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Total War: Rome II

Al Bundy

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  • 6 months later...

Pa pazi, ako se naviknes na neke nedostatke igra je ok :)

Doduse ostajem pri davno izrecenoj konstataciji da je prvi Rome najbolji TW ikada, narocito kada se igra recimo EB mod :)

E sada, ako te zanima na sta igra trenutno lici, imas ovde linkove (zvanican TW forum, voljeni RUR-e oprosti) za gledanje, pa uzivaj:


Inace, totalna lista poboljsanja/promena na igri:

Changes with the Emperor Edition

The Imperator Augustus Campaign

Set during the 2nd Triumvirate and starting in 42 BC, this campaign covers the same areas as the Grand Campaign but with revisions to what settlements and provinces there are. There are 10 playable factions:

  • Antony’s Rome
  • Lepidus’ Rome
  • Octavian’s Rome
  • Pompey’s Rome
  • Iceni
  • Marcomanni
  • Dacia
  • Egypt
  • Parthia
  • Armenia have also been made playable in the Grand Campaign.

  • UI Graphical tweaks – Updating the look of the UI to improve immersion and the feel of the game.
  • Faction Colour Changes – All factions that were in the Grand Campaign have had their colours and icons updated generally to more naturalistic tones.
  • Trait Changes – lots of changes to what triggers traits, which ones will trigger and their effects.
  • Character Ages – Changes have been made that mean in the Grand Campaign characters should tend to live for an extra 20-25 years on average.

Known Issues:
If you continue an old Grand Campaign save, during or after a Civil War, the new Politics screen in the Faction Overview will not display correctly, due to the civil war mechanics changing to allow multiple civil wars. These saves can still be continued, but the Politics screen will not be useful in this case.

Technical and performance improvements:


  • Fix for some end of turn hangs.
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during the end turn sequence.
  • Fixed an issue related to politics that could cause an end turn crash.
  • Fix for campaign map stuttering when double-clicking on the terrain to move the camera long distances.
  • Improved the loading times, loading into Campaigns.
  • Updated diplomacy for when the Roman factions speak to each other.

AI improvements

Battle AI improvements:

  • Optimisations for Battle AI tactics for attacking walls.
  • AI controlled elephant units will no longer kill their elephant as soon as it begins to rampage.

Campaign AI improvements

  • Campaign AI army management and recruitment adjustments.
  • Improved Campaign AI budgeting for construction.
  • Improved Campaign AI army management and recruitment.
  • Campaign AI controlled armies will no longer remain in forced march stance after being sabotaged.
  • Campaign AI will no longer ignore threats when attempting to reach their last settlement to defend it from imminent capture.
  • AI controlled armies on the Campaign map are now less likely to stand in forced march nearby players settlements for several turns.
  • Increased AI research bonus on Hard and Very Hard difficulty levels.

General improvements

General battle improvements

  • Added Noble Horse Archers, Kartli Axemen, Persian Hoplites, Persian Cavalry and Elite Persian Archers to Armenia's unit roster.
  • New custom/multiplayer battle map presets added.
  • Tweaked mercenary unit caps in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Hoplite Wall exploit.
  • Removed Camulodunum and Oracle of Amun Ra battle preset maps.
  • Added in loose formation to all Iberian melee and spear infantry.
  • Added new pelt helmets to Germanic Officers and Elite units.
  • Fix for Bithynian infantry holding swords instead of axes.
  • Fixed bug with siege holdout skill giving negative effect.
  • Added Mercenary Dacian Spears to Odrysian multiplayer roster.

