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The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt


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To samo na laksim nivoima tezine.


Ja sam od pocetka na Death Marchu i regenerisu se potioni i bombe.

Sad pizdim i grickam nokte na 1496/1500 do 12 lvl, jer me zakacio XP bug na family matters. Jos uvek je zelen jer sam lvl 11, ali ne mogu nista jebeno da uradim. Mogu da ubijem jednog drownera, drugi me vec lvl-uje. A 1.05 nece ni danas :/


korisno ko zeli da proveri da li je promasio nesto: http://witcher3map.com/

Edited by Demian
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Kako se tačno manifestuje taj exp bag za questove? Ja po svakom kompletiranom questu dobijem nešto i lepo piše na ekranu, pa da znam dal da stavljam ovo ili ne (prilikom fajta nigde se ne pojavljuje informacija o exp nakon ubijenih neprijatelja, mada se računa na exp skali).

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Kada overlevelujes quest(to se desava kada si 6 lvl iznad datog questa) on postaje gray out/siv i trebalo bi da dobijas umanjen broj XPa a trenutno se ne dobija nista, bio to main ili side quest.Trebali su da izbace patch juce ali su odlozili za sledecu nedelju.Ako nemas puno 'sivih' sacekaj patch.

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viš, nisam znao za taj fazlon, ja sve questove ravnomerno rešavam u skladu sa levelom. Hvala za pojašnjenje

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Ja nisam igrao par dana, ali sam provalio da imam bas spor tempo, radim vecinu sporednih questovam, istrazujem dosta, zezam se po Velenu i Novigradu, ali ne igram karte (nisam jos ni probao). Imam ingame 2 dana i 10h, tek sam stigao na Skeliska ostrva, lvl 19 trenutno. Koliko jos do kraja? :)

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Ja kako sam zavrsio, krenuo sam novu igru na Death march, i mogu reci da je cimanje. 8 Sam level non stop korisitm oils i bombe.

Za razliku od prvog puta kako sam igrao. Drugi put sam se lepo spremio dosta sam se nafarmovo u Orhidu. I sad sam u Velen otvorio sve notice bordove, jurim da uzmem sve Places of Power. Odradio Gwent gde god sam mogo, mozda ostao po koji merchent u Novigradu. Treba jos i turnir da iscepam al mi fali jedna unique karta ;) Posle planiram da krenem Fist fight i Race da zavrsim. Kad to uradim krenucu na questovanje i da cistim upitnike po mapi. Tako nekako mislim da ce mi bar biti lakse malo na ovoj tezini.


Inace na onaj srednji nivo sta je vec sam bez problema tuko njih 4-5 kako sam hteo. Ovde me udare tri puta zavrsio sam pricu :D 1vs1 1vs2 prodje se, ali kad ima 3-4-5 protivnika muka.


Ovog puta sam krenuo default CDR prologue, znaci letho mi mrtav sila i jebem ga sta jos po njihovom parametrima je setovano. Planiram da furam samo Jenifer od riba a sve ostalo da odjebem.


Inace igru sam zavrsio prvi put sa 114 sati igranja. Sad cu da vidim na ovoj jacini koja ce razlika da bude.

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Ha, ekstra! Evo i ja sam poceo ponovo al opet ne skidam prvi armor :D Na toj tezini kad te protivnik udari mnogo boli pa treba lepo koristiti dodge i ne ici berzek na protivnika...


Evo par saveta za build na Death Marchu ako ti je potesko. Moje misljenje!


Fast attack i Stronk attack treba dici momentalno na trecu lestvicu, dakle to je 30pts i to ce ti otkljucati Cetvrtu lestvicu, na cetvrtoj Crippling strikes i Sudden armor na istim bi izbego jer je bacanje poena. Ali zato na battle Trancu uzmes Flood Anger koji ti otkljucava sve spelove na maximum sa svim bonusima i povecava sign intensity ako imas adrenalin poene!!!Jako dobra stvar, ali onda ti treba oprema koja daje adrenalin poene pronto! Ursine set daje najvise na adrenalin poene. Mada i ne mora bas taj da juris. 


Zbog ovog gore bi Sings paletu izbego, jedino Delusion na lvl2 ako ti treba za dialoge.


