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04. Hepaticae: Frullania tamarisci

Liverwort. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the stem of

the a liverwort plant Frullania tamarisci. This species of liverwort has

several small scale-like overlapping leaves (green). The white bottle-

like structures are for water storage. F. tamarisci is an epiphytic species

as it grows on other plants without harming them. It obtains its water

from the air and rain. Liverworts are related to mosses. They grow in

damp habitats and have no true vascular tissue, but are attached to the

ground by means of root-like rhizoids which are also responsible for

some absorption of water and nutrients. Magnification 240x

02. Capillary

Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a section through

a human capillary, showing the red blood cells (red discs) it contains.

The capillaries are the smallest type of blood vessel. They infiltrate

body tissues, forming a fine network that links veins and arteries.

They have permeable walls that allow the exchange of gases and

nutrients between the blood and the tissues. Red blood cells, also

known as erythrocytes, transport oxygen to the tissues and carbon

dioxide back to the lungs. Magnification 2.600x

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