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Company of heroes 2


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Ima neki official changelog negde?


"Playing the stress test, and COH2 beta has gone through some changes that make it all around a better product. Here is my list:

- The menu and end game screens have much smoother transition and look much better

- The Elefant replaced the Tiger on a German doctrine, so it is only call in, which is what it should be. The Tiger is nowhere to be seen

- Units unlocked in your doctrines can be called in, not build at certain buildings. This is a great improvement to the game, since you can call in (for example) guard rifles but not build the structure to do it

- Some sounds/graphic changes that look really nice, making the game more polished

- FINALLY, flamethrowers are no longer superweapons. They do about the same damage as the original COH. Still scary for infantry, but you won't lose an entire squad in seconds"

neka osoba glupak hehe

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zanimljivo na laptopu mi daje update od 6 gb, dokna desktopu skine nekih 96mb i neravno nece da se pokrene


edit:  pronadjoh gde je caka :) pokretao sam instalaciju coh 2 beta test a ne cist coh2 :)

Edited by G!!!





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- adding tracking for rare peer to peer error

- optimization: game won't slow down after numerous explosions have damaged the terrain

- optimization: speed up terrain rebuilding for higher frame rates when the camera moves
- fix dead entities not snapping to ground when dying on bridges
- prevent enemy buildings from appearing as holes in the ground when FoW was active
- improve hang detection to reduce number of times the game crashed itself thinking it was hung
- fix a bug where projectiles would never hit a dropped mg42
- fix post game stat screen showing wrong info on save/load
- add OEM8 for mapping English physical key locations to French
- add new Commander Dispatch feature
- update performance test to feature snow
- most barrage abilities now target positions instead of squads/entities
- fix guard troops reinforcing for free
- catch networking problems when a user has trouble connecting to many users in a short period of time
- reduce pak43 and howitzer requirements
- normal mortar can now be deployed when you get the 120mm
- commander tank and officer limited to one
- 120mm mortar changed from 480 to 360 from free
- fix for quad50 audio in the distance
- fix ISU 152 having two abilities with the T hotkey
- add hotkey for transfer orders
- fix M shortcut for tellermine
- fix bug where playing a tutorial of watching a replay to completion would prevent the player from playing online
- fix subtitle overlap in tutorial

neka osoba glupak hehe

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ne kapiram sta je ovo , pre neki dan kad je G! okacio da je krenula beta ja krenuo jednu partiju odigrao i malo testirao sta i kako, a sad kad je ukljucim pise failed to start exectuable ili tako nesto... ne kapiram ?!

mora se skine opet... moja greska... valjda ce da radi...


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nema a nece je skoro ni biti, tako nesto bar komentarisu mada ne mora nista da znaci :)


kampanja izuva jedino je smor sto su sa pocetka same igre losi momci rusi koji eto zrtvuju vojnike svoje kako bi pobedili (neprijatelja koji napada siluje i ubija oh ne to se bas ne spominje)


anyway dodjoh do trece misije i opala bacise sve na tebe i prc prvi ragequit  kada mu je arti slistio sve sto sam imao (jer ti pokaze da ce arti da roka na jedno mesto a on rokne svuda samo ne tu :))


dakle bice kampanja koskica kao i original sto je nekada bio sudeci po pocetnim misijama (ne znam ni sam da li je 3 ili 4)

Edited by G!!!





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ma presao sam ofc samo me posrala artiljerija pred povlacenje do hq i rasturila malte ne sve sto sam imao...  u sledecem igranju predjoh bez problema jer arti random puca  :)

mogli smo neki coop ili multi vec neki





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I ja sam za multi, samo imam tendenciju da dok igram CoH engejdžujem full-retard mod i da me boli kurac za pobedu. Pobeda je iznervirati protivnika. Kome to zvuči kao radost neka me doda: Commissar Lag na Steam-u.

Naveo si riplejeve gde neki od najboljih CoH1 igrača igraju protim random ljudi.

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Naveo si riplejeve gde neki od najboljih CoH1 igrača igraju protim random ljudi.

To je tacno, ali ne menja cinjenicu da je Soviet-ska pesadija presvinjena. O weapons team-ovima da ne pricam. Scenario je isti kao u replay-ima. Od tada se prica jos dopunila raznim egzotikama na stetu Nemaca.

U CoH 1 Wehrmacht (od pesadije) bar ima KCH (ako nista pre njih ne upali), koji bezuslovno nateraju protivnika da se odrekne spamovanja pesadije i menja strategiju. U CoH 2 sam ocekivao nesto slicno. Imaju vec model sa oficirskom uniformom; ne znam samo sta je tesko da uglave 3 takva u squad, daju im Stg 44 (mada ni Stg 44 nije sto je bio), Heroic armor, otpornost na suppression i stave ih u T4, ili kao call-in. Cak je i T4 mnogo, jer Soviet-i imaju Shock Troops gotovo trenutno i na njima ocigledno dijamantski armor.

Krenula je neka prica "Pa Nemci ne treba da igraju agresivno, vec da se ukornjace na jednom delu mape...", medjutim dodje Maxim udje MG42-ci u range, rasklopi se, doruckuje, zapali i onda pobije ceo crew MG42-ke, dok ovi sve vreme pucaju na njih, usput ih i pin-uju i ne ubiju nijednog. Ili Nemci prosto bivaju zasuti mortar-ima ciji crew izgleda ima doktorat iz balistike za razliku od Nemackih koji ne mogu da pogode nista, pa i kad pogode, Soviet-e bas briga jer Mother Russia ima fabrike za kloniranje, pa za svaki weapons team obezbedjuje throng clanova.


I ja sam za multi, samo imam tendenciju da dok igram CoH engejdžujem full-retard

Taj trip verovatno svi imamo...


Anyways, moj profil je Dark Voice.

Edited by Death Egg
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Nemam dovoljno odigranih partija da bih rekao da si u pravu ili nisi, samo kažem da si naveo partije likova koji su najluđi. :) Iz mog iskustva ruski support smrdi u odnosu na nemački, dok nemačka pešadija nije neka u odnosu na rusku i to je to.

neka osoba glupak hehe

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