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Microsoft Office Excel 2003


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to je do security podešavanja, po defaultu ništa ne može da se vrti samo od sebe. nemam excel 2003 instaliran pa ne mogu da ti kažem gde se menja ali naći ćeš valjda već nekako.

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naprimer otvoris altavistu i kucas u search "google"

Onda kliknes na prci link i tu ti se otvori www.google.com

Potom kucas u search "Running macros in excel 2003"

Druga opcija je da otvoris sam eksel i da odes na help. Tu ukucas "macros", i voila!

Enable or disable macros in Office files

A macro is a series of commands that you can use to automate a repeated task, and can be run when you have to perform the task. This article has information about the risks involved when you work with macros, and you can learn about how to enable or disable macros in the Trust Center.

In this article


Enable macros when the Message Bar appears

Enable macros in the Backstage view

Enable macros for one time when the Security Warning appears

Change macro settings in the Trust Center

Macro settings explained

What is a macro, who makes them, and what is the security risk?

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Igore, osim što si hejter, mislim da nisi lepo pročitao šta je čovek pitao :) Nije pitao kako da mu automatski bude omogućeno korišćenje makroa, nego kako da automatski startuje neki određeni makro pri startovanju programa.

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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ja sam ogorceni matori hejter, molim.

I to sto nemam pojma o cemu pise uopste ne treba da me spreci da bljujem kiselice zar ne!



You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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