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Banite na UT99 server

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[ut] rivajval ne prestaje, gazimo treci mesec i svakog dana igramo tako da je red da javim i ovde, u slucaju da postoji taj igrac UTa kog smo zaboravili da iscimamo a i dalje proverava forum 🙂

dakle imamo server samo za sebe, adresa je

tu smo uglavnom uvece, izmedju 18 i 01h svakog dana

na slici ispod su podaci za dodavanje servera u favorites

ako vas u dodavanju u favorite sprecava to sto nemate UT99, onda kliknite ovde i samo raspakujte folder negde, unutra je igra vec nabudzena tako da bude spremna za 2019 multiplejer (a dobijate i botove sa imenima starih utvara.)

za discord i ostale vidove komunikacije cimajte me pa cu vas dodati

ut rulez



ok sad imamo dva servera, drugi koristi NewNet - apdejtovan netcode koji su pisali sami igraci, i kida

podaci na drugoj slici ispod




Edited by nt.maharaja
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  • 3 months later...

Ok pošto se ove stvari konstantno menjaju, ako nekad ovo pročita neko kom se igra UT, nek nas nađe na discordu: https://discord.gg/Rc9bd7H

Ako i taj discord nestane, onda pitajte na 20yearsofut@gmail.com gde smo, a evo i najaktuelnijih adresa servera:

UT serveri:
UT99.rs NewNet Server - Srbija
UT99.rs OldNet Server - Srbija
Rolamo UT OldNet server - Srbija [hvala Tehnosfera Hosting]

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  • 8 months later...

Tred haj džek,

Izašao je, uslovno rečeno, zvaničan patch v469a za UT99:



This is the public repository for OldUnreal's Unreal Tournament 99 patches. OldUnreal took over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base after reaching an agreement with Epic Games in 2019.

Our patches fix hundreds of stability, security and performance problems in the game client, the server, and in Unreal Editor. They also add support for modern platforms and operating systems (such as macOS Catalina), and add new 3d renderers, audio drivers and minor features (such as raw input and high-resolution font/GUI scaling) to better leverage the capabilities of modern gaming systems.

Patch releases hosted here are considered stable enough for widespread use, but they are by no means a finished product. We still release updates on a regular basis.

Legal Disclaimer: This project was approved by Epic Games, but it is not an official Epic project, nor has it been reviewed or tested by Epic.


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  • 4 months later...
19 hours ago, nt.maharaja said:

O fala sto vodis racuna o nama vudu, da, u komunikaciji smo s bajom koji je patch napravio, sad se testira 469b, dosta je aktivno

jedino server sa početka ove teme nije aktivan, najbolje da uđe na naš discord ko hoće da bude u toku: https://discord.gg/Rc9bd7H

kakav cover, mislio sam da si greškom emedovao neki DJ back2back live set! 

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