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Trekkies Say They've Received $3 Million in Pledge

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Efforts to keep Star Trek: Enterprise on the air received a big boost Tuesday when the group TrekUnited asserted that it had received "legally binding pledges" amounting to $3 million from three anonymous members of the commercial space travel industry -- undoubtedly the most money ever contributed to a campaign to support a canceled TV program. The three donors said in a statement posted on the TrekUnited website: "The people responsible at Paramount think this is just a show and we want to tell them, it is not. We ... would like to testify that at least [half] the entrepreneurs involved in this industry [have] been inspired by Star Trek; and we are not only good at watching TV sci-fi , we are also good at writing checks, big checks."

Stari dobri Trekiji, nikada nece izneveriti. Ovakve stvari coveka nateraju na razmisljanje o sebi i o ljudima uopste, optimizam i nista vise, lepo je Lajbnic rekao da je ovaj svet najbolji od svih svetova.


nema vise zezanja


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pazi sad kad imaju tu lovu nek potroshe pola na hired killera da reshi bemana i bragu i posle ce da krene sve kako valja....

u duzhu raspravu oko svega ovoga se ne bih upustao smoritju se...a weekly maitenenance je u toku...ono.. =o))

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Sooo, whachoo sayin is - da je ql, optimistichki i pozitivno shto su sposobni da izdvoje 3$ dolara za snimanje retardirane serije, umesto da pomognu nekima kojima je pomotj zasita potrebna?

Bozhe, daj mi apsolutnu motj na jedan dan!!


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To je Lex zato sto ti imas pesimisticku perspektivu. Sta znaci da je nekom pomoc potrebna vise nego nekom drugom? To je isto kao kada si bio mali pa su te terali da jedes zato sto drugi gladuju. Svako ima svoje probleme, a onaj ko je odgovoran resava ih sam, kako zna i ume. Moja poenta nije bila vezana za ST nego za ljudski entuzijazam, optimizam i ludilo.


nema vise zezanja


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