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Update 30.1.2013.


- Nerfed the Deagle.

- Added a feature to spectate friends games via GOTV.

-In 'Play With Friends,' if a friend is on an official matchmaking server the WATCH option will appear next to their name.

- DM immunity changes:

-Default immunity was raised to 10s.

-Moving cancels immunity.

[ MISC ]

- Fixed dedicated server memory leak.

- Reserved server with connected GOTV spectators will hold reservation after all players disconnected for at least TV delay time to allow spectators to watch the match to the end.

- Added convar sv_hibernate_punt_tv_clients to also punt lingering TV spectators after all players disconnected and at least TV delay time elapsed.

tv_snapshotrate will now correctly adjust client-side rates automatically for smooth spectating experience.

- Added convar tv_relayradio, 0 = off, 1 = relay team radio commands to GOTV (default value = 0).

- Added convar tv_relaytextchat, 0 = off, 1 = relay "say" chat only, 2 = relay "say" and "say_team" chat to GOTV (default value = 1).

- Team kills and team damage is now preserved for players in competitive games across disconnects and reconnects.

- Fixed a regression in naming of tv_autorecord demo files.

kobriceeee 1/4 plssss

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Update 7.2.2013.

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Map Workshop for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Now it’s easy to discover and play new maps and game modes designed by the Counter-Strike community.

With the Map Workshop you can find new maps, vote for favorites and subscribe to any map or game mode that you'd like. Steam will automatically download the map, and update it whenever the author makes a change. Workshop maps can used in quickmatches, private matches through Play With Friends, or even offline with bots.

Map makers can specify a wide range of gameplay-affecting settings. Stick to the standard CS formula, or create a totally new experience for players. Don't worry about trying something new or testing a unique feature because you can update your maps as often as you'd like. Players and servers that have subscribed will automatically get all new updates!

You can learn more about the new Map Workshop here.

Release Notes for 2/7/2013


- Added 'workshop_start_map' command line param to specify which map in a workshop collection for the server to start on. Takes the desired map's file id.

- Password-protected community servers are no longer available for community matchmaking.

- Map name is now correctly reported to master server.

- Added spawn points in cs_assault.

- Convars now get reset to defaults before server.cfg is executed.

- Fixed a dedicated server crash after player disconnection.

- Fixed respawn pop-up showing when you could not respawn in some cases.

- Fixed bug in respawning if team spawn point counts were asymmetrical.

- Fixed prop_dynamic_glow's not getting a final network update.

- Fixed webapi authkey behavior on Linux dedicated servers.

- Fixed layout of player details screen.

Edited by EnzoPoz

kobriceeee 1/4 plssss

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Update 14.2.2013.

* Deagle: increased effective range.

* P250: reduced effective range.

* Glock: increased recoil on burst.

* Added a community dedicated server convar "sv_workshop_allow_other_maps". When this option is enabled and the server is idling empty, it will allow players to reserve it on another workshop map. Server will then download the other workshop map and let players play it, after the map ends the players will mapcycle into workshop collection hosted by the server.

* Added a game setting 'Max Acceptable Matchmaking Ping' to allow users in geographic locations far from official datacenters to find games via matchmaking without using developer's console.

* Servers starting to host a workshop collection will no longer show up as running de_dust.

* Added convar mp_death_drop_c4 that determines whether C4 is droppable.

* Fixed not being able to drop C4 in Demolition mode.

* Added display of public joinable games in maps workshop browser.

* Fixed dead players getting a network update that showed their dead icon position at the position of the player they jumped to spectate right after dying

* Fixed mapcycle problems when the server was playing a map outside of active mapgroup or collection.

* Workshop maps no longer show "workshop" prefix on master server and official maps show "official" instead of map id when played as part of hosted workshop collection.

* Fixed the post processing effects (like blur) persisting through a level change to the new map if the new map does not contain a postprocess_controller entity.

* Fixed some sv convars so they can be executed via map cfg files

* Fixed the regular radar images not showing on the loading screen for workshop/custom maps

* Fixed an interpolation exploit with bogus update rates.

* Fixed a regression where old protobuf demo files failed to play. All protobuf demos should be playable again.

* Maps that are newly subscribed are now highlighted as NEW in the UI.

kobriceeee 1/4 plssss

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Update 20.2.2013.

- Reduced Glock damage.

- Reduced Deagle inaccuracy.

- Reduced Fiveseven and Tec9 prices.

- Added checks to prevent clients from executing workshop concommands.

- GameModes.txt and individual map kv files now get updated and loaded everytime a new map is loaded.

- Newly subscribed maps in workshop map selector are sorted to the start of the list.

- Fixed some cases where workshop maps failed to download.

- Added status indicator to main menu that shows if maps are currently downloading.

- Added convar sv_rcon_whitelist_address, rcon clients failing to auth from the specified IP address will never get banned.

- Fixed Windows GOTV relays crashing when running without Steam client.

- Improved handling of workshop maps on GOTV relays.

- Added support for specifying +tv_enable 1 +tv_relay ip:port on GOTV relay commandline.

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kobriceeee 1/4 plssss

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