General Campaign improvements

  • Fix for Armenian/Eastern tech military building unlocks.
  • Updated Imperium Effect bundles.
  • Fix for a Multiplayer Campaign exploit.
  • Lots of building effect bug fixing, and religious buildings received big adjustments to their effects.
  • Quartered base political action costs, but quadrupled the increases from Imperium.
  • Fix for Epona religious chain for Iberians giving the wrong culture type.
  • Added replenishment rate bonus for Fortify Stance.
  • Fix for Remuneration Reform technology giving bigger bonuses than Cohort Organisation; their bonuses have been swapped.
  • The Egypian victory conditions in the Grand Campaign have been updated.
  • Certain political actions e.g. "Reduce senators" would increasing characters gravitas and thus power / influence. The influence cost of these political actions has been set to 0 to make it clearer what is happening, instead of showing an increase.
  • Improved Civil War warning message.
  • The Rosmerta religious chain bonus to public order from the tax edict will now apply correctly.
  • The "Good Looking" character trait has been given an effect, and the trigger has been restricted to agents.
  • Improved the portrait lighting for the advisors and Roman, Barbarian, Eastern, Hellenistic generals.
  • Fix for oracle event outcomes having the wrong target.
  • Removed movement range bonuses/penalties from season effects.
  • Adjustments to eastern building unit recruitment.
  • Added missing faction income bonuses to Getae and Odrysian Kingdom in Grand Campaign.
  • Fixed multiplayer campaign exploit regarding taxes and public order.
  • Added in glass resource to Caesar in Gaul campaign.
  • Added auxiliaries to Chorasmia province.
  • Removed happiness bonus from Field of Mars.
  • Swapped generic Mine Chain penalty from food to squalor.
  • Fix for missing political parties for Caesar in Gaul Campaign.
  • Fix for Persian Hoplites not being recruitable for Seleucids.
  • Fix for Nabia Temple increasing recruitment costs instead of decreasing them.
  • Bactria region will now colour correctly.
  • Fixed several text bugs.

Usability Improvements


  • Updates to battle grass colours.
  • Fix for some tree graphical issues on battlefields.
  • Improved battlefield lighting ambiance.
  • Updated weather environments for Mediterranean climate, dry and rainy conditions on the battlefield.
  • Briton Levy Freemen now look less like Celts.


  • Various Multiplayer desyncs have been fixed.
  • Sea colours edited for all campaigns
  • Updates to the looks of the campaign map trees.
  • Fix for Seleucids speaking with Roman voices in the Grand Campaign.
  • Fixed some character names in the Hannibal at the Gates Campaign
  • Fixed a bug in Multiplayer Campaign Diplomacy, which allowed the player to accept an offer before it had been made, and in some cases caused the game to lock up when doing so.
  • The Coliseum now has the correct long description.
  • Fix for Grand Campaign Persia having wrong mini-map colour.
  • Reduced the strength of the sun during sandstorms in desert, reduced saturation of night-time environments.
  • Shrank the font size for unit names when displayed in objectives, so they fit better in the available space in the UI.
  • Fix for missing % in great marksmen faction trait


  • Fix when opening browser for Twitch EULA agreement.
  • Various UI tweaks.

Balancing Changes


  • Fix for some wives missing effects.
  • Tweaks to ancillary effects
  • Tweaks to when corruption will reach max level.
  • Reduced anti-corruption bonuses from technology.
  • Reduced cumulative culture GDP bonuses from technology.
  • Added hull upgrade bonuses to Poseidon temple line.
  • Increased Macedon and Seleucid faction income bonuses.
  • Adjusted public order penalties/bonuses from Influence and Imperium to be more in-line with buildings. These happiness effects are now listed as Faction on the happiness tooltip in the settlement details panel.
  • Adjusted cost of Legionaries, Principes and Legionary Cohort.
  • Eastern Horse Archers are now recruitable from level 2 Light Stables.
  • Balkan factions now have Cultural Affinity bonus with each other.
  • Adjusted happiness penalty from Imperium to one based on presence of foreign cultures.
  • Reduced experience gain per turn for agents being deployed or in armies.
  • Adjusted recruitment of Painted Ones, Naked Swords and Naked Warriors to be earlier.
  • Adjusted the stats for the branches of the Roman city, Eastern city and Eastern generic town chains to give more clear differentiation between the choices.


