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Witcher 3: Jel neko dobio free DLC?


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Jel neko dobio ove fičure što se dobijaju free? Na gogu mi ne daje ništa novo za skidanje, ili je to deo poslednjeg peča i kako se aktiviraju u tom slučaju?

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Dakle ne vidis DLCove na gogu? Hmmm, probaj reinstall jebem li ga... Sve dlc-ove sto instaliras odu direktno u igru, a one alternate look za ribe, se aktiviraju iz menija kad udjes u igru.


novi dlc





The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will receive a major content update later this year with Hearts of Stone releasing in October. There will also be a new update for both consoles and PC which will add even more fixes to the base game in the coming days so stay tuned for more information.

Definitivno ne treba igrati ko moze da se strpi , dok ne poizlazi sve ovo :)

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Mjok, imam samo onih sedam-osam arhiva da skinem, dva peča i to je to. Sa desne strane su mi oni goodiesi, artwork, mapa, manual i ostalo, ali ni tu nema tih free dlcova

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Ides negde drugde, da li ides na configure, get dlc ili nesto trece, ne znam napamet, nemam ovde upaljen. U sustini otvoris igru u Library i gledas te opcije, videces checklistu sa dlcovima.


Ja koristim gog galaxy client, ne znam kako je bez.

Edited by Thunderstorm

It’s better to burn out than to fade away

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"Kupis" ovo:


checkoutujes i to je to, pojavice se svi pod EXTRAS, samo odcekiras koje zelis


Inace meni igra "lezi" kao retko koja zadnjih godina, 168h lvl 21 tek sad idem na ostrva ..hvala i od mene za spojlere

Edited by Demian
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Hvala za pojašnjenja

Instalirao sam ovaj galaxy, koji maestralni način da se dobije free dlc: "kupiš" dlc koji je free, checkoutuješ, "platiš" tih ništa novaca što košta, i onda se prebaciš na gog sajt i tamo ti otključa sve to...

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Ako sam dobro skapirao, to je samo jedan od načina - možeš i samo da se loguješ na GOG.com, možeš i kroz Galaxy. Naravno ako tebi ne šljaka dobro neka od tih opcija, mora tako.




Here is how you can grab and install your new DLC in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Add the 16 FREE DLC Program to your account from its product page. It's like buying a game, but free.
A) If you're using GOG Galaxy:
--Select The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from the sidebar to open its game page.
--Click on the drop-down labeled "More", (located next to the PLAY button) and choose "Configure".
--The Configure page will feature all available DLCs listed towards the bottom.
--Select each DLC that you want to install, and GOG Galaxy will do the rest. If you want to remove the DLC from your game, simply uncheck the selection box.
B) If you're using the website:
You can download installers for each DLC pack manually. Simply head to the Library section of My Account, locate The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and download the files you want. Afterwards, run each one as if you were installing a game or patch.
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