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Lag bluetooth miseva


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Kupio sam Razer Orochi i primetio sam da kad je u bluetooth modu, posle 3-4 sekunde ode u "sleep" , nakon cega mu treba 1-2 sekunde da ponovo uspostavi vezu sa racunarom, sto rezultuje u kasnjenju i isprekidanom pomeranju kursora. Citao sam na netu o ovome i izgleda se svima desava, cak i ljudim akoji koriste druge BT miseve. Ima li forumasa koji koriste druge modele BT miseva? Imate li vi ove probleme?

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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apple magic mouse nema nikakav lag.

mislim da ovo zavisi dosta i od bluetooth čipa u kompu, tako da možda probaš da li će sa nekim drugim (usb) adapterom bolje raditi.

i pre nego što ishejtujete, magic mouse sam dobio na poklon :)

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Koristim neki Logitech bluetooth miš mislim od 2007 pa do današnjih dana i mogu reći da je jedan od najboljih miševa koje sam imao. Nemam nikakve te probleme sa lagom i sličnim stvarima koje pominješ, a mislim da bateriju menjam na svakih x meseci ako i tada.

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Luls pa tebi novi Razer mis ne radi kako treba.

Malo offtopic ali

samo da pridodam vec po neki sesti put na ovom forumu, da su Razer misevi izvikano govno, aka fensi mis koji radi godinu dana a posle toga krenu problemi, aka levi klik vrisne, scroll wheel preskace, itd.

Psovao sam im sve juce kad sam radio neke dijagrame u Visio-u za fax, nekad je levi klik dvoklik, nekad ga uopste ne registruje, a once in a blue moon ga registruje i kao levi klik.

U pitanju je normalno korisceni Razer Deathadder star manje od dve godine.

Andjeo smrti spusti buktinju i s' njom ugasi se jadno bice moje.

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evo odgovora od razer

Hello Srdjan,

This is expected behavior as this allows the mouse to maximize battery life. It does not occur when wired because the mouse receives power from the computer and not the batteries in this mode. There is no way to change this for the mouse wirelessly. We would recommend using the mouse wired when playing games if you need to eliminate this lagging.


The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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