela.

Edited by New Order Footman (NWO)
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Koja strava i uzas ovaj ceo log, i stvarno sta ce smajli u redu gde ga obavestava da mora da smisli novo ime za gild?

A sto ga nije pitao po cemu je ime gilde u sukobu sa njihovom politikom?

Nakon sto je ugasen jedan srpski gild na Shadowmoonu zbog neodgovarajuceg imena ovo stvarno postaje sumnjivo, mada ja licno nikad ne bih nazvao gildu ni Serbian National Guard ni The retards jer prva se moze podvesti pod "national" sto je ocenjeno kao highly inappropriate u ovom spisku pa je zato i disbandovana a ne samo promenjen naziv, retardi se mozda moze svrstati u inappropriate (gde prakticno moze da se ugura sve i svasta) sto je manji prekrsaj ove politike, ali je ocigledno da mnoge druge gilde nisu stavljene na zub a nasa jeste.

Ne svidja mi se sto je rekao GM-u koje druge gilde nose taj naziv jer je sada i on uzrok disbandovanja nekoliko drugih gildi od kojih je i uzeo naziv sto je moralo da mu bude jasno kad je dao imena servera na kojim su te gilde.

Jedino sto moze da se uradi po ovom pitanju ako vam je stvarno stalo do imena gilde je da sto veci broj ljudi iz gilde otkaze svoje pretplate i blizzardu bude poslato pismo u kome im otvoreno kazete da ste otkazali i necete igrati dokle god ne rese taj problem, mozda GM dobije otkaz, a vama kao musterijama od kojih im dolaze pare posalju pismo u kome se izvinjavaju i mozda dobijete i gratis nesto jer ako veci broj ljudi odjednom prestane da im placa mesecnu pretplatu to ce itekako biti registrovano u blizzardu. Vama znam da nece pasti na pamet, ali ja im nakon svega necu vise placati, ovog meseca disbandovana je gilda na shadowmoonu u kojoj sam bio - zbog imena, potom je promenila ime a novo ime nije imalo veze ni sa cim nacionalnim pa je opet promenjeno. Sta drugo da zakljucim nego da ne zele moj novac. Hvala bogu nije WoW sve u zivotu, ne mogu da kazem da mi je zao ni gilde ni srba ako vas je nakon svega igra obuzela.

E bas si sve skontao,nije uopste rec o tome da je nekog igra obuzela,chak stavishe,uopste nije rec o igri,vec o promeni imena koje ne moze da vredja nikoga do onog ko ga nosi. I onda josh oni da mi biraju naziv guilda,pa na shta to lichi? A slazem se da stvarno postaje sumnjivo to sto su se okomili na srpske guildove,video sam pun k.... guildova tipa danish,polish i tako to i nikom nishta,ako to nije shirenje nacionalizma,a uostalom,ko shiri nacionalizam ako ameri(a blizz je njihova kompanija) to ne rade? Jebote,pa njima je nacija svetinja,pa shto to onda meni ne moze da bude chija je nacija starija od njihove tri puta????
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hmm... ako blizzard javi da neshto nije u redu to se menja na ovaj ili onaj nachin...

bez obzira na to ko je prijavio oni ce da to promene pa makar vi napustili igru...

igra je dostigla nivo gde se 100 ljudi zanemaruje... pa chak i 10000...

jer smo josh u us verziji napravili glasanje za kompatibilnost us i eu servera... bilo je 10000 i kusur glasova i blizzardu je dato do znanja ali nije imalo efekta

lik iz blizzarda je odgovorio na jednom sajtu da postoji shansa ali najverovatnije ne skoro... boli njih kita

uvek moze bolje...

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