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Best RPG quotes


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Eh, granulo sunce, prolece je u vazduhu. Na shta pomishljate? Lepe, oskudno odevene devojchice kako se shetaju po gradu? Blejanje na adi/moru/pored bazena? Pikanje basketa/fudbala iza zgrade dok ne padne mrak? Ja ne. Ja sam se podsetio na Baldurs Gate, na vishechasovna znojenja koja su usledila iz sedenja na plishanoj foteljici ispred kompjutera i igranja pomenute igrice. [:D] To me je dovelo do razmishljanja o Minscu, te sam potrazio neke njegove izreke i naleteo na vishe nego shto sam trazio.



Minsc: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, watch it! I'm huge!

Minsc: Magic is impressive but now...Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!

Minsc (to his pet hamster, Boo when a battle is imminent): Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!! RrraaaAAGHGHH!!!

Boo: *squeak*

Jaheira: You are amusing... in a what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you kind of way.

Khalid: Click someone your own size!

Nobleman: I thank you for not stealing the pantaloons, and I will thank you kindly not to mention the stuffing in the codpiece.

Xan: We're all doomed.

Skie: I have a cold...

Drizzt Do'Urden: DON'T POKE DRIZZT! Tis entirely insociable

Jaheira: If a tree falls in a forest... I'll kill the bastard what done it!

Imoen: I've done had enough of this.

Xzar: *Dur* Tell me 'bout the raaabits...

Edwin: Elminster this, Elminster that. Give ME 2000 years and a pointy hat and I'll kick his arse!

Alora: I don't think you are happy enough! I'll teach you to be happy! Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy

Protaganist (to Portalbendarwinden): Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!

Tiax: The day will come when Tiax will point and click.

Xzar: I ate his liver with a nice Chianti and some Fava beans.

Xzar: (high-pitched quasi-female voice) Stop touching me!!

Priest Of Oghma: These walls contain the world's knowledge

Tenya: Stop! You are tresspassing on my land-home!

Noober: How about now?

Edwin (upon Dynaheir's death): Checkmate! The witch is dead!

Lord Binky The Buffoon: You need a new tailor, your clothes are absolutely dreadful!

Gorion: Ah... my child, I'm glad I have found you!

Montaron: What part of "I'm a loner" do ye not understand?!

Sarevok: The streets will run red with blood when my work is finished.

Jon Irenicus: Life... is strength. That is not to be contested; it seems logical enough. You live; you affect your world.

Minsc: Feel the burning stare of my HAMSTER and change your ways!

Minsc: Full plate and packin' steel!

Minsc: Boo points, I punch - it's a very simple relationship, but it is effective!

Minsc: Minsc will be free! These bonds will not hold my wrath! Butts will be liberally kicked in good measure!

Minsc: Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will take care of the details.

Minsc: Despair not! I shall inspire you by charging blindly on!

Minsc: Make way, villainy! Hero, coming through!

Minsc: I grow tired of shouting battle cries when fighting this mage. Boo will finish his eyeballs once and for all, so he does not rise again! Evil, meet my sword! SWORD, MEET EVIL!!

Imoen: Just like old times. Well, except for the torture and all.

Imoen: So... Sarevok. You've had an itty-bitty piece of my soul in there for quite a while now. What's it been like?

Sarevok: Well, other than a slight obsession with my weight and the resurgence of a few pimples, it's been simply grand.

Baron Ployer: Jaheira, you and your claims brought me shame and suffering, and today I am going to exact payment. For your slanderous accusations I am going to...

Jaheira: Well, the slander is going a bit far. You actually were a slaver, you know. It's not slander if it's proven.

Jaheira: If you think it is wise to do so... so much comes back to haunt us.

Jan: You know, this reminds me of that time, waaaay back...

Edwin: Well, it would seem the leader of our little group has impregnated the impressionable circus child. And here I thought she was merely getting chubby without the ring master's whip to keep her in shape.

Edwin: Greetings. I am Edwin Odesseiron. You simians may refer to me merely as "Sir," if you prefer a less... syllable intensive workout.

Lonk the Sane: My job? Taking care of crazies like you. Making sure you don't go and hurt yourselves with your deviant powers. And cookies, I make cookies.

Generic Gnome Character: I just came here to find some turnips, I swear!

Generic Gnome Character: You... you wouldn't hurt a gnome, would you?

Cespenar: What? You uses sling? What is you, a big sissy?

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Dobar! [^] Evo i neshto sa jedne majice:

"When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the Dragon..." and the back of the shirt reads "...you just have to outrun the halfling."

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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ipak nisam mogao da izdrzim :))) sorry

I think I saw this situation in an anime video once. --Prostitute, New Reno

"Been there, done that, got the scars." (Fallout 2: Marcus in Broken Hills)

"Take the pain, motherfucker!"

"Moo! Moo, I say," brahmin cow.

"PING, I say," computer terminal.

