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Nazalost, ni posle 20 godina microsoft nije uspeo da napravi jednostavan file sharing izmedju umrezenih racunara. Softver je i dalje retardiran i bagovit.

Imam dva racunara. Oba su clan iste homegroup-e. U sharing settings iskljuceno je ono "require users to have an account on this computer to share". Desni klik na folder, klik na share with homegroup (read). Na drugom racunaru se folder i dalje ne vidi. Nazad na prvi racunar, desni klik na folder, klik na properties->sharing. klik na share, klik na advanced sharing, klik na share this folder, permissions -> share with everyone (read). folder se vidi na drugom racunaru. dupli klik - you don't have permissions to see this folder. alt+f4, brojanje do 10. postoji li logika u ovom sistemu?

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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ista stvar mi se desava(neke fajlove vidim , neke ne , a iste opcije stavljene),nemam zivaca da trazim neko resenje , sreca ortak ima prenosivi hard pa uglavnom tako prebacujem sve sta mi treba.

Edited by Cela_

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

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to sam i radio, jer drugacije nisam mogao da pristupim racunaru uopste (iako je namesteno DON'T require user to have an account on this computer..)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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imam ukljucen i treci racunar i kad odem na homegroup od bilo kog racunara, pise no other computers are visible in homegroup, a svi su pristupili istoj grupi i imaju shared files. koji retardizam.

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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prvo probaj ovo: kada sherujes, stavi "share with/specific people" i tu kucaj "Everyone" ako je public share. Ako nije... onda jebiga - user accounts :)

Takodje proveri permije za read i/ili write da bude podesen na "everyone"

Nemoj da sherujes foldere unutar Users\<whatever> foldera, ako taj korisnik ima shifru. Npr: nemoj da sherujes folder sa desktopa ili iz my docs

ako ni to fercera, probaj ovo

  • network & sharing center
  • advanced settings
  • turn off password protected sharing
  • use user accounts & passwords blabla

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pa nem pojma, meni tako radi

2 kompa u mrezi

oba win7 64bit

na tudjem racunaru radi homegroup, ja sam to kod sebe iskljucio

i kod njega i kod mene kad sherujem, sherujem za "everyone", i namestim permisije da budu skladne share-u

u stvari imam samo jedan bag. Na racunaru gde je upaljen homegroup ima jedan share na cijem folderu se permisije non stop resetuju. Mrzi me da resavam tu misteriju jer jako retko koristim taj share.

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prvo probaj ovo: kada sherujes, stavi "share with/specific people" i tu kucaj "Everyone" ako je public share. Ako nije... onda jebiga - user accounts :)

Takodje proveri permije za read i/ili write da bude podesen na "everyone"

Nemoj da sherujes foldere unutar Users\<whatever> foldera, ako taj korisnik ima shifru. Npr: nemoj da sherujes folder sa desktopa ili iz my docs

ako ni to fercera, probaj ovo

  • network & sharing center
  • advanced settings
  • turn off password protected sharing
  • use user accounts & passwords blabla

to je onda klasican sharing - otvoris properties foldera i podesavas sharing permisije - tako mi radi. al to nije homegroup

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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pa to je valjda sellpoint glupave sedmice, desni klik na fajl, homegroup -> share (read)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Mnjah... ja se zapravo utripujem kada me ljudi pitaju za taj homegroup jer ga nikada nisam koristio.

Ja lično u mojoj kućnoj mreži koristim admin share za sve, a za ortake imam jednog user-a kojeg aktiviram po potrebi i uradim share na folderima koji mi trebaju. Onda se oni zakače na share, upišu username i password i sve šljaka.

Dandy [RUR]

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Evo kako to funkcioniše kod mene.

Imam desk i lap koji kačim preko wifi rutera.

Na desku je hostovan homegroup na koji lap ne može da se nakači jer traži neki password samo njemu poznat (probao sam sa menjanjem pw-a homegroup-a, ne radi jednostavno), međutim kompovi se vide ali ne mogu da pristupe jedan drugom.

Potrebno je da uđeš Homegroup > change advanced sharing settings > public tab (iako si verovatno izabrao da ti je tip mreže "home" ipak uđi u ovaj tab) i stavi na "turn off password protected sharing". (bez ovog koraka me je smarao za username i pass). uradiš ovo isto na oba kompa.

Sad ćeš moći da pristupiš "public" folderu drugog računara.

Jedino što ti ostaje je da uradiš sledeće : desni klik na folder koji želiš da shareuješ > sharing tab > advanced sharing > permissions > add > u prozor kucaš "Everyone" > ok i onda izabereš tip kontrole (staviš read recimo).

deluje nebulozno ali kod mene radi :D

Edited by Doca.

Novi forum smrdi



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kao sto sam vec rekao, turn off password protected sharing je vec podeseno :)

a ovo advanced sharing je redovan share koji nema veze sa homegrupom, i tako mi vec sljaka :)

npr kada u exploreru kliknem na homegroup, izbaci mi da ne vidi ni jedan homegroup racunar, iako su jos dva nakacena na istu mrezu/homegrupu

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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ali meni se kompovi uopšte ne vide u homegroupu, nego u kad otvorim my computer sa leve strane imam homegroup koji mi bleji prazan i ispod imam network gde vidim sve kompove koji su u wlanu.

edit, sad vidim da ti šljaka redovan share.

ne kontam onda što smaraš kad ti radi ono što ti treba :D

Edited by Doca.

Novi forum smrdi



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