  • Hoplites speed has been adjusted.
  • Adjusted pike balancing.
  • Increased melee cavalry attack.
  • Big adjustments to unit ability assignments - now fewer units have abilities, and their distribution has been edited.
  • Increased the ammo of Scorpion and Polybolos units.
  • Reduced reload time of Scorpion units.
  • Reduced "attacked in rear" morale penalty to -30.
  • Reduced winning combat significantly morale factor to 20.
  • Reduced pike attack cool-down timer to 2.1.
  • Reduced acceleration and turn speed of super heavy (cataphract) mount.
  • Increased elephant hit points.
  • Reduced chariot hit points.
  • Reduced melee defence of pike units.
  • Reduced morale of most Peltasts units.
  • Improved attack of Agrianian Axemen.
  • Increased melee defence of Round Shield Swordsmen.
  • Increased attack and charge of Falxmen and Thracian Warriors.
  • Increased attack and charge of Carthaginian Noble Cavalry.
  • Removed disciplined trait from Illyrian Thureos Spears.
  • Increased attack and charge of Sword Band.
  • Reduced melee defence and hit points of Milita Hoplites, Libyan Hoplites and Late Libyan Hoplites.
  • Increased attack and defence of Hastati.
  • Changed shield of Cantabrian Cavalry to one with a bigger missile block chance.
  • Increased morale and hit points for Etruscan Hoplites.
  • Reduced cost of Noble Spearmen.
  • AP damage of Kopis increased by 1.
  • Reduced damage of recurve bows.
  • Removed melee defence bonus from Fighting Spirit ability.
  • Removed unbreakable morale from Force Concentration ability.
  • Removed fatigue freeze from Relentless ability.
  • Reduced fatigue penalty from Rapid Advance ability.
  • Duration of the Spirit of the 10th ability reduced by half.
  • Reduced speed penalties from fatigue.
  • Fixed armour type for Naked swords unit (set to no armour).
  • Reduced stats of higher level pikes by -1 attack and -2 melee defence.
  • Increased melee attack of Chosen Sword Band, Chosen Swordsmen, Sword Followers, Tribal Warriors, Gallo-Thracian Infantry.
  • Increased melee defence of Fierce Swords.
  • Reduced melee attack of Axemen and Kartli Axemen.
  • Increased melee attack of Scale Throax Hoplites.
  • Increased melee attack and charge of Naked Swords.
  • Increased melee defence of Ambushers.
  • Increased melee attack and charge bonus of Painted Ones and reduced melee defence.
  • Increased armour of Elite Persian Archers.
  • Increased charge of Kartli Axemen.

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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  • 2 weeks later...

Хвала људи, послушао сам вас и пикам је ево већ недељу дана. С обзиром да сам очекивао трагичну игру, пријатно сам се изненадио. АИ је у борбама за сада само једном испао баш дегенеричан, у дипломатији има мало више проблема али реално кад је у овом серијалу па била лепо одрађена дипломатија. Највећа разлика у односу на дан кад је изашла је у оптимизацији колико видим, немам неку звер од компјутера, а игра клизи и изгледа лепо. Поморске битке на које сви кукају на форумима су мени до јаја, различитост јединица након Шогуна 2 немогућa итд. Углавном ето, ако неком неким чудом значи и ја саветујем да се да друга шанса игри иако фали доста ствари које би морале да буде ту.

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  • 1 month later...

Evo ovako narode, u cetvrtak na steam-u, stize novi patch koji donosi nove nacije za igranje, odnosno pre svega Massilia (Marsej, ona mesavina Grka i Gala), koja ce biti free, zatim The Black Sea Colonies Culture Pack, nemam pojma hoce li i to biti besplatno, saznacemo za koji dan :)

Do tada, uzivajte u ovoj fotki :D


Da editujem posto ne citam ic lepo, stize me neki umor :)

The Black Sea Colonies Culture Pack


Cimmeria - gornja slika sa jedinicama je njihova









I free Massilia



Cena ovog novog Culture pack-a ce na steam-u biti 7.5 e :)

Toliko od mene, za sada :)

Edited by tzarinho
  • Upvote (+1) 1

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Cisto da se zna i dalje pikam EB, deo prvi, ubedljivo najbolji mod za TW, ikada. :) Videh da je dvojka ok, probao sam je na kratko, medjutim, sacekacu da je jos malo ispeglaju pa cu svojski da se prebacim na nju :)

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Danas, novi patch :)


Sta patch donosi:

