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E ovako nesto bi meni trebalo ... ako jos bude popularne cene i lako dostupno, resio bih problem fotoaparata/dva telefona/gomile drugih stvari.

Samo spustite na povrsinu, i sve se samo puni :)

Finding the right battery charger for your cellphone, digital camera, camcorder or PDA among the sea of anonymous black boxes that clutter our homes is a complete pain - as is finding a free socket when they all need charging at the same time. But this modern hassle could be short-lived.

Instead of each device needing its own charger, it may soon be possible to recharge phones and cameras by placing them on a plastic pad the size of a mouse mat. A dense array of coils buried in the pad will transmit energy to the gadget to charge its batteries. And it will be possible to charge as many gadgets as can fit on the pad at once, the inventors say.

The idea has been a long time in gestation. Splashpower, a spin-off company from the University of Cambridge, UK, has been promising to launch its SplashPad charger for the past three years. Now it has filed a series of patents showing how it will work. "It was a tougher challenge than we initially thought," Splashpower's co-founder James Hay admitted last week. "This is ground-breaking technology and that takes time."

On the face of it, this seems like an odd statement, as the principle is not new. Rechargeable electric toothbrushes, for instance, work similarly and have been around for years. These gadgets contain a coil that sucks power from a companion coil housed in a separate unit and connected to the mains.

And the idea of charging from a flat pad is not new either. While checking one of Splashpower's applications, the UK Patent Office found an electronics enthusiast's website that describes a wireless charger in which an electrical device (a wireless mouse) can be recharged by placing it in a precisely defined location on a mouse mat.

Magnetic fields

The Splashpad is different, as the devices being charged can be placed anywhere on the pad, and several can be charged at the same time. It has also dealt with the problem of ensuring that the magnetic fields it generates are low enough not to erase any nearby credit cards or video tapes.

Splashpower's patent applications (WO 2004/038887, for example) reveal how the firm has achieved this. Inside the pad, an array of coils spread a low-power magnetic field low and wide over the pad's flat surface so that devices anywhere on the surface can intercept charging flux (see graphic). The pad has numerous flat primary coils embedded under the surface. The coils can be of different sizes and shapes: rectangular, circular or ellipsoid.

Splashpower-compatible cellphones, digital cameras or camcorders will have a thin, flat receiver attached to them or inside their casing. The receiver is a sheet of magnetic alloy, the size of a stick of chewing gum, with a coil wound round it. Current induced in the coil when it is on the charging pad is then fed to the device's charging circuit.

Splashpower hopes to license the technology to makers of portable devices who want to build power receivers into their products. It says six companies are evaluating its system, though it will not say which they are. The company's promotional material show photos of Nokia and Palm products. Though no firm licences have been signed, "it will definitely happen", Hay says. "We could see the first drop-and-charge devices before the end of the year."

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pitam se koliko bi ovo zračilo i kakav bi anti-hajp napravili kada bi neko zapravo počeo to da prodaje.. inače sjajna ideja, možda preraste u neki standard za prenos energije na kratke distance, pa onda umesto štekera i kablova budemo u zidovima imali kalemove i onda ti televizor radi gde god ga stavio.. :)

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hmmm...interesantno. Medjutim, za one koji ne mogu da se snadju u sumi adaptera povrsina velicine mouse pada nikako nece biti dovoljna :)

salu na stranu, pitam se koliko vremena ce trebati prosecnoj bateriji od mobilca da se napuni preko el.m. talasa koji su toliko slabi da ne smetaju magnetnim uredjajima...

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da, mnogo je dobra stvar - stavish sve svoje mobilne, pocket pc, mp3 playere, digitalne kamere itd. na to chudo i bacish gomilu smornih punjacha ;)

@lucky: 3D chetkica za zube zaista vredi - kada sam posle pola godine trebao da perem zube sa obichnom chetkicom bash sam se smorio [:D]

А в чем сила, брат?

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Tako vec ima smisla. Prosto, znam da Oral B fura svoje cetkice, i bio sam ubedjen da prave solo i te elektricne ... ali dobro, jedna poseta recimo metrou bi trebalo da sredi stvari. Idem da kupim one jabuke na specijalnom popustu pa izmedju ostalog i ovo ;}

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Jemste, what ivan said, e sad ima cvishe vrsta aparata (na koje se kachi oral B nastavak => jedan aparat i cela familija ima elektrichnu cetkicu, samo onda mora da se puni ceschtje =o) ) neki imaju viche brzina i modova, no i ovaj osnovni radi gore dole i blago rotira = more than enough...e sad to sto ja i dalje volem ruchno da operem zube svaki dan to je moj trip ;o))

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Pa dobro, ne moraju se zubi stalno prati elektricnom. Recimo dva puta nedeljno a resto obicnom, ili kako vec ... ono, i ja imam poverenje u obicnu, ali me nekad samo tako mrzi da se cimam, plus sto je elektricna cetkica u nekim slucajevima mnogo bolja i efikasnija.

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E, ali uzmi obavezno da bude 3D ili 3D Excel - znam da su skuplje, ali zaista vrede!

ja imam ovakvu ali za evropsko trziste i zove se valjda samo Oral B 3D. Postoji josh i 3D Excel koja pichi na 40 000 obrtaja (chitaj skida zube ;) i komplet chetkica 3D excel+oxyjet za chishcenje medju zubima shto je skroz perverzija [:D]

А в чем сила, брат?

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Definitivno se javljam kada obavim shopping. Deluje mi dosta zanimljivo model koji ti imas, naravno, treba ga naci negde kod nas u drzavi ... ali potrudicu se. Javljam prve komentare. BTW, ta koju ti imas kakvu bateriju koristi i koliko joj traje ista? Mada opet, ako drzim stalno na punjacu nakon koriscenja i nije toliko vazno.

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