" look grandpa, one more comment like that and I'll be wearing your teeth as a necklace" ( to Renesco )

- "got any last words?" (Raider V15 surface)

- " yeah, time for your bullet breakfast"

"Well, technically... It's a thingy."-Harold, on Hydro-Electric-Magnetosphere-Regulators

"There's two people in the world, Lloyd. People with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig." - The Chosen One.

"I wonder how my cousins in Arroyo are doing? I hope they're flourishing."

"Of course they are! Unless some rat-bastard slaughters them all."

(one of Seymour and Typhon's conversations)

"You won't have to bring a light to take a midnight piss" - Harold

"I think you should turn off your Stealth Boy, ma'am."

The Chosen One to Anna the Ghost.

"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum...and lucky for you I have one stick left." - guard in NCR bazaar

"- What's your name, private?!

- My name is Ratty.

- What was that?! Did you forget something, maggot?!

- My name is Ratty, sir!

- Don't call me sir, I work for living, you moron! Call me Sargeant! Or Sargeant Dornan! Do you understand?!

- Yeah, Sarge. Whatever.

- If I like you, you can call me Sarge. But guess what? I DON'T LIKE YOU! Is that clear?!

- Yes, Sargeant!

- Good, now proceed to your duty post! You will stand guard there! You will do a fine job! Now move!

- What am I guarding there, sir?

- Moron, you are not to question my orders! When I say jump, you jump! When I say fight, you fight! When I tell you to die for your country, then you will most certainly die! Do I make myself clear?!"

- Yes, Sargeant!"

"Mike love ears." - the Masticator

"You will NEED a wrench to take my boot out of your ass!" - Valerie, talking to her father

Chris Avellone loves you!- Marcus while blazing with his Minigun

"Go play with the nurse" medical comp in Vault City's vault

the dialog with the computer there is really funny if you press the "search archives and check if you didnt miss anything" button alot

"There is a bad place where the bad mutants come from. It is bad. Vault is good. Please, go destroy bad place."

--The Overseer

"I love cheesy poofs, they are so.....umm.....cheesy" or something like that

--The Brain

Alergon : Hunh! huh-huh (alergon give a gurgling laugh, then points his finger at you like a gun.) Blam! Blam!

Chosen : Miss me MISS ME ! Take thiz! (point finger at him like a pistol.) Pow ! Pow!

- (Alergon gets a shocked expression on his face, then looks slowly at the place where you "shot" him. He suddenly staggers, then his eyes roll up into his head and he falls over, dead.)

Chosen : Uh-oh.

when I took an aimed shot at his eyes... "I'm blind, and not from masturbating!"

when talking to Phyllis about the lack of children in Vault City.

"Oh, I thought there was no children in Vault City because I was playing the European Version of Fallout 2. Goodbye."

"We killed everyone...... even the children *sob*"

Chosen One:"It's 106 miles to Arroyo, we got a full fusion cell, half a pack of radaway, it's midnight, and i wearing a 50-year old vault jump suit, let's hit it."

"This was MY dream My wish, and I am taking it back... I am taking them ALL back"

Chosen one when going down a wll in maddoc and finding coin bags quote form movie gunies

"An Iguana with a goal. How freaking cute."

-talking to a DC in Vault 13

"HA! A talking dog!" -Finding K-9

"If that dog starts humping my leg, I'm gonna put him down."

- Cassidy to one of the dogs

the denziens of New Reno would remark "You're in the wrong game, this is not Mechwarrior" when you ran around with Power Armor

Some Mutant: Hey! You not look like ghoul. How come?

me: Uh?

Mutant: Huh?

me: Huh?

Mutant: Whuh?

me: Mom?

(In Necropolis, playing with 2 Intelligence ...)

Overseer: Have you found the chip?

- Nuh-huh!

O: Oh, that's great! Can I have the chip, please?

- Nungh.

O: No, not that. I want the com-pu-ter-chip.

- Nungh.

O: No. The Chip

- Nungh.

O: Just-give-me-the-chip!

- Nungh.

O: Thank you. Now, go to the library and rest for a while, ok?

- Nuh-huh, uh-nuh?

O: ..Yes, you can touch things.

"Do you not recognize the Chosen One?" -Chosen One

"HAH! Missed me by a few % points! Loser!" - Raider in caves

Access denied."

" Hit it in that 'special' way"

"PING! I say." - Computer in San Fran

favorite quote of a stupid pc:

farmer: "Go away you retard"

Chosen one: "Hey im not a reta... i mean ugh"

You meet a big talking stone head that's supposed to be the Vault Dweller, you tell it you're the Chosen One, it starts to laugh then you both go "Uh-huh" for 20 hours, then it tells you something like "Enough of this shit! You've proven yourself, you *are* the Chosen One!", then it gives you a weird rock that temporarily raises some of your stats.

"-Is that a tree growing from your head?

-Jealous? His name's Herbert. I talk to him when i get lonely...Heh Heh. Just kiddin'...His name's Bob."

talk with the Wright kid after beating the Enclave:

" Kid:Are you gonna delete us from yer hard drive now that you finished the game?