Technical and performance improvements Battle
  • Fixed a rare projectile crash in battles.
Campaign AI improvements
  • Adjustment to Campaign AI to force factions that have just become known / discovered to take on the current attitude towards the player, rather than be neutral.
General battle improvements
  • Fixed bug with Celtic Linothorax armour on units in battle.
  • Fixed misaligned settlement walls in Tigranocerta city battle map.
  • Stopped infantry user triggering "riders into wedge" voiceover during battles.
  • Armies moving from a settlement will no longer trigger "move completed" dialogue lines before their move has begun.
  • Armenia can no longer use large onagers when defending in a custom siege battles.
General Campaign improvements
  • Fixes for seasonal effects and adjustments to income types and amounts from buildings in the campaign so subsistence is more favoured.
  • Diplomatic scores have been lowered in general, and It is now harder to make client states.
Usability Improvements Battle
  • Factions are now listed in 2 columns in the Custom Battle and Multiplayer *Lobbies, to prevent the faction list going off the bottom of the screen.
  • Fixed a Roman minor port coastal battle map, where units could disembark on an out-crop of land at the edge of the map, and therefore would get stuck and no longer be able to fight the navies in the battle.
  • Fix for broken deployment area on port tile near the Dolmens in France.
  • Faction Trait Icons fix - adjust to newer Emperor Edition colour scheme.
Balancing Changes Unit Stats
  • Increased armour of Foot Companions.
  • Increased melee attack of Thracian Slingers, Bowmen, Skirmishers.
  • Increased charge bonus of Carthaginian Noble Cavalry.
  • Increased damage of longbows but reduced reload rate.
  • Increased health of First Cohort and Eagle Cohort.
  • Removed square from noble Spearmen and Persian Hoplites.
  • Increased range of Nubian Bowmen to 150.
  • Increased the health, attack and melee defence of Egyptian Cavalry.
  • Increased the health of Thureos Spears by 5.
  • Karian Axemen ranged weapon swapped for the same javelins as used by Thureos Spears.
  • Increased the attack, armour and health of Mercenary Leopard Warriors.
  • Increased the morale and armour of Camel Spearmen.
  • Increased the morale of Camel Archers.
  • Attack and charge bonus increased for Agrianian Axemen.
  • Increased the armour of Thessalian Cavalry.
  • Changed weapon of Hippeus Lancers so they do more damage.
  • Increased the morale and health of Elite Persian Archers.
  • Increased the armour, charge and melee defence of Etruscan Hoplites.
  • Increased the morale of Light Hoplites.
  • Increased the health of Heroes of Sparta.
  • Increased the range of Gallic Hunters.
  • Increased the health of Celtic Skirmishers.
  • Increased the melee attack, charge bonus and melee defence of Celtiberian Cavalry.
  • Increased the melee attack and charge bonus of Iberian Noble Cavalry
  • Cantabrian Cavalry have been given higher damage javelins..
  • Increased the armour of Veteran Riders.
  • Increased the hit points of Horse Runners.
  • Increased the armour of Bloodsworn.
  • Increased the armour and morale of Spear Wall.
  • Increased the morale and melee defence of Night Hunters.
  • Increased the melee attack and melee defence of Fierce Swords.
  • Increased the range of Dacian Heavy Bowmen.
  • Increased the health and melee attack of Dacian Heavy Skirmishers.
  • Increased the armour of Thracian Peltasts.
  • Increased the morale of Thracian Warriors.
  • Increased the health of Tribal Warriors and reduced speed.
  • Increased the morale and melee defence of Illyrian Cavalry.
  • Increased the morale of Parthian Foot Archers.
  • Swapped the shield type of Scythian Royal Skirmishers and Sarmatian Horsemen to one with more armour.
  • Increased armour and health of Sarmatian Royal Lancers.
  • Reduced the mass of chariots.
  • Increased the mass of elephants.
  • Increased the attack of Briton Scout Riders to 38*
  • Decreased the attack of Hastati to 35
Unit Abilities and Attributes
  • Added hoplite wall to Persian Hoplites.
  • Rapid Advance for Gorgo's Skirmishers replaced with Rapid Reload.
  • Added Frenzied Charge to Mighty Horse.
  • Added Frenzied Charge to Illyrian Cavalry.
  • Added Hoplite Wall for Noble Spearmen.
  • Added Drago to Saka Noble Armoured Lancers.
  • All camel units have gained the resistant to fatigue attribute.
Unit Costs and Caps
  • Thureos Hoplites cost decreased to 600.
  • Illyrian Thureos Spears cost increased to 380.
  • Iberian Swordsmen cost increased to 350.
  • Thureos Spears cost increased to 560.
  • Riders of the Hunt cost decreased to 570.
  • (Mercenary) Rhodian Slingers cost decrease to 590.
  • Evocati Cohort cost increased to 890.
  • Triarii cost decreased to 790.
  • Steppe Archers cost increased to 330
  • Nubian Bowmen, Hippeus Lancers, Dacian Heavy Bowmen, Mercenary Thracian *Warriors and Illyrian Cavalry cost increased
  • Steppe Archers cost increased to 330
  • Egyptian cavalry increased to 600.
  • Celtic Warhounds cost reduced by 50
  • Increased the custom/multiplayer battle cap of Mercenary Axe Warriors to 4.
Unit Availability
  • Mercenary Thracian Warriors added to custom/multiplayer battle roster for *Macedon and Athens.
  • Mercenary Samnite Warriors added to custom/multiplayer battle roster for Epirus.
  • Mercenary Italian Cavalry added to custom/multiplayer battle roster for Syracuse.
  • Mercenary Cappadocian Cavalry, Mercenary Skirmisher Cavalry and Mercenary *Syrian Archers added to custom/multiplayer roster for Galatia.
  • Mercenary Germanic Scout Riders added to custom/multiplayer battle roster for Nervii.
  • Mercenary Veteran Hoplites added to custom/multiplayer battle roster for the Odrysian Kingdom.
  • Factional mercenaries for Tylis swapped from Dacian to Celtic units.
  • Mercenary Tarantine Cavalry added to custom/multiplayer roster for Ardiaei.
  • Mercenary Persian Cavalry added to custom/multiplayer roster for Pontus.
  • Cappadocian Cavalry added to campaign and battle roster for Pontus.
  • Mercenary Naked Swords added to custom/multiplayer battle roster for Pontus.
  • Mercenary Amazonian Riders added to custom/multiplayer battle roster for *Roxolani and Massagetae.
Known Issue
  • In the Mac Steam version of the game, some changes to the games options during play will not be kept once the game is restarted.

