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Interaktivna mapa najvećih otkrića i putovanja u istoriji


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When Spain commissioned Ferdinand Magellan to find a westward route to the Spice Islands in 1519, the explorer commanded five ships and 240 men. Six years later, nearly every member of the expedition, including its commander, was dead. When the American writer Jack Kerouac tried in 1951 to find the words to convey his wayward journey through the United States and Mexico, he commanded a typewriter and a massive stash of Benzedrine. After a few weeks, the first draft of On the Road was completed. These are just two of the journeys that have left indelible marks on our collective maps, and are endless sources of fascination. Here is compilation of some of the most famous jaunts of all time-both factual and fictional-that show us how far we've come, and where we might go next.

Imate interaktivnu mapu sa ucrtanim putanjama, izaberete otkriće/putovanje koje vas zanima, i onda sledite dalje priču prateći pritom na mapi sveta kako je putovanje teklo:


Nije baš najdetaljnije moguće, ali je interesantno.

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Imate interaktivnu mapu sa ucrtanim putanjama, izaberete otkriće/putovanje koje vas zanima, i onda sledite dalje priču prateći pritom na mapi sveta kako je putovanje teklo:


Nije baš najdetaljnije moguće, ali je interesantno.

Lepo zamisljeno i odradjeno. Mada, bilo bi jos lepse kada bi za nas radoznale pored spomenutih ruta, ubacili dodatne opcije kojima bi mogli da definisemo zeljene rute ili prilagodimo sebi vec postojece! No to je opet 2 stvar ;) Hvala na linku!

Edited by Professor
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Kako možeš da definišeš rutu putešestvija koje su se već odigrale odavno u istoriji?

lol? Rekao sam da je projekat odradjen do jaja... a nakon toga sam hteo da kazem, da bi bilo dobro da postoji neki slican projekat, na kome bi svako od posetilaca mogao da definise zeljenu rutu a pri tome ima slican prikaz mesta kao sto je to opisano u ovim putesestvijama.. a nakon toga sam rekao da je to ipak 2 stvar tj off topic. Ok, lose sam se izrazio!

Vidiš da smara svuda po forumu

Ne smaram, vec sam bio inactive vise od godinu dana ako izuzmemo deo foruma za SC2...resio sam da iscitam i ostale topike i onda postovao. Ne vidim u cemu je tvoj problem?

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