Dandy Posted November 8, 2012 Report Share Posted November 8, 2012 Zar nisu to ispravili u najnovijem patch-u? Quote Dandy [RUR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lancemi3d Posted June 20, 2014 Report Share Posted June 20, 2014 (edited) Hebote dugo se nije pisalo o igrici... Kapiram da kasnim, no kako god, uzeo sam je za solidnih 5$, sad se instalira i po komentarima vidim da nisam pogresio. Tako da, iskoristite popust dok traje! Jedino mi je krivo sto sam je uzeo sa drugarem, pa multiplayer ne mozemo da gazimo 2vs2, a cak jos nisam uspeo da izguglam ni da li mozemo da igramo 1vs1, mada kapiram da mozemo... Uskoro vise od mene, posle 2 godine bez komentara :D Inace, ima i DLC Enemy Within, verovatno cu i to uzeti, pa cu i o tome da napisem koju rec EDIT 1: Definitivno ne moze da se pegla 2vs2, gazili drugar i ja private game 1vs1, i dobio me oba puta zbog mrtvog ethereal-a ili kako se vec zove... najskuplja glupost koja je prejaka! :D PRevise dmg-a, moze da kontrolise tvog lika, itd itd... stvarno jako cudo... Vec vidim da cu u sledecem gejmu morati da smanjim na 10.000pts za koristicenje, kako nebi mogao da uzme tu glupost :P Salu na stranu ipak mora da se udje u fazon, moracu da vidim neke taktike i fazone na Youtube... za sada je sve odlicno :) Edited June 20, 2014 by lancemi3d Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Posted December 1, 2015 Report Share Posted December 1, 2015 Having just learned how to code in VBA, crruzi thought the best way to practice would be to go and make a video game. So he went and made XCOM. In Excel.It’s not the entire game yet—the tactical battles are working, with the strategic stuff still under construction—but come on, it’s Excel.There’s even a story, with the battles set “between the events of XCOM:EW and XCOM 2, where a group of guerilla fighters try to liberate their city from ADVENT control.”As you can see, aside from the visual downgrade, everything mechanical is present, from inventory management to combat moves.Download na - https://www.reddit.com/r/Xcom/comments/3umiec/i_made_an_xcom_game_in_excel/cxg1ztr Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G!!! Posted December 11, 2015 Report Share Posted December 11, 2015 vidim destrukcija je ubacena ozbiljnija, neki itemi mogu da se pokupe, grafika je zomg... cekam negde feature list, ne bih da spojlujem sebi previse :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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