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Samsungova nova politika


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Nakon cuvenih problema sa monitorima i tolerancijom ka mrtvim pikselima, Samsung je krenuo u novu akciju = TFT monitor ne sme da ima niti jedan mrtav piksel. Ako ga posedujete, mozhete po garanciji da trazhite novi. Iako bi ovako nesto kod nas tesko bilo ostvarivo uz poznate nam dilere racunaske opreme, sigurno nece ni biti moguce, barem jos neko vreme, jer nova politika vazi samo za teritoriju Juzne Koreje.

"A result for the consumer as Samsung declares any TFT that they sell from today onwards should be guaranteed dead pixel free. Until now, purchasing a TFT has been a gamble, given that dead pixels, while extremely annoying, did not necessarily entitle the consumer to a replacement monitor. Unfortunately, anybody who bought a Samsung TFT before today is not covered by the new policy."
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ehh mi nemamo ni garanciju da ce mleko koje kupimo da bude sveze a ovi pricaju o TFT monitorima :(((
mi imamo bolji sistem koji se zasniva na poverenji.ako ti uvale pokvareno mleko vratish se u prodavnicu kazesh "ovo mleko je prokislo,dajte mi drugo nemo da vam jebem ma..."i prodavachica nema drugog izbora nego da ti poveruje;)

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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