Chosen:Don't worry, little one. You won't feel a thing.

K:Will we dream?

C:Beats me. I don't seem to dream, so you probably don't either. Life's a bitch, huh?"

I found this in one of the Fallout game's Readme.txt:

"War, war, never changes...

And it can be really rather unpleasant. After the bomb had dropped, toilet paper and those funny little packets of soap that you find in hotel rooms became very difficult to find."

"War... War never changes

The end of the world occured pretty much as we'd predicted.

Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around, the details are trivial and pointless, the reasons -as always- ,purely human ones."

The strangest and funniest quote i had from the game was when i was playing for the first time 5-6 years ago

Back in the old days i had a pentium2-350mhz 128mb ram and a s3 4mb ram 2d video card.I thought i should change my video card so i can play games like quake3 and UT.

The funny thing was that when i changed my video card with a voodoo3000 every pimp in new reno said this:

"I know fallout2 is not a 3d game but it should have at least supported my new 3d card"

"May the water you find in the desert not shine at you in the dark." - Aradesh

Played the game again and really cracked up when you have a conversation with one of the wright children and wearing a power armour:

C: How do you pee-pee in that thing?

CO: Heh-heh. Actually, I just urinate in the armour and it recycles everything. Isn't that interesting? Do you know what recycling means, little one?

C: Yes, recycling means you drink pee!

CO: Uh, heh-heh... No actually it means....

C: You drink pee-pee! You drink pee-pee!

Uh, heh-heh... keep your voice down, little one.... recycling doesn't mean that I drink p... well, not exactly...look..

It's fun hitting other people's balls.

- Tim C.

I had a weird dream involving Scotty,

and I don't even want to remember it.

- Jesse


- Scotty

But I like being a woman!

- Scotty

I can't finish the AI without drugs.

- Tim C.

Please do not make fun of my poop.

- Tim C.

I know how to tell males from females now.

- Tim C.

"Be vewy, vewy, quiet, I'm hunting wabbits."

Shadow Who Walks in merc raider base

nikad se nisam toliko uneo u BG ;)





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hhahah to kralju, taman sam teo da ih pronadjem:)))

odlicno odlicno:D

"Go play with the nurse" medical comp in Vault City's vault - napravih joj dete:))

nego... smeh :))) G G G !!! [:D]

talk with the Wright kid after beating the Enclave:

" Kid:Are you gonna delete us from yer hard drive now that you finished the game?

Chosen:Don't worry, little one. You won't feel a thing.

K:Will we dream?

C:Beats me. I don't seem to dream, so you probably don't either. Life's a bitch, huh?" odlicno:D

( [;)] )...

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e da .. malo iz tormenta :)

Nameless One: "I wonder what it was I said that made Death reject me."

Nameless One: "One foot in grave, the other in hell."

Nameless One: "Um... has anyone seen a floating sarcastic skull around here?"

Nameless One: "No wonder my back hurts; there's a damn novel written there."

Annah: "Get yer eyes off my arse!"

Annah: "You like my wee tail? I





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Mogli ste iz sopstvenog pamcenja umesto copy/paste sa sajta/skripte. Cheateri :P

Evo malo Goriona sto se secam, sve iz glave [:D]

Listen carefuly, if we ever become separated it is imperative that you make your way to the Friendly Arms Inn. There you will meet Khalid and Jaheira, they have been long my friends and you can trust them. *chants a minor healing spell*

Hurry child, we must find shelter soon, don't worry, I'll explain everything as soon as there's time.

Wait, there is something wrong. We'r in an ambush, prepare yourself.

Sarevok: You'r perceptive for an old man. You know why I'm here, hand over your ward and noone will be hurt, if you persist it shall be a waste of your life!

Gorion: You'r a fool if you believe I would trust your benevolence. Step aside and you and your lackies will be unharmed.

Sarevok: I'm sorry that you feel that way old man.

Gorion: Run child, get out of here!

Bandit: *farts* Whoa, now that was a stinker! hahahahah

Slave miner: Get me out of this hell hole... Please dear Sir, save me!

Rat: *squeek* [:D]

Dwarf: By Moradin's hammer!

Umberlee priestess: Queen bitch accepts no insolence!

Tanya: You'r trasspassing on my landhome!

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Priest: The Lord of Murder shall perish...in his wake he will spawn a score of mortal progeny...chaos will be sawn fromt heir footsteps...so sayeth the wise Alaundo....

Windthrop: My hotel's clean as an elven arse (nisam siguran da je arse)

Flaming fist enforcerer: I serve the Flaming Fist!

Shar-Tel: Eat steel, scum!

Imoen: My arrow will cut you down to side.

Ogre mage: Mwahahahahaha!

Thalantir: Greetings travelers, I am Thalantir, mighty mage of Beregost!

Random foe: Surrender and your passage shall be...quicker.

Xvart: Ataaaaaack! [:D]

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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