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Dzabe Awesomenauts

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evo i ovde, pa necu vishe :)


uzgred, danke :)

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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chestitke mrhoti na awesomnautima :)


@ ninja, nisam zalio pluseve, josh jednom - svaka chast za akciju :)

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Hvala, bice josh ovakvih akcija ne brinite se ! :)

Pa mozes mi na e-mail poslati,ali jbg vec si odredio pobednika.


Ajd ako o5 budes delio pusti i mene da se takmicim.


Inace delio je on igre i ranije besplatno:



Edited by Nikolasi
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