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:: Nauka :: Rover na Marsu

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Kako su Roveri krenuli u drugu (zemljasku) godinu setnje po Marsu, Spirit je pronasao "cudan" kamen "cudnog sastava", a Oportuniti se sprema za put na "jug".


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On January 4, 2004, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit tore into the thin martian atmosphere and came safely to rest on the flat plain of Gusev Crater. One Earth year later, both Spirit and its twin, Opportunity (which landed on Meridiani Planum January 25), are still exploring the Red Planet
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prvo neko "pere" Mars rovere, pa su onda krenule glasine da tamo ima drveca?!?, pa sad ovo... po meni postoje 2 varijante - ili roveri nisu nikada ni bili na Marsu ili tamo ima neceg shto kriju od nas [:D]

ma svemir uopshte ne postoji projektuju nam nebo sa antartika =)

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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Nije prikacen u Brazilu nego visi sa plafona ogromne kupole u kojoj se nalazimo svi mi gde nas istrazuju nama nepoznati oblici zivota koji su svetlosnih godina napredniji od nas.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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