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Cek stani, kod mene u folderu Naruto Shippuuden oznaceno je ovako: "episode 144 - filers start"

El pricamo o istim filerima, sad da skidam 197mu epizodu or wat ??

Nisu to isti fileri, epizoda 175 je finale borbe Naruto vs Pein. Kada odgledas epizodu 175 onda prelazis na 197.

Fileri na koje ti mislis traju od 144 do 151.

Edited by Herr Flick
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Paradise Kiss

I po imenu i na pocetku sam mislila da je anime sranje, mislim da ga licno ne bih skinula vec mi je ortakinja prebacila. Prvih par epizoda sam bila 'meh, al ajd da mu dam sansu' i anime je u stvari super. Poucna prica

Edit: e da, i jedna od retkih gde su likovi zaista u vezi u toku anime i sprcaju pored tone 'platonskih shemi' 99% animea koje nisu hentai

Edited by Dz



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Keanu Reeves Passes on Akira, Most of Staff Let Go

According to the entertainment news website JoBlo.com, actor Keanu Reeves has passed on playing the role of Kaneda in Warner Bros.' planned live-action adaptation of Katsuhiro Otomo's manga Akira. The Hollywood Reporter trade magazine's Heat Vision blog had reported on May 6 that Warner Bros. was in talks with the actor, although the rival Variety magazine's film editor Josh Dickey downplayed the report.

The website also reported that soon after Reeves turned down the role, Warner Bros. "shut down Akira's [previsualization] department and most of the staff that was working on the film was let go," although the website noted that it was told the two events were not related. Warner Bros. gave the website the following statement:

Production on Akira has not halted or been shut down, as the film has not yet been green-lit and is still very much in the development stage. The exploratory process is crucial to a project of this magnitude, and we will continue to sculpt our approach to making the best possible film.

The website noted that Albert Hughes (Menace II Society, From Hell, The Book of Eli) is still slated to direct the film.

Warner Bros. revealed in 2008 that it would partner with Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way studio to produce the film. In March, an alleged short list of possible cast members, including Justin Timberlake and Robert Pattinson, was posted by movie news site Deadline. While Pattinson himself downplayed the report, Star Trek television actor George Takei promoted petitions against the alleged "white-washing" (casting of only caucasian actors) of the series, whose original characters are Japanese.

Reeves is already attached to produce and star in a live-action adaptation of the Sunrise anime series Cowboy Bebop, although in his most recent comment on the project, he was uncertain whether it would move forward.

Edited by Katsu

Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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Odgledala sam Kimi no todoke.

Tipican shoujou slow-pace anime. Nerealan, likovi su totalno svi kao dobri i nevini i predani tome da pomazu drugima bla bla. Mada u principu jeste simpa i opustajuci. Odgledacu i drugu sezonu kad budem imala slobodnog vremena.



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Ocekivala sam dosta ali nije nesto. Jes kao da treba da prikaze surovu realnost klinaca koji su zavrsili u popravnom domu itd... ali ima previse patetike i pored nekih uzasnih negativaca, svi ostali su kao neverovatno dobri i dali bi glavu za ortaka ... ma da...



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ja nisam gledao nista iz 2010 :)

evo sad gledam Baki The Grappler i gledam posle toga sequel pa posle... pa recimo da nemam pojma :)

moj tip su Sci-Fi, martial-arts, samurais... u sustini sve sto ima nekih vratolomija, magija, jutsua etc :)

a obozavam i anime gde su glavni likovi manji od makovog zrna na pocetku, ali zato tokom serije postaju bog i batina :)

gledao dosta stvari ali u sustini mogu da preporucim Blassriter (i one koje ste vi preporucivali tipa Berserk...) :)

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