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Fallout 3


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Hhahahahahhaah :

"Yet another preview. Nothing new, really, though here's a reviewer who's honest about not knowing what the heck Fallout is.

It'll take something pretty special to follow The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Bethesda Softworks' must-own next-gen RPG ushered in the new generation of consoles spectacularly well, offering hundreds of hours of gameplay in a world impossible to imagine only a few years ago. Its success, though, must have put some pressure on the developer. With a legion of new fans and a hardcore army of long-time followers, only something of truly epic proportions could follow Oblivion. It's a good job Bethesda had Fallout 3 up its sleeve then.

For Fallout 3 to have the success of Oblivion it's going to have to be more than a game for hardcore fans. Vault 101 and Pip boy mean nothing to most people, and they didn't to me either. This didn't stop the game, demoed by Bethesda's Peter Hines, looking extremely promising and very different to the fantasy setting of Oblivion.


On to the dangers you'll face then. During our demo these came in the form of mutants and Ghouls. Super mutants are your biggest foe in the game, with super mutant strongholds being set up across the wasteland. You'll also face Ghouls (humans exposed to extreme amounts of radiation), with one particular variant being so full of radiation that it glows. How easily you spot these enemies depends on your perception stat, with high level characters seeing enemies on their radar much sooner than beginners.


Despite the lengthy demo, it still seems as if we've only seen a fraction of what the final game will have to offer. Bethesda is currently targeting an autumn 2008 release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, although it seems as though it won't ship until everyone is completely happy with it. There's no denying its potential to be a grittier, more action heavy RPG than Oblivion, but until we get some extensive hands-on time, it's hard to say if it'll be just as epic.


[izuv] [shock2]


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On to the dangers you'll face then. During our demo these came in the form of mutants and Ghouls. Super mutants are your biggest foe in the game, with super mutant strongholds being set up across the wasteland. You'll also face Ghouls (humans exposed to extreme amounts of radiation), with one particular variant being so full of radiation that it glows. How easily you spot these enemies depends on your perception stat, with high level characters seeing enemies on their radar much sooner than beginners.

Yeah, I totally couldn't have seen stupid shit like that coming years ago, rite gaiz? Verujmo Shitesdi, jel' tako Vudi? X(

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Demo shmemo, ovo će biti hit, još jednom se potvrdilo zlatno pravilo. U budućim opisima fallouta će stajati uvod "Posle neslavnih početaka kao igre za hard core zaluđenike, treći nastavak Fallouta je hit!... Moja ćerka koju sam nazvao Bethesda, ne može da se odvoji od igre!..."

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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Demo shmemo, ovo će biti hit, još jednom se potvrdilo zlatno pravilo. U budućim opisima fallouta će stajati uvod "Posle neslavnih početaka kao igre za hard core zaluđenike, treći nastavak Fallouta je hit!... Moja ćerka koju sam nazvao Bethesda, ne može da se odvoji od igre!..."

Bice hit za one koji nikad nisu ni chuli za fallout serijal.

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@imeprezime Dobrodošao na rur forum [:D]


Pročitah ovo Vudijevo "ne biste imali vremena da igrate igre kao što su fallout 1/2" and it bugs me. Ja ne mogu da počnem da igram Witchera ko čovek a držim ga instaliranog uporno. Nemam vremena, realno. Kad sam igrao Fallout, nije bilo ancient elder gamera kao sad, mi smo bili publika, matorani su igrali solitaire ako savladaju strah od miša. Sad ja igram puzzlequest na po 15 minuta a klinci sprcavaju 16 sati dnevno na MMO ili no-brainer "akkciju"... kad počneš da kriviš facu u neverici na top10 liste igara po upstart sajtovima koje drže 12godišnjaci koji imaju po 3 nextgen konzole vreme je da okačiš miša o klin:) Bah...

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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a srednjoshkolci igraju igre oznachene sa esrb 18+, a? napredna deca...

A procenat M igara u odnosu na ukupan broj igara je koliki?

Da potkrepim tvrdnju sa rejtinzima nekih od top PC igara:

Starcraft - Teen

Age of Empires 1/2 - Teen

HoMM 3 - Everyone

Baldur's Gate - Teen

Warcraft 3 - Teen

Jedi Outcast - Teen

Diablo 2 - 17+

Deus Ex - M, 16+

Fallout i Quake su full mature, ali je to opet mnogo manje igara od ostatka (plus i osamnaestogodišnjaci su srednjoškolci takođe).

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