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LA Noire


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Ok, razmisljao sam se da li ovde ili u Akcionim, ali mi izgleda kao vise avantura a ne samo bezumna akcija.



o igri

face su preterano uradjene, tj mimika.

Ono sto sam pogledao na gejmplejevima, izgleda sasvim pristojno i bar daje neki osecaj "detektivskog". nadam se da je i u igri isto tako i da zadaci/slucajevi nisu neka klasicna americka laganica.

Igra se upravo dl-uje i ima nekih 13tak Gb.





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A jebem mu mater, ja nasao ovo:


nadam se da je ovaj lik u pravu.

When Rockstar Games announced L.A. Noire nearly six years ago, many assumed it would be Grand Theft Auto set in the forties—with all of the rampant mayhem and sociopathic behaviour that implies. As details started leaking out, however, it became clear that L.A. Noire wasn't just going to be another action-oriented sandbox game with a new coat of paint. With an emphasis on solving cases using patience and wits rather than a Tommy Gun, and a revolutionary new facial animation technology powering its cutscenes and interrogations, this period epic looked like it had the potential to break new ground as an investigative mystery. Still, the cynics among us, myself included, assumed that the publisher would ultimately buckle under market pressure and choose to play it safe.

They didn't.

U svakom slucaju, ako nadjem vremena, makar cu da probam. Nisam odavno igrao nista na ovu foru.

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Cudno da nema topica za ovu igru ranije, mislim cak da sam i ja pricao o njoj negde ali nema veze sad

Uglavnom igra je po mom mishljenju odlicna, kejsovi su u krajnju ruku zanimljivi i sve je kao da gledate film neki, i solidno je dugacka igra, tako da obavezno probajte, ima i gomilu DLC-ova do sada izaslih tako da je igra jos veca.

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ja sam malo poceo da igram, i iskreno, smorio sam se

radije bi se izvrnuo i odgledao film, ako su vec smislili toliko dobru pricu

ovako sedenje za tastaturom i minimalno ucestvovanje u igri mi se ne svidja

+ meni barem sve previshe podseca na la confidential i chinatown

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