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ok thingie ,u kojoj god anime da se nalaze omgbig roboti ne moze da failuje right? :D

Edited by santamaycry

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Iiiiii zavrsih i fafner... na kraju ipak je ispao veoma ok anime

Sad na redu Lucky Star (po koznakojiput) dok se skida Slayers revolution \o/

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Genshiken, Genshiken 2 - 8.0, 7.0 / 10

Prva sezona - odlična, lep uvod i obrada savremene kulture omladine Japana. Zanimljivo predstavljen život grupe "otakua" i osoba njima bližnjim.

Druga sezona - lošija. Bar što se mog subjektivnog mišljenja tiče. Fokus anime je ostao isti, s'tim što je sezona obeležena nekim ozbiljnijim tonom koji mi se nije mnogo dojmio.

Kaze no Yojimbo 8.2 / 10

Jako lepa anima, ne toliko vizuelno koliko uvlači u priču.


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Azumanga Daioh pure win i svaka preporuka !!!!

Slayers revolution (barem do sada) mi je takodje fucken win \o/

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Strait Jacket (OAV)

Magic useri, love iste koji su podlegli nezeljenim posledicama koristeci svet magije predugo pretvorivsi se u demone. Klise.

Krvavo, smesteno u 1899, dakle magija plus nauka u to doba...Da je min. 26 epizoda mozda bi i pored klisea licilo na nesto.

Ovako ce biti jos jedan u nizu unakazenih naslova.

Kako mi je zao Karas-a. :\


Psycho Diver Masei Rakuryu iliti Soul Siren

Neki ol' skul horor. :D

Moze da bude veoma interesantno.

Edited by uarewhatuare
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Code Geass R2 Lelouch of the Rebellion



Meni se bas svidja doduse jos nisam pogledao sve ali ovih 15 epizoda je super ukupno ima 25 epizoda.

prvi serijal sam odgledao i bio je ... na momente odlican ali vecinom prosek i svremena na vremen sa ponekim debilizmom. Sve u svemu gledljiv... pokusao sam da gledam taj drugi serijal i ocekivao da ce sve kul elemente da ostave i favorizuju medjutim desilo se bas obrnuto ( bar do pete epizode koliko sam mogao da izdrzim da gledam ).

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Shadow Skill

Skidam zato sto mi ponestaje naslova.

Verovatno je polu-krsh, vec vidjeno sve, ali sta sad, mozda sam i ja nekad zl zl zl...

Bacam hejt, ovaj, komentar relativno uskoro.

Youtube it. I did it.


Psiho dajver. (gore pomenut)

Nije totalno djubre.

Narativan je, tipa ol skul detektivske price gde on izjada sve o sebi i trenutnom slucaju.

Lep penart za taj period.

Mana: sakata prica.

Razlog: OVA

Generalno 5/10 max, i tu sam preterao.

Edited by uarewhatuare
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Eve no Jikan

SF, androidi...

Dva slinavca su na slici ANN-a, tako da moze da bude full of emo craps, + 6 je epizoda po 15 minuta.

Nedovoljno materijala, ali usmereno zanimljivim scenariom i samo malo pametnijom rezijom

moze da se napravi mini serija koja nesto vredi. Tek je pocelo-videcemo.

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Martial Arts, Seinen, Tragedy, Violence

16-year-old Shinkuro Kurenai is a Mediator - a specialist in settling squabbles between people. Despite his youth and easygoing nature, he is a man of some skills when it comes to protecting both his clients and his client’s interests. And then one day he is assigned as a bodyguard for Kuhouin Murasaki a seven-year-old.

Ok je serija,nemojte da pomislite da je kao Aishiteru ze Baby ozbiljnija je.

Poceo sam da gledam malo Shippuuden..."pati" od istih problema kao i prvi serijal, mnogo fleshbackova,odugovlacenja,smora itd.Mada kapiram zasto je to tako,mali broj stranica treba prebaciti u 20 min :P

Soundtrack je mnogo bolji u prvom serijalu.

Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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Ah Geass R2 , jos samo malo i kraj , zadnja epizoda je bila fucking mindblowing

jedva cekam kako ce da se zahukta do kraja :D

In teh meantime i dalje gledam Nadia The Secret Of Blue Water

jedan od boljih old school anime-a koje sam gledao duze vreme , prava avantura koja potpuno uvuce gledatelja u samu radnju

za sad sve preporuke za isti!!!

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Wou 1967, sad citam opis na imdb, interesanto. Moram pogledati.

It is also a very strange film because it consists of only still cartoon-drawings with voice-over and sound effects. Seeing this film is somehow similar to reading a fascinating comic book or storyboard.

Nabari no Ō


Ovo mi je sledece na spisku.

-It is said that the first time Takamatsu saw Judo he was horrified. This was because they bend their backs during their techniques.

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