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Pa pazi, zahvaljujuci svim ovim patchevima igra je skroz drugacija od onoga na sta je licila kada je izbacena na trziste. Ovo naravno govorim u sasvim pozitivnom smislu, mislim da je sada poprilicno igrivija, a i poprilican broj besplatno ubacenih novih naroda je odradio svoje :)

Sto se samih modova tice nemam pojma sta da ti preporucim, igram standardnu verziju :)

Elem, ako ti se igra makar malo ne dopadne, preporucujem ti da skines Medieval Total War II + Kingdoms ekspanziju i da instaliras na njega Europa Barbarorum mod http://www.europabarbarorum.com/ - poprilicno je zabavan i mislim da ce ti fino biti za igranje :)

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Eb je najjaci mod koji sam ikada igrao, za bilo koju igru! Ako gotivish istoriju i taj period bice ti dobar preko svake mere, mada malo u pocetku moze da bude konfuzan. Procitaj uputstvo i forum prvo :).

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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EB je verovatno najbolji mod za anticki svet, baziran na Total War igrama :) Mozda i najbolji mod na svim igrama :)

Meni je prvi deo EB-a, onaj koji radi na RTW I, nesto ubedljivo najbolje i najlagodnije za igranje na sta sam naleteo :)

Sto se tice ovog EBII za MTWII , mislim da jos uvek postoje neki bugovi, obzirom da je relativno skoro izbacen, ali tako je bilo i sa prvim delom, ispeglace vrlo uskoro sa fixevima sta god da ne stima :) U svakom slucaju mislim da je vredno makar da se pokusa igranje ovog moda :D

Edited by tzarinho

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dakle narode, divni ljudi iz CA nam za dan 16. meseca dvanaestog, ove godine, donose sledece:

Wrath of Sparta campaign pack


Divna kampanja koja nam donosi priliku da iskusimo cari onoga sto je u istoriji, nesavrsenoj kakva jeste, a opet divnoj, koju sa postovanjem izucavamo, nazvano Peloponeski rat !


Igra pocninje 432. godine p. n. e. - donosi nam 22 provincije, sa ukupno 78 teritorija, svaki krug ce, zbog manjeg vremenskog okvira za kampanju trajati mesec dana, a samu kampanju cemo moci da iskusimo kao jedna od cetiri nacije : Sparta ( o/ ), Atina, Korint i Beotijska liga (Teba) :)

Idemo ovako:










Beotijska liga



Par slika iz same kampanje:



U igru ce biti ukljucen novi Tech Tree, a pored gore pomenutih naroda u igri ce kao jako prisutan faktor biti ukljucena i Persija, sto se moze primetiti na slici koju okacih negde tamo gore a koja prikazuje mapu :)

E sada, cena svega ovoga na steamu ce biti - oko 15e, mada mislim da se moze uzeti i za 13.5 e pre nego sto sam DLC izadje :)

A epizoda Rally Pointa koja govori o svemu ovome sto sam sada ja otkucao je evo, bas ova:


ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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