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Ne preskacem nista, nego podrzavam igru u razvojnom procesu. Btw, teske reci od nekog ko je kupio najskuplji Origin :)


ih pa nije najskuplji :) a iskreno i ja sam pobrkao mislio sam da je avenger skuplji nego sto jeste, osim ako nisi uzeo adv verziju




lista specifikacija brodova :)



Edited by G!!!





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Pa jesam adv. hunter, kao veteran backer sam dobio ceo paket sa igrom i salatom, a rekli su kad neko ima vise od jedne igre moze to da koristi kao NPC slot da ti pomaze u brodovima sa 1+ crew space.


Inace, meni je ship spec preglednije na njihovom sajtu, valjda mi bode oci belina od spreasheeta: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ship-specs


Sad spremaju massive sale kad istice LTI 26tog, glasine su da ce biti jeftinijih paketa ali i brodova sto inace nece biti dostupni za kupovinu kasnije. Ja ne verujem da cu uzeti jos jedan, osim ako ne bude nesto bas bas dobro, ali je ovo dobra prilika za ljude sto jos nisu nista uzeli.


Ako nekom treba LTI, mogu ja uzeti pa dati kao poklon.

Edited by Jerry Drake

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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LTI je superiska stvarcica, kada kazes mozes ti uzeti mislis da mozes ti kupiti ? :) pa ga proslediti kao gift ? ili bukvalno mozes da ga uzmes za dz i prosledis za dz [:D] mozemo da kombinujemo :)


na njihovom sajtu mi je mnogo teze uporediti karakteristike izmedju brodova 





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Mogu kupiti vasim parama, pa giftovati na vas account, to je jedini nacin za nove pridoslice da dobiju LTI. Za dz!!! za dz a i za druge za dz, samo znam da ima neki cooldown, ne moze masu odjednom.


Interesantan podaka iz zadnjeg Wingman's hangara, koji god LTI paket da kupimo pre 26tog, ako izadje posle neka bolja/zanimljivija verzija od tog broda, mozemo samo pazariti upgrade, i ostaje LTI.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Na PM daj detalje sta hoces, pa cemo videti sta i kako dalje. Isto ima fora, neko mi giftuje game paket bez LTI, ja ga meltujem za store credits pa kupim isti taj paket sa LTI, pa giftujem nazad. Kao veteran backer, neki paketi su jeftiniji za mene :)


Evo pejstovacu sa drugog foruma, lepo je objasnjeno:


Thank you for your interest in Star Citizen. As a newcomer you can still get in as a backer, however any packages or ships you purchase will not come with Life-Time Insurance (LTI).
Both Original and Veteran Backers, can purchase add-on ships with LTI at the same cost.

  • We are not breaking any RSI rules with this process.
  • Requirements to gift items to someone, a name and the email address you used to register on RSI.
  • As an alternative to sending money via PayPal, you can purchase your own package and gift it to an original backer. They can then melt it down and repurchase it to send it back. However, there are some things to be aware of in this process.
    1. There is a 24 hour cool down from the time of purchase before an item can be melted. What this means is that if you buy something at noon on Monday and gift it to someone to melt down and repurchase. The party you gifted it too has to wait until noon on Tuesday before he can melt it. This will delay the turnaround time.
    2. The package you purchased might actually cost more to you than it will to the person who is melting and repurchasing for you. See the pricing spreadsheet above to check. If this is the case, work something out with the Original Backer so that the extra money is used to purchase something else you might want. For example, additional skins cost $5, and additional digital manuals cost $10.
  • Accepting gifted items to be melted down and repurchased does not count towards Concierge status.
  • Gifting has changed slightly. The button is not on the hangar page by default anymore. Next to each item in the hangar is a little > arrow. Press that to displayed the Gift and "Exchange for Store Credits" button.


Edit: Objavili su brodove za special sale https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13377-Anniversary-Sale-Details

Edited by Jerry Drake

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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  • 2 weeks later...

Za par sati treba da pocne live stream gde bi trebali da objave svasta nesto:



I za 24 sata ce skupiti vise od 2 miliona $ posto su pustili u prodaju 2 nova broda.


Ovo sada izgleda mnogo bolje


Edited by stator
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Priupitah na Massively.com pa rek'o ajde i ovde da vidim sta mislite:


Ocigledno je da se ubrzava tempo prikupljanja novca. Sve vise ljudi je izlozeno marketingu, word-of-mouth, itd. Ali...


Igra izlazi u 2015. To je duuuugo vremena da se ide istim tempom. U kom trenutku mislite da ce poceti da jenjava finansijska podrska? Kapiram da vecina ljudi koji su vec donirali nece donirati konstatno sledecih godinu ipo dana.


I kada uspore pare, kakav uticaj ce to imati na dalji development?

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Skupili su shta im treba. To se vidi po ciljevima, 1 milion $ za jedan brod? Jel prave rl repliku od zlata? :P Ovo je samo bonus. Nek ispune i pola od obecanog, i igra ce biti fenomenalna.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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  • 2 weeks later...


A new star system will be added to the game for every $100,000 pledged, with descriptions posted to the Comm-Link.


Јесу ли ово испоштовали или кулирају? По овоме, требало би већ сад да има око 370 система?

Edited by brue
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