Alkemija je uvek bila jebeno prejaka, al samo Brewing i Mutations, dakle bez ulja i bombi. Najlaksi nacin da dignes dmg je preko mutogena, dakle Synergy i Adaptation. Nadjes +10% red mutogene i zunes ih sve u slotove, dignes Synergy i Adaptaion i sa dobrim macem lagano preko 2k dmg imas!


U generalu samo jedan poen na cat, griffin ili bear u zavisnosti kakav armor nosis. I naravno ne gledaj kolko sta ima kila u armoru to je nebitno, nego samo sta daje na stats :D isto za maceve!


Kontam da dosta ljudi ne zna za ovo al kad unapredite Whirl, treci spel u fast ataku, izvadis mac kliknes levi klik i drzis ga dokle imas stamine i uzivaj u predstavi :D

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Meni je na Broken bones quen buble koji leci mnogo dobra stvar.  Kao i Yrden.

Taj bonus na mutagene je sjajna stvar, samo je treci tier, treba bas uloziti dosta. Ne verujem da cu skoro.

Sa obzirom da sam tek 18.nivo, nisam jos stigao do treceg tiera u combatu. Rend mi deluje bolje od Whirl, ali kakvi su vasi utisci?

I u general koristim pored talenta za skolu talenat koji pojacava damage u zavisnosti od adrenalina, posto planiram onaj talenat u combatu sto daje bonus na generisanje.


Problem su vise slabih protivnika. Jedan monster 4-5 nivoa veci se da lako ubiti, samo ako naucis njegove napade. Elementali i golemi su najlaksi.

It’s better to burn out than to fade away

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Rend mi deluje bolje od Whirl, ali kakvi su vasi utisci?


Rend svakako,


kad ti dodju jaki bosovi imas sanse samo jednom il dvaput da ga udaris i onda moras da povuces. Rend takodje ignorise odbranu.


Na najtezem nivom kad te zeguje mnogo drownera ides nazad, quen i jednog po jednog. Ako je prostor ogranicen, whirl je dobar :D Al ako su wraithovi onda jebiga !!!


EDIT: Izasto v1.05




Fixes a possible exploit by preventing certain drowners from respawning infinitely.

Improves the distribution of experience points gained by completing quests with recommended levels lower than the player character level.

Merchants now offer more weapon types.

Rebalances the prices of maps that can be purchased from merchants.

Clarifies a number of crafting diagrams.

Fixes an exploit whereby players could buy sea shells and sell the pearls inside them at a higher price.

Increases the variety of loot dropped throughout the game.

Increases the variety of items available in shops.

Shops now only offer weapons with levels matching or exceeding the player character level.

Slightly reduces the amount of coin dropped from chests and monsters.

Deploys the Bovine Defense Force Initiative.

Fixes an issue where runestones could not be upgraded to greater runestones.

Reduces the spawn time of selected groups of NPCs.

Geralt no longer interacts with candles placed near chests and other openable objects.

Improves the smoothness of camera movement.

Fixes a number of issues related to horseback riding.

Fixes an issue where the player could not deflect arrows/bolts at longer distances.

Introduces a number of fixes in in-game communities.

Introduces a number of fixes related to combat.

Vitality begins to drop if Toxicity exceeds 80%, as originally intended.

Fixes an issue where Geralt was sometimes unable to mount Roach.

Improves Geralt's movement, especially when he swims.

Fixes an issue whereby Geralt could be attached to a sinking boat while aiming his crossbow.

Fixes a number of issues related to Vitality regeneration.

Fixes an issue whereby certain actions could be randomly blocked during gameplay.

Fixes a rare issue whereby Geralt could not mount Roach after fast travelling between points.

Fixes a number of minor tooltip and wording bugs.

Adds a series of color-blind friendly features. Improves visibility of tracks, marks, footprints and scent clues. Color-blind friendly features can be enabled in the OptionsGamplay submenu.

Introduces a number of additional fixes to alt + tabbing.

Fixes an issue where The Witcher 3 process did not close properly if the user did not have XAUDIO installed.

Introduces a number of general stability and performance improvements.

Fixes an issue where in certain situations the game could crash while a save was being loaded.

Adds some missing translations in localized versions.

Ciri can no longer unlock fast travel points.

