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Need For Speed Hot Pursuit


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meni su prebacivali sto sam to naveo kao faktor nerdragequitovanja iz igre :)

edit: u stvari prebacivali su mi sto nerdragequitujem i sto sam nerd, nvm

Ma, svi ovde ponekad ragequituju i većinom su nerdovi (na ovaj ili onaj način), ali to što tebe nervira 30ak sekundi animacija (kad se sve lepo skipuje :P) ili nemogućnost da pronađeš spisak komandi, toliko da obrišeš igru nema baš mnogo veze sa kvalitetom igre. :)

Evo, recimo, onaj shw. briše igru ako intro traje duže od 25 sekundi, ili ako između dve sekvence klanja ima više od 4 linije dijaloga. :)

Tako da, samo opušteno.

A sad malo što se Hot Pursuita tiče. Poslednje tri vožnje u kojima sam baš uživao su Underground 2, Most Wanted i Burnout Paradise; Hot Pursuit ima dosta detalja iz sva tri pa mi se generalno dopada, i online modovi su super, ali mi se čini da je kao singleplayer simpatično za trku-dve na svakih par dana i to je to. Što je opet više od bilo koje druge trkačke igre posle Burnout Paradisea.

.: l@w
.: co-founder of kouteki

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Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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nastavio sam malo da vozim ovo

+ gomila automobila

+ ooodličan zvuk motora

+ izbačen sims deo iz igre

- ne mora nigde da se koči

- catchup sistem za protivnike

- ne mora nigde da se koči

- previše šarenila oko staze, nepregledno je

- ne mora nigde da se koči

kul je da obrneš par trka pred spavanje, bar meni. ako izvozam više od tri za redom, počne da me nervira gomila gluposti u gejmpleju. najviše bi mi prijalo da ima neki free roam mod gde vozim kola koja hoću kroz prirodu i ložim se na model i zvuk :D

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Imaš i onaj unlocker za kola iz limited edišna

This tool will unlock Limited Edition content in your new profile savegame for Normal Edition copy.

NOTE: It will ERASE your current savegame.

How to use:

- Copy NFSHP_LE_unlocker.exe to the game folder and run it.

- Choose "Yes" when the game asks about corrupted savegame.

- Wait until the game loads to the main menu. It will quit by itself when your new unlocked savegame is created.

- Use your default shortcut to play the game.



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The Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Limited Edition delivers these exotic whips: Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione, Ford Shelby GT500, Audi TT RS Coupé, Chevrolet Camaro SS, Porsche Cayman S and Dodge Challenger SRT8. The Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione and Ford Shelby GT500 are only available in the Limited Edition – and will not be available at any other time.

For those players who miss the opportunity to pick up the Limited Edition, the Audi TT RS Coupé, Chevrolet Camaro SS, Porsche Cayman S and Dodge Challenger SRT8 can be unlocked by leveling up in the game.

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nfs je posle porsea postao 'wow dad look at this' jurnjava za americke klince bez ikakve veze sa zemaljskom fizikom (popisao sam se, sad idem)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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nfs je posle porsea postao 'wow dad look at this' jurnjava za americke klince bez ikakve veze sa zemaljskom fizikom (popisao sam se, sad idem)

A zato su NFS 2, 3 i 4 bili sofisticirane igre za intelektualce

Igrao sam NFS 2 i 3 do iznemoglosti i fizika je bila kao da voziš bob sanke.

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ali i tad je bar bilo kad udaris u zid malo se prevrnes, pa izgubis vreme. ovde kad udaris u zid samo se odbijes i nastavis dalje. a kad se zakucas frontalno, vratis malo u rikverc i ajmo opet

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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