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THQ returns to war with Winter Assault

The critically acclaimed, Relic Entertainment-developed strategy game Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War is set to expand later this year.

Publisher THQ and developer Relic Entertainment have announced a new expansion pack for its popular 2004 strategy game, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. The expansion, titled Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault, will add an all-new playable race to the original game's set of four, called the Imperial Guard. Both the original game and its expansion are based on hobby company Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game universe, where space marines wearing power armor do battle with hordes of orks and eldar in a grim and violent far-flung future torn by war.

Relic general manager Ron Moravek states, "The response to Dawn of War has been overwhelming. Combining the enthusiasm we're seeing from the fans with the ability to draw from the seemingly endless, rich content from the Warhammer 40,000 universe made the decision to create an expansion easy. We look forward to building on the Dawn of War franchise with even more visceral combat action throughout both the single and multi-player experiences."

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault is scheduled for release in fall of 2005. Stay tuned to GameSpot for more updates on Winter Assault.

Meni se licno ne dopada uvodjenje nove rase uopste, a kamoli IG ... Jos debalansa jos problema, a obecava da patcha nece biti skorije ...

I'm too cool to be around you but I will stay just to show you how pathethic you are =)

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Pa da znas da jesam , ali to mi ne oduzima pravo da kukam i da se zalim [:D]

btw nova rasa je bas velika izmena ...

Oni su dali silne izjave kako nece napustiti podrsku ovoj igri zato sto rade na ekspanziji, ali bla bla to su samo price a patcha ni od korova ...

Inache u Table Top igri, IG je rasa sa najboljim voznim parkom, evo ga skrinchic koji potvrdjuje nameru Relica da to ispostuje i ovde [;)]



I'm too cool to be around you but I will stay just to show you how pathethic you are =)

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wtf je ono cudo gore deluje zajebano ....

Imperial guard a ? To su oni shabani koji se u kampanji pojavljuju i nisu bas i neki... Dobro ne kazem nishta unapred nisam ja prorok ali u svakom slucaju barem se nadam da ce sa ekspanzijom barem ispraviti i neki broj bagova

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Bice da je to. Tyranidi su preveliki posao, IG im je mnogo lakshe da naprave, pa su izabrali IG, iako su Tyranidi bolji izbor iz svih mogucih razloga ...

A ovo chudo gore je Baneblade tenk, u TT to je tenk na koji moze da se montira najbolje moguce naoruzanje, pa i ono za ubijanje titana [;)] ...

btw Zvanicnik THQ-a je izjavio da je 1.3 patch na putu i da se ne bojimo [;)] . Takodje je izjavio da ce biti veliki patch, te ce se chekanje isplatiti ...

I'll keep my fingers crossed ...

I'm too cool to be around you but I will stay just to show you how pathethic you are =)

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