Improves the behavior of sails when viewed from longer distances.

Improves performance in selected scenes and cutscenes.

Fixes an issue where clouds and fog could flicker on some hardware configurations.

Fixes an issue where Geralt could pass through walls in the fish market in Novigrad.

Removes repeated sound cues on entry into GUI panels a second time.

Adds a collision near Kaer Gelen that could cause the player to be blocked inside the building.

Improves the scale of selected elements of the GUI and HUD.

Introduces a number of bug fixes and user experience improvements in the GUI panels.

Introduces a number of small changes in the UI for gwent.

Improves the alignment of the HUD for the 21:9, 4:3 and 5:4 screen ratios.

Disables "Input device changed" messages and adds options to disable on-screen combat feedback and floating tags above NPCs.

Adds an information prompt and Journal entries related to new DLC packages.

Fixes an issue where some formulae were not displayed in the Alchemy panel when the player possessed level 1 of said formulae.

Introduces a number of fixes in key bindings.

Introduces new filters for the Alchemy and Crafting panels.

Fixes a number of minor issues where music tracks were not triggered in their designated locations.

Fixes an issue where some players could not interact with an object during the Pyres of Novigrad quest.

Fixes an issue where some players could not make Geralt run after the Wandering in the Dark quest.

Fixes an issue where players could not talk to Octo after the Lord of Undvik quest.

Reduces the number of Wild Hunt minions spawned during the Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog quest.

Fixes an issue where Keira could sometimes fall beneath the terrain during the Wandering in the Dark quest.

Fixes an issue where certain actions were blocked during the Blindingly Obvious quest.

Fixes an issue where the player could not activate a portal during the Wandering in the Dark quest.

Fixes an issue where the player could get trapped in the ruins of Tuirseach Castle.

Geralt can now always play gwent with Madame Serenity.

Fixes an issue where Vernon Roche would not appear at the Hanged Man's Tree during the Eye for an Eye quest.

Fixes an issue where the player could not talk or otherwise interact with certain NPCs.

Fixes an issue where the sirens in the Lord of Undvik quest could be invincible.

Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions after the Carnal Sins quest.

Fixes an issue where some players experienced an infinite loading screen during the King's Gambit quest.

Fixes an issue where the player could experience a progression break after choosing a certain dialogue option when talking to Dijkstra in the Count Reuven's Treasure quest.

Fixes an issue where Simun did not spawn properly during the Unpaid Debt quest.

Fixes an issue in the Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk quest where the katakan was not hostile after being lured.

Fixes an issue in the Contract: Shrieker quest where the shrieker was not hostile in certain situations.

Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions in the Master of the Arena quest.

Fixes an issue where wolves were not visible in the Contract: Mysterious Tracks quest.

Fixes an issue where the player could not fast travel under certain rare circumstances.

Fixes an issue where the player could not interact with Hattori during the Swords and Dumplings quest.

The player can no longer take on the Apiarian Phantom contract multiple times.

Fixes an issue where some players could not progress during the Broken Flowers quest.

Fixes an issue whereby the "Novigrad, Closed City" entry might have remained in the Journal indefinitely.

Fixes an issue in the Return to Crookback Bog quest where monsters were spawned inside a building.

Players can no longer prematurely obtain a key from a halfling, thus blocking the Contract: The Apiarian Phantom quest.

Fixes an issue in the Greedy God quest where the player could kill a monster twice.

Adds fail-safes for players being unable to obtain gwent cards after Dijkstra or Lambert can no longer be found in the game.

Fixes an issue whereby Triss could get stuck on a set of stairs after a scene during the Now or Never quest.

Fixes an issue where Ermion could not leave Lugos' area during the Sunstone quest.

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Na Death Marchu kada predjete 15 lvl  sve postaje osetno lakse. Nisam srecan.

Nema vise onog feela izazova, 1vs1, prejak monster i monster hunter .. sve se resava signima, vise ni nema potrebe za uljima ni decoction .. tako mi se cini. Ako bas naletis na high high lvl thunderbolt+superior ulje i resen problem. Mislim kul je sto ima taj respec potion pa je lako promeniti build ali opet je sve prejako.


