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Cleverbot is a web application that uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to hold conversations with humans. It was created in 1988 by AI scientist Rollo Carpenter, who also created Jabberwacky, a similar web application. In the first decade of its existence, Cleverbot held several thousand conversations with Carpenter and his associates. Since being launched on the web in 1997, the number of conversations has exceeded 65 million. Unlike other chatterbots, Cleverbot's responses are not programmed into it, but rather selected from phrases entered by humans in previous conversations. Humans type into the box below the Cleverbot logo and the system finds all of the keywords or an exact phrase matching the input and after searching through its saved conversations of previous chats, responds to the input by finding how a human responded to that input in past conversations when posed by Cleverbot,[2][3] although the commercial version of Cleverbot has more than one thousand requests per server, the ones hosted were for 1 or 2 people per server. This allowed more speed and quality of responses hosted by the artificial intelligence system.

Cleverbot took part alongside humans in a formal Turing Test at the 2011 Techniche festival at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati on September 3, 2011. Out of the 1,334 votes cast, Cleverbot was judged to be 59.3% human, compared to the rating of 63.3% human achieved by the actual humans. A score of 50% or higher is often considered to be a pass of the Turing Test.[4]

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ахахах колко се поправио овај клевербот, причамо већ петнес минута и није повиленео:)

Šta ima.


Što ništa.

Pa eto xd.

Šta radiš.


икс де победило:)


Za koga ces da glasas?

Za partizan.

Napred zvezda.

Na na na na.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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napisao mi je "neznam" spojeno :P


User: Odakle si.

Cleverbot: Beograd.

User: To je nemoguce.

Cleverbot: Sasvim je moguce.

User: Onaj koji te je napravio je lud!

Cleverbot: Pa ko je memo.

User: Ko je memo.

Cleverbot: Ti muska svinjo.

User: Sram te bilo!

Cleverbot: Zasto.

User: Nazvao si me svinjom.

Cleverbot: Apple.

Edited by chegster


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