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Eto, iako se Ron Moore pokida da svojeruchno izvuche ono sto su tri godine Branon Braga i Rick Brena zatrpavali pod gomilu govana doshli smo do neumitnog kraja. UPN nije produzhio Star Trek ENterprise za josh jednu sezonu. Pitty...ostaje samo nada da ce sledeci put kad neko krene da lepi ime ST franshize na svoj interni money making scheme da konachni rezultat netje bash toliko da sakuje...also ekipa Save Enterprise ( http://saveenterprise.com/ ) se nada de ce nesto moci da urade, no to se netje desiti, preko 100 epizoda je snimljeno, ode Enterprise u Sindcation, cao, dovidjenja...

February 2, 2005

Today, UPN and Paramount Network Television will announce that this is the final season of Star Trek: Enterprise on UPN.

Star Trek has been an important part of UPN's history, airing on this network virtually every week for more than 10 years. Enterprise has upheld the traditions of dynamic storytelling and high-quality production values that have become synonymous with the franchise.

All of us at UPN would like to thank Rick Berman, Brannon Braga and the incredibly talented cast for creating an engaging, new dimension to the Star Trek legacy on UPN. We look forward to working with them, and our partners at Paramount Network Television, on a send-off that salutes the franchise's valued contributions to UPN and satisfies its loyal viewers. We hope you will join us by helping to promote the final episodes of Enterprise and bring this series to a close in a big way.

As we look to the future, the UPN brand is stronger than ever. We have a clear vision and direction for this network. In just the past year, we've seen America's Next Top Model emerge as a bonafide, homegrown hit for UPN, and our two new dramas, Kevin Hill and Veronica Mars, have received more critical acclaim than any shows in UPN's history. As a result of this success, the creative community has responded by making UPN a key destination for their top projects, producers and talent. Now we're in the midst of another tremendous development season, and we pledge to continue to produce innovative, quality programming that will build on our momentum.

We appreciate your continued support as we work together to move UPN forward.


Dawn Ostroff

President, Entertainment, UPN

Nakon ove objave, Berman je imao intervju sa izjavom koja se na srpski mozhe prevesti sa: "Ma jeb'te se glupi gikovi, ja bih mozda i mogao da poguram seriju josh par sezona, al onda mi se dzhepovi ne bi fatirali ovoliko, ay pal'te."

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naravno da ce se Star Trek vratiti u nekoj formi, Breman vetj prede o tome kako ima ideje za par novih filmova (sa totalno novim (chitaj jeftinim) glumcima) no od choveka koji vetj 5+ godina govori kako su sve priche vetj isprichane, a ne dozvoljava da se koriste fan scripts, sto je praksa bila u TNG i DS9, ja ne ochekujem nista dobro...mozda je vishegodishnja stvar i dobra stvar...no samo posmatraj pauzu...ako krenu express tokom da prave zbrda zdola josh jednu seriju ona ce pocheti sa emitoanjem u jesen 2007me, ako bude veca pauza to mozhe (a ne mora) da bude pokazatelj da je neko seo i zamislio se...

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Enterprise mi je josh i bio zanimljiv kad vidim Cpt. Janeway - a ona je zhivela 7 epizoda (Josh i admiral postala! Koji su fegeti u federaciji, ne znam kako je opstala toliko..)

Sve u svemu ST:E mi se smuchio kad sam video eskadrilu P-51 Mustanga kako presrece shatl i gestapo vanzemljake..

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