WO overen 100% me bacio u Velen na 4 lvl. Prvi contract mi bio Grave Hag 10 lvl. Tukli smo se skoro 30 min i to posto sam se dobro nastakovao hranom. I legao je super mac, sjajan osecaj


Prejak je Igni stream. Yrden jos gori, postavis field i stojis i seckas dok te nista ne dira, jos ga trapsi kolju i pushbackuju. Zasad najbolje mi lezi Quen/Axii build + FAST attack. To mi je onaj witcher kakav zelim: brz, agilan, ali dva-3 udarca od strane jacih i gine.

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Bug u 1.0.5 bar kod mene


Napravim od lesser (bilokog) mutagena normalan mutagen - kaze da vec imam item i da ne mogu da napravim jos jedan :D Tako da ne mogu da napravim Greater Mutagen.

Dok ne fixuju ako neko ima isti problem, dropuj iz inventara Mutagen, pa napravi novi i pa opet dropuj drugi. Napravi treci, lutuj ova dva i napravi greater...


Jebo sam ih ruzno za ovo cimanje!

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Na Death Marchu kada predjete 15 lvl  sve postaje osetno lakse. Nisam srecan.

Postaje osetno lakse najvise zbog toga sto nisu bas najbolje raporedili level protivnika na mapi kako treba.Za DM trebalo je to mnogo bolje da se odradi.Fali high level bandita,drownera,vukova i sl. kada se roamuje ali i dalje mi se desava da me operu pa loadujem save pola sata star jer se kurcim posto sam OP XD

Nisam jos istrazio celu mapu,ostavio sam odredjene segmente jer predpostavljam da su tu protvinci i questovi sa vecim levelom.Imam 80+h ,lvl 34 a main story jos nisam zavrsio(mislim da sam na pola ili makar 3/4tina) a on kuca XP nemoguce.Za 100% completion  sigurno treba 150h a ne bi cudilo i da izguram 200.

Edited by SteXmaN
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Zanimljivost za quest za Bloody Barona:

Jebte meni se obesio na kraju, posto sam u stvari oslobodio ono cudo (spirit) u planini, a on pokolje celo ono selo i oslobodi onu decu od Anne i ona na kraju najebe kod vestica... Ali kakva sablasna scena vracam se kod barona nazad po reward a on obesen na drvu visi... Vrhunski jebote.

Mada nisam mogao da izdrzim morao sam da loadujem jedno pola sata ranije da vidim sta bi se desilo da sam ubio spirit, da li bi Anna prezivela.. Na kraju u stvari ispade u kako god da se umesas nista nije dobro posto ne bi trebao da se mesas uopste u bilo sta, poenta je izgleda samo da zavrsis svoj quest odradis daju ti pare i da prekidas na pola, recimo kad ti je ono rekao da ide da oslobodi Anu od vestica a ti da kazes ne, dosta sam odradio. Ne znam da li je iko to u igri izabrao :D

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Zanimljivost za quest za Bloody Barona:

Jebte meni se obesio na kraju, posto sam u stvari oslobodio ono cudo (spirit) u planini, a on pokolje celo ono selo i oslobodi onu decu od Anne i ona na kraju najebe kod vestica... Ali kakva sablasna scena vracam se kod barona nazad po reward a on obesen na drvu visi... Vrhunski jebote.

Ja sam se totalno skenjao tu, stajao sam 10 minuta pored njega u neverici. Prosto neverovatno koliko emocija u tom kvestu.

Ali nisam loadovo, jer je cela poenta igre ici sa odlukama instiktivno donesenim, jer nema dobrih i losih

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Ja sam loadovao kod kvesta Carnal Sins, sa ubicom u Novigradu.


Prvi put sam bez razmisljanja kliknuo prvu opciju pri susretu sa "ubicom", jer imas ograniceno vreme, pa sam posle hteo da isprobam ponovo. A onda je sve bilo jasno, tragovi su bili ocigledni



Takodje quest In the Hearth of the Woods odlican.

It’s better to burn out than to fade away

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Ja sam se totalno skenjao tu, stajao sam 10 minuta pored njega u neverici. Prosto neverovatno koliko emocija u tom kvestu.

Ali nisam loadovo, jer je cela poenta igre ici sa odlukama instiktivno donesenim, jer nema dobrih i losih

Apsolutno se slazem...Make a decision and live with it ! :D

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