SolidChief Posted September 4, 2017 Report Share Posted September 4, 2017 Kao što mnogi majstori kulinarskih poslastica imaju razne tajne sastojke, tako i developeri imaju neku tajnu i brilijantnu mehaniku u video igri na kojoj su radili, a koja je skrivena od očiju igrača. Ali to, na svu sreću lako otkrivaju. Dženifer Šeurle, dizajner video igara je na Twitteru dotakla baš tu temu, i dobila je veliki odziv od malih, ali i velikih developera. Assassin's Creed and Doom value the last bit of health as more hit points than the rest of it to encourage a feeling of *JUST* surviving. — Jennifer Scheurle (@Gaohmee) September 1, 2017 U tvitovima vezanim za zdravlje igrača i neprijatelja, programeri su namerno dodavali “još malo” zdravlja protivniku, za spektakularniji doživljaj. In Shadow of Mordor, I would add additional health back to dueling uruk, to artificially extend their fight a bit, for spectacle! — Rick Lesley (@Rick_Lesley) September 1, 2017 U igri System Shock, poslednji metak uvek čini duplo više štete. In System Shock we made your last bullet do double damage, similar trick to the last bit of health thing. — Rob Xemu Fermier (@xemu) September 1, 2017 Developer igre Inkfell je govorio o odloženom vremenu gravitacije u platformerima. We have a term called "coyote time" for when the player walks off a platformer ledge and presses jump too late, but the jump still works — Chevy Ray (@ChevyRay) September 1, 2017 Firewatch kao izbor beleži kada igrači ne odaberu ništa od ponuđenog. the game reacts to non-response, and it helps create a feeling that ignoring someone has social consequence and the other person is "real" — Jane Ng (@thatJaneNg) September 1, 2017 Kreator Bioshocka je otkrio da su prvi metci neprijatelja uvek promašivali. First shots from an enemy against you in BioShock always missed…that was the design, think it got fully implemented. No "out of blue!" — Ken Levine (@levine) September 2, 2017 Interesantan odgovor je imao i suosnivač Bossa studija. On navodi da možete putem igre pozvati svoj pravi broj. In Surgeon Simulator we hid many features to incite curiosity: for instance, if you dial your real phone number in the game, it calls you. — Henrique Olifiers (@Olifiers) September 3, 2017 Šta se vama najviše dopalo, ili ste možda pronašli još neki interesantan tvit, recite nam u komentarima. Pročitajte vest na PLAY! sajtu Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evgeniy Posted September 4, 2017 Report Share Posted September 4, 2017 metak -> metki -> metci -> meci inace me boli patka, ali ovde mi je oko malo zaigralo =c Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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